#bro is SO gay for tharkay
waxscoralpants · 3 years
fav Temeraire moments (human edition)
I am wide awake despite having gone to bed and also Karm has now read enough of the books that I can talk about it without spoilers for the most part so here we go
I mean, it’s the most iconic moment right. All that angst at the beginning about having a dragon is resolved and Laurence says “my dear, I would rather have you than any ship in the navy” and we all clutched our hearts and died
I would pay money to read Laurence and Jane’s first meeting from Jane’s perspective. I can only imagine Jane see’s his adorable genteel blustering and thinks about all sorts of ways to make him embarrassed. Legendary FWBs
Laurence meets Tharkay’s high school sweetheart who he is too poor to marry :( but then they go on a secret nighttime mission!
Heartfelt Tharkay/Laurence conversation number one. I just want to know you’re okay, bro, just tell me when you’re running off so I don’t worry, love you bro
Tharkay does tell Laurence he’s leaving and Laurence is like okay :( I will miss you and then later Tharkay comes back with TWENTY DRAGONS and is like uh.... just thought they might help. Like, what, doesn’t he have anything else to do
Catherine tells The Boys that she is with child. Laurence looks around the room and wonders which of their fellow captains she fell into bed with. Ah well. Propriety dictates we will never know. I must suffer this mystery in silence. “Well that sucks, Catherine, whom the fuck’s is it?” immediately pipes in someone else
Same conversation someone eludes to Jane and Laurence’s antics and comments that Jane must be taking precautions. The purpose of several bizarre rituals of Jane’s suddenly becomes clear to Laurence who AGAIN was just too polite to ever ask
Laurence thinks about what he wants in life. And really, being in the Navy did rather suit him. He likes the adventure of serving in the military but also the idea of having a settled home to come back to. And, despite everything, he really does enjoy high society. And Jane is great and brave and interesting and fantastic and Jane, won’t you marry me? Jane laughs and says, well no, my dear, but thank you for asking. Laurence immediately goes and commits treason. 
Tharkay meets Laurence’s high school sweetheart who he is too criminal to marry :( but then they go on a secret nighttime mission!
Tharkay, bemused that Laurence doesn’t understand why Edith’s husband is acting all weird is like, “it’s because you’re the coolest man ever. We’re all either jealous or pining how do you not know this”
Heartfelt Tharkay/Laurence conversation number ? Tharkay: Bro, you don’t have to do terrible things just because nobody respects you anymore. Laurence: :’(
Having assumed none of his friends will ever want to speak with him again, Laurence consoles himself that if Tharkay is willing to sail on the same ship with me for months, he must not absolutely hate me completely and ignores all the ways Tharkay continues to purposefully maneuver himself into Laurence’s life
IDK if this one stood out to anyone else, maybe I was just oblivious, but on said ship it cuts to a scene where the two of them are playing cards and Laurence refers to Tharkay by his first name and I nearly spit out what I was eating because I knew they were friends but not like, friends friends
Tharkay asks Laurence if maybe he wouldn’t be happier being a pirate. It is not clear to Laurence that maybe just maybe Tharkay would join him? Maybe? if it was on offer. No homo
Hammond (I love Hammond) is running from a scary monster and falls to the ground. He hears a deep powerful voice sternly tell the monster to fuck off and looks up. We, the reader, experience the book equivalent of a shot that pans up a character to dramatically reveal their sexy yet intimidating self. Practical boots, worn faded clothing, rough beard, kind blue eyes, tanned skin, calloused hands, a rifle, and a big hat. Hammond takes a moment to realize wait, this is William Laurence. I take a moment to realize wait, William Laurence is hot??????
GRANBY IS GAY, Y’ALL (If you reread the books now, you will catch many moments of Granby and Little walking into scenes together, other characters mentioning they saw them together a moment ago, or passing each other food. I love them)
After months of not remembering anything from the past ten-ish years, Laurence happens across Tharkay and is like “Oh wait, yeah this guy is awesome how could I forget him” and remembers everything
Can’t say anything from the last book! Because Karm hasn’t read it but oof there are some moments. Also I’m leaving out entire amazing characters and all the dragons but there’s just so much! good stuff! in there! 
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