#brotp: liar. you're one to talk
ben linus for the headcanon meme!
sexuality headcanon: abstain. i can't even begin to parse what's going on with ben. gay man?? maybe??? but he did have a crush on juliet that one time (presumably the writers were setting up something with his dead wife—annie? idk she only existed in the writers' minds—but they forgor 💀 so "you look just like her" could only be about his dead mother, the literal only other important woman in ben's life. i'm not going to unpack all that). i dont think hes ever come close to a romantic relationship. i think he and john locke had an awful sexual encounter in jacob's cabin on december 25 2004
otp: benlocke. nobody is doing it like them. ben manipulates locke until he kills him. and then locke comes back from the dead (or does he?!) and manipulates ben until he kills jacob. and i think that's beautiful
brotp: ben and hurley <3 theyre so sweet... when hurley shares the apollo bar with him augh augh ough.... and then they TAKE CARE OF THE ISLAND TOGETHER... AND HURLEY IS SEMI-IMMORTAL BUT BEN ISN'T.... i can't even talk about it. they're besties. hugo reyes <3
notp: ben and juliet. stay away from her freak. ive never seen anyone ship this though
first headcanon that pops into my head: i think sometimes richard would bring CDs or records back from his trips off the island and share them with alex. so she would be in her room (teenager) listening to nine inch nails or radiohead or something and ben would knock on her door like "hey kiddo what are you listening to" and she would be like "UGH DAD. it's not STRAUSS you wouldn't LIKE IT." and he would be like "yeah you're probably right." and leave. father of the year
favorite line from this character: "i'm a pisces." he is a legend he is the moment he moment he is a liar <3
one way in which I relate to this character: oh i dont relate to him im normal <- lying
thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: LITERALLY EVERYTHING but his crush on juliet is easily his most embarrassing moment. "you're mine" I will kill you. Freak. it was funny when he sent goodwin to his death because he was jealous though
cinnamon roll or problematic fave? hes killed quite a lot of people.
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ochrearia · 1 month
I dont know a lot about your other interests buuuuut maybe your favorite dragon prince character for the character ask thing, if you want? :]
Stares at you with the biggest eyes ever I'm picking RAYLA BECAUSE SHES SO FUCKING DUMB AND I HATE HER BUT NO I DON'T
Favorite Thing About Them: Can I be so damn honest. We share trauma. Like okay not like 1:1 but her parents """died""" when she was young and she had to deal with that. I had to deal with death early too. Not a family member but a friend and her entire family. And like. That's still rather traumatizing for an 8-9 year old kid especially because it was a fucking PLANE CRASH but yeah. Death trauma early on where the person dying had a really fucked up death. Rayla kind of runs away from her problems and so do I. Puts it all on herself and doesn't think that she matters at all so "doing the right thing" gets in the way of staying alive and she's fine with that but doesn't really clock that dying for the cause is going to traumatize someone else. But that's so like... me. I talk about seeing myself in Pico but Rayla steals the similarity contest from him easy. Also elf but like come on DSFDGF Rayla is to blame for my elfsona and my continuous use of pointed ears in my sonas ever since
Least Favorite Thing About Them: Girl you're an asshole. Like I'm sorry she can be a wonderful person but oh my god I am never forgiving her dumbass for doing what she did to Callum in Through The Moon. Dawg. Fucking idiot. I dislike liars man I already got trust issues but this BITCHHHHH she tells Callum they will go find Viren together and then she turns around and leaves in the middle of the night without him and only leaves him a NOTE to wake up to. On his BIRTHDAY BY THE FUCKING WAY ON HIS BIRTHDAY. ARE YOU DUMB??? ARE YOU DUMB. She's gone for 2 years. Girl what the fuck that's your boyfriend. Or you know was lol what is your issue. Like I know, you've got trauma and you believed that you were protecting him by going alone so he wasn't in danger but hoLY SHIT YOU DID SO MUCH MORE DAMAGE TO HIM THAT WAY. Christ. You would think that him jumping off the Storm Spire to catch you and save you from a splat death would tell you his damn dedication to you Rayla. Rayla. Look me in the eyes Rayla you cannot keep thinking in this mentality. I fully understand the idea that you think leaving someone would save them because I've considered that too but NO!!!! NO GET A GRIP OHUHUH I HATE YOU FOR DOING THAT RAYLA
Favorite Line: "Callum, you may be a dummy but you're not a fool!" ("Am I supposed to feel flattered about this?") Rayla is the reason "dummy" is in my vocabulary. Like dummy but in an affectionate way because that's the only context she uses it and it's always with Callum.
brOTP: Rayla and Soren <3 Rayla being the completely fucking done with this bitch adopted sister and Soren being his normal stupid himbo ass self. I love Soren ??? But like that's for another day to talk about
OTP: Rayllum, lmao, because I am in fact basic as fuck and am shipping the thing the show is handing to me. Honestly though pre-season 4 I was lowkey fucking with Claudia and Rayla in fandom context bc realistically they would. Never. Rayla would hate her ass. And its not elf-human racism because Claudia's dating Terry it's just Rayla would HATE HERRR
nOTP: Man I don't even wanna talk about it I've seen some weird shit but I genuinely think I have seen at least one instance of Viren x Rayla and absolutely the FUCK not. But I guess for one that's not just weird as fuck Soren x Rayla because they're not romantic to me in any context ever sorry to the people that do consider it though
Random Headcanon: Hitting this fucker with the bigender beam I do NOT care. She's bigender and uses she/he pronouns like me because I SAID SO
Unpopular Opinion: sighs... I'm no Callum guys. I think she deserved to suffer in the consequences of her actions more. 2 years with nothing but a note and a broken promise. Callum's stronger than me dude like I get it you love her and I like love but god that would break my trust for way longer. They never even really talked about it either. He just kinda forgave her after awhile. And yeah Rayla throughout the seasons shows that she knows it's on her but I THINK SHE DESERVED TO GET YELLED AT AT LEAST ONE TIME OKAY
Song I Associate With Them: Mama's Gun by Glass Animals and I am going to REFUSE to explain why because it's a years old thing and I'm not changing it. But just. Yeah that one
Favorite Picture Of Them: I could be mean and say the one where she's staring at the metal flowers in Ethari's pond and obviously about to cry but I won't. I'll be nice.
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My current one methinks. She's pretty :] Shakes her by the shoulders I wanna loOK LIKE YOU
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