#buggy thinks of mihawk as their father's biological goth son who wants their immediate death which is kinda true
softesttangerines · 8 months
Ok, idc how wrong of a theory it is that Rayleigh is Mihawk's dad but i'm obsessed with the fact that Mihawk probably didnt get to see much of his dad while growing up because of his pirate life.
And on the rare occasions when he gets to see him, he's constantly sulky because Rayleigh keeps talking about these two other kids that he adopted with his captain and how "You would totally love Shanks and Buggy, Hawks. They are trouble makers but i'm sure you would get along!"
And Mihawk isn't so sure he would love the kids that stole his dad from him so he just humphs his way out of the conversation everytime. He did ask his dad to take him with him on his adventures since it's kids safe (he's bound to think that when there are two kids, younger than him, parading on the ship) but Rayleigh always refuses because he wants his son to live away from piracy, an honest and safe life.
(Except, joke's on him. Mihawk had his rebellion phase and said fuck you, dad! Discovered his obsession with swords and went on his own adventures.)
Fastforward, post Roger's execution, Mihawk meets Shanks for the first time and the bitter feelings he had from his childhood resurface and he's full on grudge and salty so he challenges him to a duel to kick his ass. Except, to his surprise, Shanks is actually a decent opponent and instead of wanting to kick his ass, he relishes in the fact that he finally found someone that keeps up with him, so he keeps coming back asking for more duels.
On the other hand, Shanks sees this dark haired guy with magnificent yellow eyes and he knows him, he knows him from his bounty posters and because Rayleigh has spoken few times when he cameback to the crew from his short family visits about his stubborn son, and he wonders if Mihawk knows him or if the guy just randomly challenges people with no regard to his life.
Obviously, to no one's surprise he falls in love mid fight, with the sassy quips (now he confirmed that Mihawk does in fact know him and he does seem angry about something) the audacity to roll his eyes in the middle of a fight and he's absolutely breathtaking with a sword in his hands. Shanks wants to impress him no matter what since this guy seems to genuinely be onto the fight and ignoring his flirty comments. He figured he did impress him a bit, if the way that Mihawk said they'd meet soon again is anything to go by.
Mihawk took an immediate like to Buggy when he met him but he refuses to admit it to anyone ever, especially not the clown himself but he does enjoy teasing Shanks that Buggy was much easier to "tolerate" first, just to get a raise out of him.
Rayleigh is totally against two of his boys dating each other but Mihawk keeps telling him off ("You were barely ever here for me as a dad, you don't get to boss me around!") and Shanks is too busy being heart eyes to listen to any word coming from the man. At the end, he just ends up giving both of them the shovel talk.
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