#bro is just like 'well ok julia so what the fuck am i supposed to do with that sweetheart. i thought it was fun honey'
tomcriuse · 2 years
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Oblivion (2013) dir. Joseph Kosinski
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kuchipatchi69 · 8 years
aesthetic themed asks 😎 answer them all 😎
god ham ok
flower crown: when did you last sing to yourself?Today probably? I listen to music when I walk around campus so i kind of sing to myself
fairy lights: if a crystal ball could tell you the truth about anything, what would you want to know?If I will be happy in the future lol
daisies: what is the greatest accomplishment of your life?Actually making it to college
1975: what is the first happy memory that comes to mind, recent or otherwise?Everytime I go home and see my dogs lmao, i love them so much
matte: if you knew that in one year you would die suddenly, would you change anything about the way you are now living?I would do whatever I want tbh, no reason to not have a good time
black nail polish: do you have a bucket list? if so, what are the top three things?uh!god i have no idea, im honestly winging it
pantone: describe a person close to your life in detail.Okay so we’ll do the Big Meme @chesapeakeripperWe’ve been friends for like, over 5 years and though we had a few falling outs, theyre literally my best friend lmao. Short, Salty, yet chill, and always a good time to hangout with. One of the only people I can spend more than a week with probably. Too edgy for their own good but has a compatible aesthetic and music taste. Edgy but loves folk music? A little shady, an asshole, yells at me for dabbing too much but then proceeds to dab or get mad when i dont take advantage of the good time to do it. ALSO the only person who i feel on the same level with rhythm games in general lmao
moodboard: do you feel you had a happy childhood?Oh yeah. My parents were good and I’ve realized how nice ive had it. We aren’t rich or anything but my parents always made sure we were comfortable.
stars: when did you last cry in front of another person?Oh god i dont even know. OH NVM YEAH, I cried in front of my vocal teacher and I feel so much closer to her honestly.
plants: pick a person to stargaze with you and explain why you picked them.Ok not to be gay but ham probably lol I mean? I would feel at peace probably, because I can talk to him about anything and I wouldnt have to feel nervous or anything.
converse: would you ever have a deep conversation with a stranger and open up to them?Oh yeah, I’m an open book and Most new friends reach out to me when im having a rough time so
lace: when was your last 3am conversation with someone, and who were they to you?Either Ham or Cain? Idk it wasnt anything too deep lmaoW Cain we just shit talk or talk about mbmbam? or pkmn cards lets be real. Cain is my bff and ham is a good guy
handwriting: if you were about to die, and you could only say one more sentence to one person, what would you say and to whom?FUCK IDK ID REALLY HAVE TO THINK ABOUT THISI’d probably tell my dad thank you and how much he meant to me
cactus: what is your opinion on brown eyes?Great, I love them
sunrise: pick a quote and describe what it means to you personally.“What” - anyone ever, I connect with it because I never know whats going on ever
oil paints: what would you title the autobiography of your life so far?“I’m out here”
overalls: what would you do with one billion dollars?buy a lot of anime figures and also clothes and pokemon cards
combat boots: are you a very forgiving person? do you like being this way?IT DEPENDS! I can forgive people if I can see how genuine their apology is but if its something really shitty, then probably not lol
winged eyeliner: write a hundred word letter to your twelve year old self.Are you seriousDear newly gay Sydney (I didn't start going by Sid until highschool so),I’m glad you cut your hair off, and I actually want to cut it again. I know you cut it because you were experimenting with gender stuff, which I’m also glad you did. You can stop being so edgy and a weeb? Also stop being so into yaoi it’s Really cringey to look back on (esp bc you wrote mpreg and I’m still not proud of it S M H). I don't really remember Middle School and I’m glad because you were in your scene phase and you tried way too hard, eventually became a compulsive liar and just manipulative overall.I’m a lot gayer and more comfortable now than you are, so try not to be so fake-depressed because the real thing will hit you in a few years and yeah, you’ll want to die but its fine. Everything’s okay. This is supposed to be 200 words but i dont give a shit so heres this.Your more gay, and less uptight self, Sid
pastel: would you describe yourself as more punk or pastel?Oh god, punk, but tired
tattoos: how do you feel about tattoos and piercings? explain.I love tattoos and want to be covered in them, and I love piercings and want love them
piercings: do you wear a lot of makeup? why/why not?idk why this is under piercings but okI do! but I also dont! I dont wear makeup 85% of the time but I have so much makeup and I love to put it on :’)
bands: talk about a song/band/lyric that has affected your life in some way.Y’all.... Fall out boy has literally been there for me through all my years and have been the band I go back and listen to because I didnt share their music with anyone, and It makes me feel like I can go back to before life was so hard
messy bun: the world is listening. pick one sentence you would tell them.“Who gives a shit, my dude” 
cry baby: list the concerts you have been to and talk about how they make you feel.Jonas brothers (lmao)- I dont talk to the people I went with, my first concert, I didnt even plan to go lolFall Out Boy- Literally one of the best nights of my life and I got to spend it with my cousin and I’m so gladTwenty One Pilots- Though i dont really like them anymore, I became better friends with Maizie, who has literally had my heart for so long and I love her so much. I love both her and Jacob and wish I kept up better contact with them
grunge: who in the world would you most like to receive a letter from and what would you want it to say????????????? idk 
space: do you have a desk/workspace and how is it organised/not organised?My desk has: a makeup mirror, some cake, a lamp, pill bottles and anime figures. Its unorganized bc I dont work there
white bed sheets: what is your night time routine?Lay down, turn on MBMBAM, and then play all of the puzzle games I have until I’m out of lives before going to sleep l m a o
old books: what’s one thing you don’t want your parents to know?I went to some guys house one time and he tried to get me to do coke (I didnt do it dont worry)
beaches: if you had to dye your hair how would you dye/style it and why?MY HAIR IS BRIGHT YELLOW RN I WANT IT TO BE CURLY THO
eyes: pick five people to go on an excursion with you. who would you pick and where would you go/what would you do?Cain, Ally, Maizie, Jacob and Julia probably. We could go somewhere spooky
11:11: name three wishes and why you wish for them.To be happy-Idk im not as happy as I want to beTo be wanted- I have a lot of problems with self worth so To be happy w my appearance- Ive been overweight my whole life and I’ve always felt ugly lmao
painting: what is the best halloween costume you have ever put together? if none, make one up.Oh god I have no idea bc I usually just do makeup and go 
lightning: what’s the worst thing you’ve ever done while drunk or high?Drunk text people how sad I am
thunder: what’s one thing you would never do for one million dollars?im not sure tbh
storms: you on only listen to one song for the rest of your life, or only see one person for the rest of your life. which and why?only see one person? Cain probably only bc we get along so well even tho we get on each others nerves lmao
love: have you ever fallen in love? describe what it feels like to realise you’re in love.BRO okay yeah I have, it ended BADLY and a lot of people know the story. Of both the platonic and not. idk tho, its a good feeling to know someone is there for you no matter what
clouds: if you’re a boy, would you ever rock black nail polish? if you’re a girl, would you ever rock really really short hair?yeah, I LOOK like a 12 year old boy but its fine lmao
coffee: what’s your starbucks order, and who would you trust to order for you, if anyone?Iced coffee, 6 pumps of simple syrup and half and half. Green tea smoothie or frap OR salted caramel hot chocolate. My orders are pretty normal so 
marble: what is the most important thing to you in your life right now?God, my friends. They’ve helped me so much and I could not be more thankful because I’m going through such a hard time
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lilacleli · 7 years
“You were red, and you liked me cause i was blue You touched me and suddenly i was a lilac sky”
-Colors by Halsey
It was at midnight when i met her. My party is a blast and everyone is having a great time except me so i decided i needed to go away for a bit and relax myself. I was on my way to my room when i heard my friends arguing about “who’s the richer character”. “I bet you $10 its Batman” Easton said “Okay well i bet on Tony Stark since he owns the good suit” Tristan states while wearing a smug expression. I went pass them and went to my room to chill for a bit and that’s where i see her.
•Lilac• Dear God does this party sucks or what. I wasnt really fond of going out of my room non else going to this party its just that Julia forced me telling me there’s food. Ha. Of course its the only reason why i went out. And of course she was wrong there isnt any food here ugh But oh well im in this decent room now. The only room that doesnt actually smell like booze or smoke or weed and isnt actually “occupied”. The person that owns this room must have shared the same love for comics as me. I mean, holy shit they had lots and some are limited edition but, hey, who on earth fixes their comics like that? Like, wtf? Such precious things shouldnt be placed like that. I MEAN ITS SUPPOSED TO BE IN AN UPRIGHT POSITION IN A STORAGE BOX AND NOT JUST THROWN AWAY AT THE SIDEEEE. And ugh some has grease stains on it ugh poor comics. Poor poor limited edition comics. I wish you were mine. But oh well we cant all have everything we want ha. So i’ll just read you.
-Purple- She was in the middle of reading when he came in. They stared at each other for a bit. His blue eyes met her hazel ones. He was in shock to see someone entering his room. While her, she was eavesdropping to the guys arguing outside.
“Nahh they’re wrong because its actually Black Panther who’s the richest since he owns the island where Varbranium or the shit used in Captain Americas shield is found and hey that shit is really really expensive” I think about it for a bit, getting interested and kind of forgetting she’s in my room “Is that legit?” I asked her. She looked at me with this face that clearly states ‘Do i look like im shitting you?’ “I do know this stuff and if you want, search it but im pretty sure its Black Panther” i contemplated a bit but nodded my head and went out to my friends “No no its not Ironman or Batman idiots because its actually Black Panther since he owns the island where the metal for Captain Americas shield is found and that shit is very expensive. And if you dont believe me search it up.” I said confidently. Theyre looking at me like i grew another head but they took their phones out and searched it and thank God she was right or else ugh. They handed me the $10 while i gave them a smirk and walked away. They’re still gawking when i saw them from my room. I went inside and saw that she’s still there but she was looking at them. “I think you just blew my friends minds” i told her and she just looked at me with a raised brow and chuckled lightly “well its nice sharing knowledge but anyhow i think you got the reward” She said looking at my hand where the money is in. She looked up at me and smiled sweetly “Well hun, be a doll and order us pizza because this party may seem awesome, but it doesnt have food though” She said grimacing. “Hey excuse you but theres food here in MY party” She had that sudden realization kind of facial reaction but she fixes it immediately “well i sure can’t find any and i’ve been here for an hour. Its all booze” rolling her eyes. “Well its a party, i had some chips and a couple of finger foods but hey people doesnt mind much about the food because mostly they came for the free alcohol” i told her as a matter a fact. She rolled her eyes at me and faced the comics back “ugh whatever just order something im hungry” i looked at her challengingly while she just looked up at me and gave me a ‘what?’ expression “Its my money i got from the bet.” “Yeah, but you see you wouldnt have that money if it isnt for me so im sure i have a share there and i know you wont say no to pizza i mean who can? So just make yourself useful and order us one” i gawked at her. Usually girls are too intimidated by me to tell me things to do, so this is new for me. “Oh and i dont like Hawaiian so just please order pepperoni or cheese or whatever just no pineapple and anchovies yuck” She told me after looking up from the comic book. I was gawking at her for a while till she coughed and raised a brow “You okay there pal? Are you high? If not can you understand me?” She asked while moving her fingers infront of my face. I snapped out of it and tried to catch her finger which she moved. I went to get my phone and call the pizza place near my house to order a large pepperoni pizza. After ordering i set my phone down at my bedside table. “It’ll be here in about 10 mins tops” i told her “oh okay, great” she said excitedly while standing up “hey, im gonna go out there for a bit to get drinks, do you want anything?” She asked. “Are you getting any alcohol? Because if not.. i uh actually have a mini fridge near the closet there with water and sodas and stuff” i said while checking my phone for other notifs. She was silent till i looked at her to see her gawking at me and looking at the fridge “wow, just shit you’re living the life bro oh my gosh” i chuckled at her reaction and went to the fridge. “What do you want?” She cleared her throat and pointed at the water bottle. I got her that and took a soda for myself. “Thanks” she said, giving me a small smile. She took a drink and looked back at the comics infront of her ldquo;So we’ve established that this is your party and this is your room so you own these babies right here” She said pointing at the comics “Did you know that you’re shit at packing them? Like how can you just leave these there? They’re limited edition” she said with wide eyes. “Okayyy” i said tilting my head a bit. Curious about what she’s pointing out here. “DUDE these comics are limited edition. That means they’re meant to be taken care of and not left at the side with pizza grease or summat. Its just, i know they’re yours but as a poor comic collector this is such a big crime to me like how can you just do this to these expensive babies??” She rambled. She looks passionate yet laughable because she looks so serious. I cant help but laugh at her. “Why are you laughing??” She asked frantically. “Its just that, you’re really passionate about this” I smirked at her. “Of course i am this is my life i mean i live for this. I love reading and these things are precious to me.” She said while putting a hand at her heart. I cant help but laugh at her again, making her slap my arm. “Shut upppp” she whined. “Did you know there’s a proper way of storing these babies? And if you want i can help you store them! No wait i’ll actually store them for you! Just let me find a box” she stood up to find a box. “I didnt agree yet. What if i just want them scattered there?” I asked her while im still sitting on the floor looking up at her “Well i dont care. My heart wouldn’t be in peace if i left those there so im stacking them properly with or without your permission” One of the guys from outside knocked on my door to tell me the pizzas here. I went out to grab and pay for it. “Wow man what’s with the pizza? And why are you taking it up to your room? Did you finally took a girl up there? Woah bro youre finally getting some action in your own room” Easton laughed with the other guys. “Ugh no, shut the fuck up” I grumbled on the way back to my room. I turned back to the door to see her peaking “Oh you’re backkkk with food” she rushed to get the pizza from me and sat down with it on the floor. “Hey get some napkins please and another bottle of water for me. Thanks” she said while taking one of the pizza. “Ugh its so good, finally im so hungry” she said while devouring the pizza. “I heard what those guys said. Let me just clear it to you that im not here for your own pleasure or here to drink or share a joint with you” she said with an awkward laugh “And if im kind of cockblocking you from anyone i can leave just give me the pizza and let me fix the comics real quick” She said while wiping her hands at the napkin. “No, its fine, and im actually on the way here earlier to chill a bit and im not interested in you, no offence-” she scoffed and rolled her eyes “or in lighting up a joint with you” “ok cool, so i’ll just stack these. Please watch closely so you’ll know how to properly do it because these really needs to be taken care of” she said while stacking the comics in the box. “Ok ok, just stack them and i’ll look” We spent almost an hour stacking them up alphabetically because she insisted since “its better to find what you need when theyre in an alphabetical order” We finished stacking and put the box on the side of my bed. She picked up another slice and sat down beside me. “Why are you here anyways? I mean you’re not here for the free drinks, you’re not also here for the weed, youre also not here to find a hook up and from my observation youre not also here to secretly rob me,so what brings you here to my party?” She looked up at me, pizza still in her hand. “Im here for the food but since this party is lacking of it and i hate drinking, i went to find the quietest place to chill since my cousin, the one who took me here and promised me food is still down there partying or exchanging saliva with her boyfriend” She said looking at her pizza and taking a bite. “Who’s your cousin? And why haven’t i seen you before?” I looked at her curiously. “Oh my cousins name is Julia, she’s a junior while me, im an upcoming sophomore majoring in Early Childhood Education and i just moved here from San Diego” she said while picking some of the pepperoni on the pizza “That’s cool, hope you enjoy it here” i said awkwardly “Are you this awkward with welcoming new people?” She asked with an amused expression. I scoffed “No, its just, i dont know what to say” She laughed a bit and looked straight at me “How bout you comic dude, what year are you?” “Im a junior and i major in Psychology” i told her “That’s cool, hope you enjoy it” She said mocking me. I rolled my eyes at her and looked at her properly. Hazel eyes, long brown hair, long lashes, button nose and heart shaped lips. She’s chubby and small too, wearing an oversized sweater and jeans rolled up at the end, which is a bit cute, to be honest. All in all she’s not that bad but she’s far from my type.“Now comic dude tell me, Who’s your fave superhero?” She asked and it all went down from there. We talked for a bit til she checked her phone and groaned “Ugh Julia is looking for me now. She finally remembered that im in this party too” She said while looking at her phone again “ooohhh and now she’s tired and wants to go home because now she kinda feel bad i spent my first day in LA here. Awhh how sweet” She said sarcastically. “Well at least now she’s thinking of you” i smiled at her “Yeah yeah whatever. Thanks for the pizza, comic dude and also for the company. I think i’ll find her now” She said standing up and brushing the side of her jeans, giving me a small wave. I watched her walk to the door till it occured to me that we dont actually know each other. She’s almost at the door when i called her “Hey wait” she glanced at me. “We’ve been talking all night about stuff and i just realized we dont actually exchanged names” She looked at me and laughed “We didn’t? Gosh my parents would be so disappointed in me, not being well mannered and all” She said while wiping her hands at the end of her sweater. “Well i think mine would be disappointed too so i’ll just start. I’m Greyson or Grey, but some call me JJ for reasons.” I said holding out my hand to her. “Well hi Greyson or Grey that’s sometimes called JJ for reasons. My name is Lilac and im pleased to meet you” she said shaking my hand. “Lilac… that’s a very unique name” “I know” she said with a smug expression.
-Purple- The room is quiet, a bit of music can be heard from outside. Two colors met, waiting to be blend. Grey met Lilac and Lilac met Grey. Their hands intertwined with a promise of a new beginning that despite their difference, holds a colorful future.
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