#brian young i know you know how to write kinky garbage i still have that delena sex scene where elena claws damon's back off
skloomdumpster · 2 years
when, not if, when Bloom comes back in s3 i don’t want no lukewarm kissy kissy, I don’t want no confession, I want a Bloom who’s profoundly tired and I want a Sky who’s gone through all 5 stages of grief twice over and got stuck in anger and I want us to feel like they’re about to claw each other’s faces out but then it’s tugging at her wrists and making out and pushing Bloom inside a room and I want her powers to be a mess and I want her hands to meet his naked shoulders with a fizzz of burning flesh for a second and Sky gasps in her mouth but does not pull back, I want the desire to be with each other and IN each other to melt my fucking screen 
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