#bruh they really couldn't have given the last characters left a route... this is some bullshit 😒
maladaptivedaydreamsx · 2 years
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good thing i was already wearing all black bc this is officially a day of mourning now....
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mythicamagic · 2 years
i totally agree on the key maiden plot being bs!! it absolutely ruined dante's route for me :/
now i'm wondering about your opinion on orlok? bc i personally couldn't really see how his route was supposed to be romantic. and oh man that bad end left an impression... but i also found the good end unsettling, somehow.
anyways, have a good day/ night <3
I feel bad for Orlok as a character, I think if the writing for him was better he could’ve been okay, but as it is he got the shaft a lot. They made him very sympathetic, what with his backstory and upbringing, but his father is never held accountable and is even kinda framed as a good guy? No thanks bruh, because of you, Orlok thinks it's okay to go through life eating only bread and drinking water - basically having crumbs for life. Boy is malnourished on both love and food. Mostly I just want nice things for him but I did personally find him a bit boring. He’s not as bad as the Falzones though, its just that cinnamon rolls aren’t my thing. And as a love interest? Gonna pass on that. Orlok felt like one of Lili’s missing children from the church orphanage. He just fits right in:
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She read him bedtime stories and tucked him in FFS, their whole deal was very mothering.  I have some issues with how Orlok sees Lili too, as if she’s some sort of flawless creature from the heavens. He’s not as bad as Henri on the judgey mc judgerson scale- the latter basically shaming Lili in the Finale whenever he sees her for hanging out with the Mafia (something she can't really help.) Still though Orlok said some stuff in the game that’s very…virtue guarding that I don’t vibe with. 
 Liliana is also extremely unlikable in Orlok’s route, as with most MCs she changes a bit based on who she’s with. Lili in Orloks route doubles down on the religious aspect of her character and is hella judgy. She calls the Lao Shu Heathens, much like how Orlok calls Yang the Devil (lol) and while yes, they’re not good people- I think them not believing in God should be the last thing on your priority list to point them out as ‘bad guys.’ Also the whole Luka thing was awful. Dying orphan is dying but OH WE MUST BAPTISE HIM. Yes because that’s what’s most important here.
While I’m here and on a rant, let me just say - I don’t like the portrayal of any of the mafia bosses in Orloks route too. It feels like a different writer handled them. Some people complain about Dante being OOC but I have less of a problem with him here, it tracks that he’d go unstable. Dude is very fragile and weak without Nicola and the memory of his dad’s killer getting unlocked makes him snap- reasons are given for it that we can follow.
Gil and Yang though? Nah they got screwed over here.
Gilbert in every other route is pretty amiable to the public. He’ll kill the innocent without hesitation but only if the circumstances call for it (i.e: Lili being Yang’s woman makes it okay for Gil to shoot her/ the boat incident where he sinks the ship and kills the human trafficking victims) Otherwise though, he’s a ‘for the people’ guy. He didn’t get his leadership through heritage (Dante) or by being strong (Yang) he got it because of his people skills, his charisma. In his route, he’s clearly got some interest in what’s going on with Lili but he protects her and takes in Luka largely because he cares about the citizens. What does he do in Orlok’s route? Well fuck all that stuff, Lili and Orlok interrupted his business deal!!! …Because they were fleeing for their lives from the Falzones and the Falzone’s were shooting loudly! So it’s all Orlok’s fault Gil's deal went south and now Gil must kill him! 
Yeah that…makes sense. 
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With Yang, I think a lot of people won’t notice how different his writing is. They’ll dismiss him as ‘well he’s Yang, he’s crazy.’ True, but Yang has certain things that make him tick. In his route and others, its established he values survival. He will do anything to get entertainment yes, but also survive- because he wants to keep playing. He wants to have fun. Yang specifically values Wisdom in his route, because wisdom = survival. He likes it when Lili cleverly fights back to survive. What does Yang do in Orlok’s route? He sets up this plan for everyone to chase Orlok and try to kill him, just because, and then fights Orlok- while saying:
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Like wow. Way to miss the point of his character. He’s also very a cartoony villain here.
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Seriously who tf is this guy. Why the hell would Yang care about that. 
I won’t touch on Orloks bad end because there's not much to say. It's your standard 'lets now horrifically torture these characters.' I hear some of the bad ends in 1926 go in that direction too.
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