#boy i get an ask and i'm like 'i will try to be brief (1/499)' i sure do have a lot of thoughts about frog show
clacing · 3 years
What r ur thoughts on amphibia s3 so far!!
I'm really enjoying it!! I usually dislike fillers/one-off adventures in shows 'cause I want to get to the plot already, but Amphibia is genuinely so funny and the characters play off each other so well that I end up loving the episodes no matter what. It's really the highlight of my week.
I'm not too concerned about them wasting time now and then having to rush the ending. s2 was amazing, and by this time last season we hadn't even gotten to Newtopia yet. The first 6-7 episodes of every season are fun and light-hearted and then shit starts to get real around the midseason finale. This is par for the course for Amphibia, which still manages to pack a lot of information in a 20-minute slot. Hell, we pretty much got all of the lore from background details in one episode (The Sleepover To End All Sleepovers/A Day At The Aquarium). We'll be fine.
What I am mildly concerned about - and I know there's a lot of discourse around it - is the show holding back from portraying the full impact of the girls disappearing for five months/Marcy dying/Anne leaving Sasha and Marcy behind in Amphibia for plot convenience. I don’t want Sasha and Marcy to be in every episode (I mean, I do, but I also understand that they’re not main characters) but that doesn’t mean the narrative should refrain from addressing them at all. Even in s1, when it would have been easy to just ignore their existence until they became relevant to the plot, we got bits and pieces of how their friendship with Anne affected her, so it’s very weird to me that they’d start to ignore their existence now, after an episode like True Colors. Even in Anne-Sterminator, when Anne’s recounting all the stuff she hasn’t told her parents about, there’s no mention of Sasha and Marcy still being in Amphibia and her wanting to go back for them or Marcy possibly being dead. But she addressed everything else in a way that feels almost pointed, which makes me hope there’s a reason for it.
Even just focusing on Anne herself - how is her coming home not breaking news? Didn’t her parents call the police when she disappeared? Weren’t there nationwide searches? Why aren’t people hounding her to know where the other two girls are, since they disappeared together? (I have my theories, but that’s for another post.)
I get that some light-hearted fun was needed to soften the blow after True Colors, and that’s why even the repercussions Anne going missing had on her parents are being dealt with little by little, so I can only hope that’s the case here too. I personally would’ve done it differently - dealt with all the elephants in the room right away, instead of every episode feeling weird because of everything that’s going unaddressed amid all the fun shenanigans - but this show has never disappointed me so far and we’re not even halfway through the season yet, so I still expect it to deliver. 
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