#btw the edits made to eggman's page after frontiers hurt my soul
beevean · 5 months
TV Tropes looks at a villain: "Everyone prefers them as a hero". TV Tropes looks at a hero: "Everyone prefers them as a villain".
I don't even know how to call it. I would make a joke about the site falling into the exact same Draco in Leather Pants/Ron the Death Eater trap it denounces, but it doesn't feel like it.
Canon: Eggman is a egotistical bastard who only cares about himself and lording his superiority over everyone else. Dude's willing to commit all sorts of atrocities to get his way, from defacing ancient ruins to using a moon-shattering laser as a warning. He cares for nothing other than furthering his goals of dominations, and that is why he has to be stopped.
TvTropes: Nuh-uh, he's actually more nuanced than we believe! It's just that SEGA is stupid and wasted his potential!
Connected with Sonic's potential origins are Dr. Eggman's motivations. Sonic Adventure 2 and Shadow the Hedgehog hinted that he had deeper motivations towards villainy with how much he looked up to his grandfather and that his motive for conquering the world was to overthrow the corrupt governments who destroyed his family. But any implication of motivation has been largely thrown away for the initial portrayal of "mad scientist who tries to conquer the world just because of his ego", which many fans feel makes Eggman a much less interesting character than he could potentially be.
(I would like to know where in SA2 it hints at him wanting to avenge Gerald.)
Canon: Isaac is a murderous, petty, vengeful bastard, but he has good reasons to be so. His tale is tragic, and he has lived an unlucky life, although it doesn't justify his sadism. He's also more cunning than his appearance would lead you to believe.
TvTropes. Nuh-uh, he's nothing more than a meat puppet! No personality and no agency at all! Totally wasted character, thankfully the show fixed him by giving him real depth (by turning him into a completely different character)!
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Is this on purpose? Just to spite me personally? help
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