#bonus points for that last one if jim and sherlock are both molly's boyfriends
ll-again · 1 year
This might sound weird, but am I the only one who's a little bummed that there weren't many BBC Sherlock people writing Moriarty/Sherlock? I'm prob just biased because I love an Enemies/Lovers scenario, especially when they are both geniuses. Also BBC Moriarty is a fun little guy and I love to read stuff featuring him.
it is cool to be weird you should do that as much as possible
2. 'the narrative foils should kiss' is something every fandom needs more of, there is literally never enough of this
3. one thing you need to understand about me is that i am frothing at the mouth rabid 24/7/365 over the idea that Sherlock and Jim should be put in more SituationsTM, romantic or otherwise. look at this live footage of the sheriarty plotraccoons patting their little raccoon hands all over my braincells:
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Sherlock and Jim had SUCH a good dynamic in the show and then Jim gives it all up to, what, just die? rude! unconscionable. the absolute betrayal. jail for canon for 5000 years!!
i want to see them getting 99s and holding hands after an afternoon of solving a crimes. (did Jim commit the crimes? probably! how else is he supposed to get Sherly to buy him an icecream i ask you)
i want Jim breaking into 221B very drunk and very 'supposed to be dead actually' to inform Sherlock that HE is Sherlock's one true nemesis and this CAM fellow has got to go, and OKAY FINE SHERLY maybe Jim will not just murder his rival for Sherlock's ... uh, rivalry. maybe he will just ruin him financially instead that's more fun anyway hmpf
i want Sherlock's No Good Very Bad Day where he solves a very nasty case but the bad guy is too rich to face the consequences of his actions and Jim rocks up in a stolen car with a suspicious muffled thumping coming from the trunk and says "get in loser, we're going to a secondary location"
(okay i confess i really just want a Jim and Sherlock Leverage-ification where they join forces to run psyops on billionaires it would be SO GOOD)
i want a Sherlock/Jim rivalry that gets so out of hand Mycroft is obliged to head up an international task force consisting of 6 intelligence agencies across 4 countries, IMF, a terrorist organization with whom they have a temporary truce, and a Sebastian Moran Who is Very Tired and Needs an Antacid on a mission that spans two years of absolute failures until Molly Hooper gets fed up and shoves the two idiots geniuses into a supply closet with a bottle of lube and a box of condoms and tells them to get their shit sorted
i just think they deserve all of the shenanigans and -- BBC Sherlock fandom, this is for you -- it's never too late to make more sheriarty content, that's all I'm sayin
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