#brought to you by the world's foremost robseymour enjoyer
hellooooo i am making another suddenly seymour pro footage post because i’m going insane and i really wanted to highlight a specific acting choice they’re making which is also underlined by the way the video is edited!
so near the end when they’re progressing towards the eventual kiss, i noticed that audrey is always the one to initiate each progressive moment of intimacy, and seymour waits for this before advancing even though he’s obviously eager. it’s so quick (because this is all happening in the last few measures of the song in the last chorus) so i only noticed it after a couple watches. (probably more than a couple tbh)
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like we see this shot first with audrey reaching out her hand to him, when she responds “with sweet understanding” and even though he’s already moving stage right this is what spurs him to take her hand
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also it’s a little hard to see because of the editing but she’s the one that pulls him closer to her
and then here:
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he waits for her to put her hands on his shoulders before he puts his hands on her waist!
like!! i just think this is so so so important because it plainly, beautifully demonstrates the difference between orin and seymour! orin never waited for consent, and he was abusive. lena hall’s and rob mcclure’s choices and their gestures drive home the very last bit of dialogue spoken by seymour before he starts singing, during the lead-in to the song: “you know what i saw? a girl i respected. and still do.” 
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