#bunny hybrids on the dash and the first thing my brain does is go to Megs……
randomwoohoo · 6 years
Judy: Previously on Zoomorphia
Nick: Judy survived the bull Savage attack. Hooray!! Thank Mr. Big for his kind help~
Judy: Luckily, he is one of a few mammals who know the truth of Hybrid.
Nick: Not to mention he’s a mafia boss with more than enough personal medical supplies. That’s icing on the cake!
Judy: But that Bolt the silver wolf then showed up and played havoc. He wanted our MidniDrivers for some reasons.
Nick: What would happen next? Let’s find out in this chapter, chapter 16!
Judy: Actually, it’s chapter 17, Nick.
Nick: Wait? Did I miss one whole chapter?
Judy: No, it’s just that the last chapter was a flashback-
Nick: Or we have like a secret chapter that is too ‘spicy’ to be published publicly?
Judy: There’s no such thing!
Nick: Yet
Judy: Nick!!
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A penumbral lunar eclipse cast a light upon a snow covered front yard of a luxurious house in the icy Easternmost district.
“Judy… We should use my body to transform...” Nick suggested while he together with Judy as Hybrid Police form was at a disadvantage fighting against Bolt the silver wolf.
After she reminisced about the night she and her partner first transformed into the armored hybrid mammal, “No! It’s too risky.” she objected to the idea.
Although Hybrid’s form which required Nick’s body was undoubtedly powerful, capable of putting an end to four Savages even when they were inexperienced, it was likely that the duo would lose control and go berserk.
They cannot let anyone fall to the same fate as Professor Woolworth the ram, who was still in a coma after risking his life to detransform them at that night.
However, she was fully aware that they cannot gave in to Bolt either. If they did, the wolf would continued taking justice into his own paws. No one would stop him from going on a killing spree.
Not pressuring Judy to come up with a solution, Nick knew well that Judy was beating her brains out figuring out how to overcome their opponent. Nick himself was thinking hard too.
Both thought back to past fights in order to analyze them. They lost to Bolt even though Hybrid possessed greater strength than him due to the fact that they were unable to catch up with his extraordinary speed.
Judy looked back further, eventually recalling the first time they met the silver wolf. At that time, he came to rescue them from mid-sized macropodine Savages on the downtown elementary school’s courtyard after Hybrid Archer form’s monitor detected something…
The monitor detected… She reflected.
“I’ve got one idea but it’s a long shot.” She said.
Nick somehow could hear her thought loud and clear, thereby being able to guess what idea she had in mind. “Worth trying” He responded.
While the armored mammal in Police form, dropping the pistol in the left paw, was struggling to rise and hold the handle tightly, “Ain’t you giving up yet?” Bolt asked the united duo.
“Sorry… but I dunno when to quit” Judy twisted the handle forth twice. “FORM SHIFT-ARCHER”
MidniDriver and gaps of the suit of armor simultaneously emitted purple fog spreading over Hybrid and the nearby area on the front yard with snow. The thick mist, hiding the armored mammal, obscured Bolt’s view.
Suddenly, an arrow pierced the fog.
“Accel!” Bolt, accelerating his system, dodged the high-speed arrow, fired from lower angle, in the nick of time.
Immediately following that, “ACTIVATE” Bolt heard the robotic voice before the bio-armored mammal in green leather tunic, hood with red feather, and charcoal mark on face that resembles eye mask, Hybrid Archer form, dashed close to the wolf’s side with a bow in the left paw and a gladius sword in the right paw.
“Double accel!” Increasing his acceleration, the silver wolf moved away from the swung blade.
Bolt flashed around, which made the purple thick mist fade away, allowing Mr. Big the old shrew and his polar bear henchmen see the situation clearly again.
They found out that the silver wolf was briskly circling the armored mammal with doe figure and fox characteristics in the hooded tunic.
Afterwards, Hybrid stabbed the sword into the ground, then moved the right paw to grip the maroon handle of MidniDriver before twisting it. “CRITICAL BREAK”
Next, Hybrid, right palm glowing, drew the sword up. When the armored mammal got the paw on the sword’s grip, a glow was transferred to the blade.
The silver wolf later tried seizing the smaller flamingo red animal from behind. Hybrid whose monitor tracked motion of the mechanical mammal spun to swing the glowing sword at him.
He therefore went backwards like lightning to avoid the attack, then ran in curve to backside of the armored mammal.
After that, the monitor of Archer form started to calculate the wolf’s movement while Hybrid was drawing the bow.
Nick turned the armored mammal back before he discharged the glowing sword an arrow at the silver wolf.
It flew like the wind towards Bolt. “Oh scrap! Triple-” Unable to activate the greater acceleration in time, he got penetrated by the sharp blade in one of his thighs. As a result, he, losing his balance, fell on the ground.
Although this Archer form’s finishing move was not the strongest among all of forms’ finishers, it was indeed the fastest the duo had and fortunately, it was fast enough to win this fight.
“Looks like the tables have turned.” Nick said to Bolt as Hybrid’s weapons vanished into thin air, the sword stuck in his leg disappearing.
The armored mammal proceeded towards the lying down silver wolf who had few electric sparks coming out from a damage on his thigh.
“Bolt, if that’s really your name, you’re under arrest for multiple murders.” Judy stated in stern tone.
“Bolt!” Mittens bawled to him on their private wireless communication. “Your leg received too much damage! Retreat! Right now!”
“Are you sure that laws apply to machine?” He asked Judy in a humorous manner and then disappeared. The mammals in the area were surprised at first. Eventually, the united duo noticed a trail of footprints on the snow.
“He escaped huh?” Nick assumed that Bolt used his extraordinary speed to run away.
“That’d the case.” Judy replied.
The bow gradually disappearing, Hybrid shifted the left paw to pull the syringe in order to detransform. After the armor, discharging purple steam, was gone and Judy changed back to normal, Mr. Big’s henchmen rejoiced at the duo’s victory.
Subsequently, the doe rabbit fell over in the snow, so the polar bears stopped cheering. Some of them rushed to help her.
“Please let me take a little break.” She said tiredly before falling asleep.
Mr. Big the old shrew on the paw of his most trusted henchman sighed relievedly, then turned to the red fox who had just woken up in the bear’s arm. “Incidentally, Nicky, have you put on weight?” He became aware of the fox’s bloated tummy not long ago.
“Your house’s so icy I’d love to hibernate.” He joked wearily, pushing the syringe to inject the blood.
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The next day, Judy believed headstrongly that she should go to work. However, Clawhauser insisted that both she and Nick had better take another day off. He had got them covered. Besides, Mr. Big’s family was more than glad to have the doe and the tod as guests.
Luckily, there was no Savage terrorizing Zootopia city on that day. Judy accordingly had some proper rest while Nick could have free time to lose excess weight.
The day after,
“Y’know. I wouldn’t mind you being portly.” The doe was ambling across a parking lot.
“Admit it~ I’m irresistible~” The red fox in a neat navy blue police uniform, Senior officer Wilde, was prancing next to the grey European bunny, Senior officer Hopps, on their way to ZPD headquarters. He showed his slender waist off.
“Well, good thing we don’t have to get you a larger-sized uniform.” She responded.
When other officers perceived that both of them made an entrance into the station, they came to tease them. It seemed that Clawhauser reported that Senior officer Hopps was still sick, so Senior officer Wilde took another day off to look after his partner.
Later that day, Jasmine Fangmeyer the bengal tigress SCU agent, dressed in a green V-neck T-shirt with SCU logo, visited her old workplace, the station. She used the opportunity to catch up with some of her old co-workers, Judy, Nick and Jackson Rajah the bengal tiger officer, in a break room.
“By the way, thank you again, Jacky, for your help the other day.” Sitting at the head of the table with a smile on her face, Jasmine thanked Rajah, who took a seat at one side of a rectangle table near the corner.
“N-No problem.” He stammered, getting a little bit embarrassed. “A-And please don’t call me like that again. You haven’t called me ‘Jacky’ since-”
“Since middle school graduation! Time sure flies.” She nudged the turning-pink tiger officer.
“You look quite lively today, Fangmeyer. Did something good happen?” Nick, leaning against a backrest, sat on the same side with Judy opposite to Rajah.
“Nothing gets past you huh?” Jasmine rubbed her flushing neck while the male tiger was observing her body language.
She then started telling a story. “Do you remember the time I went undercover for the investigation and the total stranger saved me from some thugs?”
Nick and judy nodded their heads as a response.
Jasmine therefore continued. “Back then all I knew was that guy name is Al cuz those thugs called him like that but the point is… a few days ago, I chanced on him again and discovered that he’s a hustler.”
“I followed him to find that he gave stolen loaves of bread to poor kits and pups in a slum. That’s why I just gave him a warning and a pass.” She said further.
“Does he happen to be an arabian leopard?” Nick recollected the hustler whose nickname is Al.
“Yes! He is!” Jasmine confirmed.
“You know him?” Judy asked her partner.
“I know everyone~ His name is Allan Bubba.” Nick said the leopard hustler’s name to boastfully prove that he really knew him.
Subsequently, the bunny officer paid attention to the blushing tigress agent bowing her head as if... “Hang on! Do you have a crush on him!?” She unintentionally blurted a question out.
“Don’t judge me!!” Jasmine shouted out of embarrassment. “You even have feelings for an ex-con-artist fox!” She accidentally let what many of their co-workers believed slip.
“What are you talking about?” Judy seriously had no clue what Jasmine meant.
The tigress speedily covered her mouth with both paws, just remembering that the doe had not realized it yet, as the tod brought his right paw to his face.
“Let me guess. You wanna know this ‘Al’ guy better, right?” Nick peeped at Jasmine through gaps between his fingers of the paw covering his face.
“You saw through me, didn’t ya?” She smiled sheepishly.
“Based on you information, I suppose the leopard you’re referring to must be Bubba but I need to at least see a picture of him to be sure.” He moved both paws to over his head.
Rajah, who sat at the table with Jasmine and the duo from the beginning, smiled with sorrow-filled eyes. “I’ve just recalled that I have to do some checking on the missing mammal cases. Later mates.” He made an excuse to leave the room.
“Wait for me!” Judy hopped off the chair and followed Rajah out of the break room.
Once her doe rabbit friend was not there, the tigress used the opportunity to change the subject. “Wilde, be honest with me. Are you really okay with this?”
“What do you mean?” Although Nick vaguely knew what Jasmine was talking about, he would rather beat around the bush.
“I mean this whole Jude not aware of feelings for you thing...” She clarified.
“You two get along so well! And think about how kindly she treats you! Truth be told, despite appearing generous, most of us, including me, were skeptical of you at first. Your partner was the one who convinced us that you are trustworthy.”
“even though I’m a fox.”
Jasmine was taken aback by Nick’s words because he really hit the nail on the head.
“But hey, we live in the world where a bunny can be such an amazing cop. Anything’s possible at this point~” He cracked a joke to light up the mood.
“Yeah…” She laughed awkwardly before she composed herself. “The issue here is… don’t you like like Jude?”
“I... do”
“Are there any downsides of being with her or are you not into interspecies relationship?”
“Or actually, you’re not into females?”
“That’s not the case.”
“So what’s holding you back from going out with her!? What if somebody decides to ask her out before you do??”
“I think that’ll be all for the best.”
The tigress got shocked by the tod’s reply. After a few moments pause, he explained. “Assuming that we’re in a relationship, I will eventually bring her down… No doubt.”
Nick put on a smile, an empty smile, while Jasmine fell silent, not knowing what to say.
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Following that the bengal tiger and the grey rabbit left the break room, she led him to a rooftop of the station to have a private conversation with him.
“I’m gonna be frank with you. You’re in love with Jasmine, aren’t you?” Judy initiated a heart-to-heart talk.
“How did you know?” The surprised tiger responded to a question with another question.
“It’s obvious. Anyway, why don’t you make any moves?”
“Well, Fangmeyer is my friend and I’m indebted to her… I don’t wanna ruin our friendship.”
Despite her curiosity, Judy did not want to go in-depth into the story behind Rajah being in Jasmine’s debt. Consequently, she chose to stick to the main subject.
“You should at the very least tell her how you feel. No need to be flashy, just tell her.”
“But she’s already have a crush-”
“Even so, do you intend to hide your true feelings forever? You know how Jasmine is as a mammal. If it turns out she doesn’t feel the same way after you confess your love to her, she wouldn’t cut you off, right? Keeping bottling up your feelings may lead you to regret it later.”
“Thank you, Hopps. I’ll keep that in mind.” Rajah genuinely appreciated Judy’s benevolent advice; hence, he would like to return the favor. “Anyhow, when are you going to get together with Wilde? Or are you waiting for him to take action first?”
“What!?” Judy exclaimed. “Nick and I are just friends! What makes you jump to that conclusion!?”
“To be honest, it’s quite obvious. You spend an awful lot of time with each other both on and off shift. There’s serious chemistry between you two.” He replied.
“Because Nick and I are such good friends and partners, plus the chemistry thing is just we get along well, that’s all.” She explained earnestly.
“You even do things together at his place.”
“That...” Judy tried to think up an argument.
“Second evidence, you both are beyond close. Third evidence, you clearly care for each other so much. Fourth evidence, you can comfortably be next to one another in silence. Fifth evidence-”
“OK! OK! You proved your point...” She stopped him listing proofs.
Nevertheless, what Rajah the bengal tiger said got her thinking. Come to think of it, I really don’t spend much free time with other male mammals except Nick. We crash with each other every now and then. What’s more, I don’t mind getting physically close to him…
I enjoy Nick’s company… I wanna be with him… Wait… Why do all of these sound like a relationship? That was the moment Judy realized her feelings for her partner, her friend. “Oh my tod, am I in relationship with Nick without knowing it?”
The realization hit her hard.
“You said ‘my tod’ as an exclamation or a claim for ownership?” Rajah wondered.
“Both” She accidentally answered without thinking before realizing what she had just said. “I mean the latter. I mean as a claim! I mean! As the exclaimation!” She had a rough time regaining her composure, wishing for something or someone to take her out of this awkward situation.
Shortly afterwards, her wish came true. Rajah got a call from Jasmine that there was a report on Savages’ attack in the north-west of Downtown. She accordingly phoned him to let him know that she had to leave the station.
Judy considered contacting Nick in order to go together to deal with the Savages as Hybrid but the only problem was that just thinking about him made her heart skip a beat.
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After Jasmine left to do her job, Nick pondered whether he should tell Judy about Savages’ attack or not. When he thought back to the previous encounter with the bull Savage, he believed that I would be better to keep her out of this. His phone then rang once, interrupting his , so he brought it out to check the notifications.
“I should see this coming.” He saw a text from Judy. She told him that they would head down to the scene as soon as possible.
When they met up the lobby, “Take me with you guys” Clawhauser showed up.
Judy got concerned. “But this is-”
“Dangerous, I know. In case anything happened, I’ll be there to protect Nick’s unconscious body.” He convinced the duo.
They consequently let the chubby cheetah officer accompany them to the north-western part of Savanna Central.
Meanwhile, SCU agents were handling problems associated with three Savages, a purple caprid, a purple maned lion and a purple wolverine. They would not dare shoot guns in a crowded public place. The risk of civilians getting shot by accident was too high. Accordingly, their priority at that time was to evacuate civilians in the area in the shortest possible time.
“Report the status of an evacuation!” Maximus the white stallion, the SCU team leader, yelled.
However, the horse was confused by the fact that these monsters only either did minor physical harms to mammals or snarled at them. He wondered why they did not charge at the mammals.
Once Nick, Judy and Clawhauser finally reached the scene, the Savages made a move, going towards a commercial area. Hence, the mammals in the area moved away scaredly to let the monsters get through.
A panther, one of the agents, made an attempt to shoot the purple beasts. Unfortunately, they dodged the shots, so the bullets hit a tall lamp post, which greatly startled several civilians.
“Stop freaking firing!” Maximus ordered angrily.
The duo and Clawhauser hurriedly went by an indirect route to catch up with the running monsters.
Judy put MidniDriver, the black morpher, on her waist while rushing through a deserted alleyway. Close behind her, Nick looked at his morpher in his paw hesitantly before wearing it and “DRAW BLOOD” transferring a dose of his blood to the other device.
After “INJECT” She injected his blood into herself, the panting cheetah caught the fainting fox, preventing him from falling to the ground.
Next, she twisted the handle once “IGNITE” to transform. Following the purple mist explosion, the flamingo red armored mammal mixed between a rabbit and a fox, Hybrid Hustler form, charged out of the boiling hot fog.
When the united duo turned around the corner, “It looks like our target took the bait.” they heard a male fruity voice coming from the silver chrome wolf with a black bar over his eyes, solar panels on both chest and shoulders, and two thunderbolt stripes on abdomen.
He was standing relaxedly, surrounded by three Savages in a wide blind alley.
“Good as new” Bolt the silver wolf showed his repaired thigh to the united duo.
Despite the past conflicts between the wolf and them, the duo especially Judy could not sit by and let him be attacked by the monsters. The united duo therefore launched Hybrid with a purpose of saving him.
Without warning, Bolt leapt forward, then threw a left hook at Hybrid. The united duo did not expect the punch, so they almost did not block Bolt’s left glowing fist with the right arm in time.
Consequently, Hybrid flew quickly to the side and landed on the ground with the shaking right arm. It seemed the wolf added some electricity to his attack, messing nerves in the right arm.
“What’s going on here!? What’s with those Savages!?” Judy got dazed.
“I don’t wanna brag but...” Bolt bopped his left palm repeatedly. “Are you impressed in my friend’s works. Mam, she hacked into their control systems and now, they follow every single order- Ow! Keep your voice down pretty please...” He covered his ears although it did not help since Mittens shouted through wireless communication system that is directly connected to him. She told him to focus on the task.
The duo did not notice at the first glance because most mammals could barely recognize the purple creatures but this purple maned lion reminded them of the time they helped Bolt to stop the purple lion before he did something to it.
Control? Nick and Judy doubted.
“Let’s cut to the chase. Give me your drivers or else...” He threatened them.
Both thought that if they did beat him once, they could pull it off again; thus, they moved the left paw to hold the handle, intending to change into Archer form.
Suddenly, the purple caprid crashed into Hybrid, making the armored mammal fall.
“Go get ‘em, boys.” Bolt said.
Right after his simple order, the lion Savage and the wolverine Savage charged at the armored mammal.
The united duo got up hastily. Thanks to rapid healing, Hybrid was able to use both arms to deal with the Savages.
Meanwhile, Bolt merely stood there, observing the fight, as Clawhauser, holding the unconscious fox body in his arms, peeked around the corner.
When the monsters encircled Hybrid, the armored mammal pushed the silver syringe “ACTIVATE” to activate the instantaneous movement ability. The purple beasts collided with each other as Hybrid teleported to a spot that was a few steps far from them.
At that moment, “Accel!!” Bolt, aware of Hybrid’s weakness about becoming vulnerable after teleportation, rushed to kick the armored mammal in the stomach.
The kick sent the united duo flying backward before they in one body hit the ground hard. Once the accelerated mechanical wolf approached the armored mammal lying on the ground in a mere second, he pulled the syringe of MidniDriver on Hybrid, forcing the partners as one to detransform.
The attack took its toll on the doe rabbit. Soon following that Judy turned back to normal, she was knocked out by pain.
“One down, one to go.” Bolt knew that Nick along with Clawhauser was not far away because Mittens told him when she saw them on a hacked CCTV camera. He was about to go after the other morpher.
As a result, “This is bad! This is bad! This is bad!” Clawhauser hastily fled with Nick, who was regaining his consciousness, in his arms.
Nick wanted to tell Clawhauser to leave him and run away. Unfortunately, he was suffering fatigue too much to communicate at that time, so he pushed the syringe to inject the dose of blood into himself in order to cure his extreme tiredness.
Bolt pursued the officers to crooked alleyways, thinking that it would be a piece of cake; thus, he had already deactivated his acceleration. However, by the time he found the panting cheetah officer staying put, the fox officer, Bolt’s another main target, was nowhere to be found. Even Mittens lost him.
“Where is Officer Wilde?” Bolt asked Clawhauser in a friendly tone.
Clawhauser shrugged his shoulders in a response, pretending to be fearless in front of the silver chrome wolf.
“Alright, for the heads up, I don’t have anything against you.” Bolt jumped over Clawhauser and tapped the back of the cheetah’s neck, sending electricity to knock him off.
“Okay~ Officer Wilde, I know you can hear me~” Bolt spoked louder.
As a matter of fact, Nick certainly heard him. He was hiding not far from Bolt but in a spot that cannot be seen by CCTVs. Owing to his past experiences as a con-artist, he knew the blind spots around Zootopia.
So he can observe through CCTVs… or he has an accomplice assisting him… Nick analysed.
“I’m taking your cheetah pal and Ms. Hopps as hostages. If you want me to free them, bring your driver to me at a warehouse row in Rainforest District and don’t be tricky~” The silver wolf picked the senseless chubby cheetah up easily to some extent.
“You have 48 hours- No, that’s too much. How about 24? Rhino, what do you think?” He quieted down for some seconds like he waited for someone to reply. “8 It is. You have 8 hours, Officer Wilde~ See ya~”
Bolt went back to pick Judy up too, then disappeared from the blind alley with his controlled Savages, leaving Nick leaning against the wall alone while pondering.
He took her away… The fox clenched a fist as his emotions rose, so did his… returning abnormal hunger.
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3 notes · View notes
randomwoohoo · 6 years
Judy: Previously on Zoomorphia!
Nick: Right now, apart from John Silver, we at the ZPD have a new suspect in mammals’ disappearance, Peter Pan, a notorious abductor who terrorized Zootopia more than a decade ago. By the way, is it just me, or are Savages the monsters getting weirder and weirder each passing day?
Judy: Point taken, the one from last chapter was sure uncanny.
Nick: They’re all purple, glowing eyes, drooling everywhere. Some are so mutated like they leapt off the Cownenberg’s films.
Judy: Not that kind of uncanniness! But rather its demeanor… Why in the world that bear Savage hadn’t attacked nearby bank robbers until it mutated, then started targeting them?
Nick: But more importantly, let’s pick up where we left off! The wolf who helped us beat the monster went too far and killed one of the robbers. That’s not cool, especially for a hero. Shall we show him how a true hero should be, Carrots?
Judy: I wouldn’t say I deserve the ‘hero’ title yet. Nevertheless, we need to stop him.
Nick & Judy: Now the chapter 11!
Fanfiction link
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A breeze stirred dust into the tense atmosphere in Savanna Central as one of the escaping criminals that robbed the bank was killed by the silver chrome wolf, Bolt.
“Who’s next? Better not lie or waste my time~” Right fist bopping left palm repeatedly, Bolt targeted the remaining three robbery criminals.
“Mind stepping aside?” He asked when Hybrid came to stand in his way.
“We won’t let you harm anyone anymore.” Hybrid struck a fighting pose.
“Is that so?” Bolt, stepping back, distanced himself from the armored cross-bred mammal slowly. Subsequently, Nick and Judy, sharing one body, lowered Hybrid’s guard in a slightly confused manner.
Abruptly, Bolt sprinted, then jumped over Hybrid, giving a mock salute while passing above the united duo.
“Oh no, you don’t.” Nick exclaimed.
Hybrid reached upward to grab Bolt’s ankle in the air and then flung him forward. The fallen wolf rolled twice on the ground to decrease the force of the throw before crouching down firmly.
The robbers considered the situation quite dangerous; hence, they aimed to abscond, walking away furtively.
“Stop right there! You’re not going anywhere!” Judy turned around and shouted at them.
They promptly came to a halt. “Under dangerous circumstances, isn’t a hero like you supposed to let us civilians get out?” The brown ferret robber protested.
“First! I’m not a hero. Second! You three are all criminals! Not merely civilians! So drop the money bags and stay put till the police come!” She fulminated, pointing the flamingo red armored right index finger at the ferret.
“Watch it, bunny~” Bolt, still crouching down, told Hybrid… Actually, he specified Judy. “Dang~ Getting chatty all the sudden… adds another reason why I can’t let those guys go.” The wolf dashed forwards. It looked like he was going after those three robbers again.
Hybrid hopped in front of Bolt to block his way. Strong rabbit legs allowed the armored mammal to jump high enough to the wolf’s eye level with ease.
Unfortunately, it seemed that he predicted it. Bolt stretched his left arm out and took hold of Hybrid’s face in one paw in mid air. The two amethyst stylish headlamps for eyes of Hybrid were covered by the big silver chrome palm.
Bolt then slammed Hybrid on the ground but before the doe rabbit body hit the concrete floor, Hybrid, paws extended, pushed the floor. Judy, taking control of the body, leglocked around the wolf’s left arm, which made him lose his balance for a moment. Next, she, exerting a force to pull the legs along with the wolf downward, quickly threw him sprawling on the ground.
Hybrid unwrapped the legs around Bolt’s arm, rolling away from him to put some distance before standing up.
“I see.” Bolt raised himself gradually, “When it comes to pure strength, I’m no match for Hybrid light green form.” brushing dirt on him off. “But I know just a thing to make up for it~” He sounded amused, then “Accel” uttered calmly.
Following that, the united duo saw Bolt briefly becoming a blur before they, facing up to the sky, flew away as if Hybrid had just got hit… Not as if… In reality, Hybrid had just unpreparedly got kicked in the front so hard that the armored mammal flew away and fell down on the ground.
Hybrid hastily kicked up. When the duo regained Hybrid’s feet, they caught sight of the silver flash, Bolt approaching the armored mammal in a split second. Hybrid hurriedly backed away from Bolt by a jump. However, the wolf closed in like greased lightning, throwing a right hook punch at Hybrid who was still floating above the ground from jumping. The partners as one instinctively blocked his punch with the left arm.
As the punching force sent Hybrid to land on feet not far away, the armored rabbit feet rubbed against the concrete floor, leaving visible marks of friction. The left arm was shaking even though they did not feel the punch impact was that strong.
Not having time to take a breath, Hybrid was pursued by Bolt battering the armored mammal with fists. No time for thinking at all, the duo could only rely on the reflex to block the attack, waiting for a perfect opportunity to “ ACTIVATE” press the syringe with the right paw in order to activate super strength and counterpunch the silver wolf.
Nevertheless, Bolt took a step back in time to avoid a blow. At that particular moment, Nick and Judy got a glimpse of electric sparks coming off from his paws. Simultaneously, they found that the left arm they used to block previous attacks turned numb.
“That wolf used electricity to attack…?” Nick murmured.
“Pretty much explain how he killed those Savages and the robber over there.” Judy casted a glance at the jackal criminal lying lifelessly.
In the jackal’s case, Bolt could send electricity running through the jackal’s heart, resulting in it beating irregularly, which led to heart failure.
Hybrid’s arm eventually recovered after shaking off. Subsequently, Bolt came at Hybrid again. This time however, Nick “ACTIVATE” teleported Hybrid. He merely responded to the thought that it was unacceptable to let his partner’s body keep on taking damages despite rapid healing.
When Hybrid instantly moved to behind the silver chrome wolf, “Double Accel” he, uttering calmly, turned back and jumped like blazes on the armored mammal. The cross-breed was kicked in the side. The momentum sent Hybrid flying to fall down nearby the robbery criminals.
Dumbfounded, both Nick and Judy could not believe that the wolf was able to react to an instant transmission almost at once. At that point, Bolt leapt towards Hybrid, taking Judy’s breath away. She was quite freaking out, so Nick decided to take a full control of the body “ACTIVATE” to activate enhanced speed, skedaddling like a scared rabbit.
He came to a stop several feet away from Bolt, who was in fact not after Hybrid but the remaining three criminals instead. “I’m not done with these guys yet~ Wouldn’t mind if I take them with me, right?” The silver wolf carried them by force, sending non-fatal electric current through their brains to knock them out in order to prevent struggling. They dropped the money bags while losing consciousness.
A few moments later, a SUV car for rhino species arrived close by the wolf carrying the passed out mammals. “Ciao~” Bolt exclaimed. He got in a car, dragging others including the jackal dead body in, before the car left.
Afterwards, Hybrid’s long rabbit ears picked up sound, Nick guessing that police and SCU team were heading towards them because they were not far from the scene of bank robbery, which it would be strange if those officers and agents did not hear the noise of battle.
“Carrots, we need to move now.”
“M-mhm” Judy got hold of herself, running off into a community building area.
Hybrid detransformed, Nick and Judy then sneaked into trucks of two separated police cruisers. They returned to ZPD station before Judy decided to leave work early…, leaving Nick alone at the station.
-.. . ..-. . .- - . -..
Since the previous day, the doe rabbit officer had barely talked. When the tod fox arrived at their cubicle in the morning, she was already there…, sitting quietly all by herself.
Nick sat down on a office chair next to her with an intention to initiate conversation. In spite of that, “Back then...” Judy was the one who broke the awkward silence.
“I was so scared… felt completely at a loss.” She, trembling, referred to the fight with Bolt the silver chrome wolf.
“I totally forgot about those three mammals… If they end up with the same fate as that jackal, it’s… it’s my fault.” She raised her legs, hugging her knees up to the chest.
“Judy...” Nick called his partner worriedly by her real name… not a nickname as usual.
The fox thought to himself. Although the mammal who ran away without second thought like a coward was me, she blames herself… He did not wish to see his bunny suffer… He reached his right paw out to the bunny with a desire to comfort her.
Before Nick could lay his paw on Judy, his stomach rumbled loud enough to attract her attention.
“Haven’t eaten breakfast yet?” Cracking an awkward smile, she turned to her fox partner covering his tummy embarrassedly. “Let’s feed the beast in your belly.” She hopped off her chair.
“Way to go, dumb tum” He, sarcastically mumbling at his tummy, got off his chair as well, following the doe out of their small work area.
At the reception desk, Clawhauser the chubby cheetah officer had been concerned about Judy since he saw her drooping on previous day. He did not think he had the guts to ask what happened.
When the duo ambled through ZPD lobby, Clawhauser called to them. “Judy! Nick! Where are you going?”
They consequently swerved to the feline officer. “We’re gonna get some grub.” Nick replied while Judy was beaming at Clawhauser despite her evident droopy ears.
“May I go along with you two?” The cheetah begged.
Nick stood a glance at the doe, coming to a decision. Right now, She needs her friends. “Sure thing, pal” Putting paws in his pockets, he smirked.
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In one fast food restaurant of Bug-Burga franchise, Tundratown, Judy was reserving a table, sitting on an adult high chair for small mammal. To be frank, it was odd to see a herbivore prey such as her in a place best known for serving insect protein food for predators.
Meanwhile, Nick and Clawhauser were waiting near the counter for their ordered meals and a vegan smoothie which the cheetah gladly bought for the bunny.
“It’s the same as before.” Clawhauser, standing next to Nick, said.
The fox turned to the big cat who kept looking toward a french fry station behind the counter.
The feline officer continued, “After that three years ago press conference of missing mammals, she has been blaming herself for starting conflict between predators and preys… although Bellwether was culprit turning predators savage.
Even when you two saved the city by discovering the truth, which ultimately led to creating an antidote for the night howler serum and many praising you, calling you heroes...” speaking distressedly.
“She still doesn’t accept the title ‘hero’... because guilt complex keeps haunting her...” Nick was fully aware of the rest of the story. He as well as Clawhauser received their meals over the counter before returning to their table.
“Here’s your smoothie, Judy.” The cheetah placed a small cup of berry smoothie, equivalent to rabbit’s large cup, right in front of the doe.
“Thanks a lot” She expressed her gratitude, taking hold of the drink.
“Don’t mention it” The cheetah beckoned like a kitty cat.
During the time that the predatory cops were noshing, especially Clawhauser chomping on his bug burger, Nick, chewing ground-up insects with soft buns, gazed upon Judy sipping her smoothie absent-mindedly.
“In case you feel uncomfortable, let me know. I can accompany you to outside. Patty smell in here is rather strong.” The fox told his bunny partner, worried that meat or insect- heavy restaurant atmosphere might discomfort a prey like her.
“I’m fine.” The bunny drew a straw away from her mouth. “Actually, I feel better. The smell in here somehow… help clearing my mind...” She looked around, watching predators other than her friends sinking their sharp fangs into their food.
Clawhauser initially wanted to ask the duo about the mysterious silver chrome wolf but seeing Judy emotionally confused, he would rather inquire some other time. As for Nick, “Carrot-” he wished to reach out to her.
But suddenly, there was a clamor from a next-door shop. Responsibilities kicking in, three of the officers subsequently rushed out to check, discerning mammals in the fishmonger’s shop stampeding.
“Savage! Savage!” Some cried.
“Where!?” The cops speedily got closer, turning left and right swiftly to in search of the monster.
When their eyes laid on a small purple furball sticking to the wall, they discerned what it was, a squirrel with independently mobile eyes of chameleon and toes covered in tufts of tiny hairs, Savage without a doubt.
“Oh, it looks so puny.” Nick sounded let-down.
“Regardless of the size, it’s still a threat. Benjamin, keep an eye on the situation.” Judy, dragging Nick, hastened to the nearest alleyway where there was nobody else.
No word is needed. The tod, perceiving the doe’s objective, belted a MidniDriver morpher around his waist. When she was about to put on hers, “Boy, rabbits sure are fast.” the panting cheetah, tired from running, appeared at the mouth of the alley.
“What!? Why are you here!?” She was startled by the big cat.
“I wanna witness transformation with my own eyes.” He made big ‘please’ eyes.
Sighing, “If that’s so, please look after Nick” she put on the morpher.
“Say what?” The cheetah wondered what the bunny meant while the fox “DRAW BLOOD” pulled the silver syringe on the left side of his transformation gear.
“Catch me, Clawhauser” Out of the blue, the fox leant backward, so the cheetah leapt in to catch the falling fox.
The bunny “INJECT” pressed her syringe, causing her partner to fall asleep by the time he was caught by the fellow feline. “Transform” She announced, drawing cheetah’s attention, before twisting the handle back “IGNITE”.
“Hot! Hot! Hot!” Clawhauser, carrying an unconscious canine, moved farther away from Judy swallowed by scorching purple mist. He gaped at a morpher’s core light shining in a thick fog followed by light of two headlamps at doe rabbit’s eye level.
Once the mist faded away, a flamingo red armored amalgamation between a fox and a rabbit with light green torso and grayish-tan lower body, Hybrid Hustler form, was revealed.
Hybrid vaulted over Cheetah the much larger mammal easily, then hurried into the shop. Others immediately made way for the little red torpedo.
When the duo as one first entered the shop, they noticed an angeline wolverine covering her right paw, face twisted with pain. Hybrid therefore sped to the corner where she was sitting with a muskox.
“What’s the matter?” Nick in the armored mammal body asked the angeline concernedly.
“She was bitten.” The muskox answered in place of her.
Hybrid looked round for the monster. The duo saw the purple furball climbing walls briskly, having difficulty keeping track of its movement under a panic situation. Thus, they twisted the handle forth twice. “FORM SHIFT-ARCHER” MidniDriver emitted purple haze shrouding Hybrid before the united duo pivoted around to clear the haze, becoming the armored mammal with charcoal masquerade eye mask in a green leather tunic, Hybrid Archer form.
A monitor of this form can detect a rapid motion. Accordingly, they pinpointed the squirrel Savage behind seafood counter. Pressing the syringe to summon a bow in the left paw “ACTIVATE”, Hybrid sprinted.
The screeching tiny monster climbed down the wall nimbly. There was a male scream of fear from under the counter. It could be presume that there was a male mammal hiding there.
Hybrid hurdled the counter, generating an arrow from the right wrist before firing it. When Hybrid landed on the floor, Judy was horrified to see a blood-soaked polar bear. Savages don’t bleed, so how there’s blood everywhere!? Or did I shoot him? She was trembling anxiously.
“Chill out, Carrots! It’s just fish blood from a bucket.” Nick shouted in a whisper. Judy eventually perceived that the arrow hit the bucket on the shelf which the Savage rushed to hide behind. As a result, it leaked the blood out on the bear.
The squirrel scampered out of the shop through a back door. Hybrid went posthaste after it. Since the duo traded Hustler form’s speed for Archer form’s monitor sensor, it was not easy task to catch up with the agile small monster. They followed it to the Bug-Burga restaurant, entering the kitchen from the back of the restaurant, which terrified the Bug-Burga staffs.
Hybrid drew the bow string back, determining on shooting another arrow. Once they released the arrow, it flew towards the purple target on the wall. However, it, one eye rotating to look at the armored mammal, bounced off the wall in time; hence, the arrowhead stabbed into the wall instead.
The monster jumped on mammals one after another, scaring them so much that they gave sharp cries.
At the time that a loud noise occured, the customers started to worry not long before worries grew to terrors when the squirrel Savage came in dining area. They were so frightened that they forgot to contact SCU. Some brought their phones up to live stream the event.
Hybrid hopped on the cashier counter, pulling the bow back to aim, revolving slowly. Nonetheless, any mammals around the areas that Hybrid aimed got petrified, freezing in place. At the moment Judy noticed mammals’ horrified faces, she, lowering the bow down, was afraid of accidentally harming civilians with arrows.
In the interval, carrying a senseless fox in his arms, Clawhauser raced to in front of the restaurant. He looked into the place through its window.
Hybrid soon detected the Savage crawling on ceiling. Without delay, the duo shot the arrow up but the monster drop itself first, so the arrow, piercing in the ceiling, missed again. The purple squirrel landed on one puma’s arm. He alarmedly shook it off rapidly and then yelped in pain when it finally fell off his arm to the table, leaving faint claw wounds on him.
Hybrid, pushing the syringe “ACTIVATE”, sprang towards the table while grabbing a gladius sword that popped up out of thin air prior to stabbing the tip of it down with the goal to kill the tiny monster.
However, the Savage leapt off to stick on the wall a second ahead of Hybrid’s attack. The archer armored mammal came down on the table.
Shortly after raising the head, Hybrid shrank back, taking a step away from the sword stuck in the table. Underneath the helmet, Judy became speechless on account of espying the startled puma terrified to the point he shed tears.
Nick in bunny’s body sensed insecurity surged up within her. Judy was evidently afraid of messing up, causing others’ misery. At any rate, to make the world a better place, she still could not ignore those who need help.
“Nick” She breathed, “I’m no hero.” looking at animals around her, “But if...” looking into their eyes which expressed hopes… They were counting on Hybrid, a mysterious stranger from their point of view.
“-mammals see us as a hero,-” Judy twisted the handle back. “CRITICAL BREAK” Hybrid’s right palm glowed.
“I’d have to act like one.” She spoke softly yet determinedly. Hybrid drew the sword from the table. Once the armored mammal grasped a grip of the sword, the paw transferred a glow to its blade.
Hybrid’s monitor began to calculate the squirrel Savage’s movement. It was scuttling on the wall. Hybrid Archer form raised and drew the bow, using the glowing sword as an arrow.
Savage moved to front window of the restaurant. Hybrid released the sword. It flew across the restaurant like the wind to pierce through the fleet-footed tiny monster.
Finally, the Savage, stabbed to the window, was meeting its end. It vaporized while the window was cracking.
Everything happened so fast that eyewitnesses could not comprehend what just occurred.
After the bewildering moments, Clawhauser, holding fox body with one arm, was clapping outside the restaurant. By and by, others gave Hybrid a round of applause.
“Are you smiling?” Nick asked Judy in a low voice.
“No” Her cheeks radiated heat.
“I can feel it.~”
“Quit it!” She ran to exit the back door, pulling the syringe to detransform. The suit of armor let purple steam out, causing a diversion that helped her escape.
On the cheetah side, “Oh, you’re back! How are you? What about Judy?” he felt the fox woke up, regaining his senses.
“Hang on.” The tod fox pressed his syringe to inject the blood, curing severe fatigue. “I’m fine and Carrots...” He swiftly put his morpher away, “she’s doing better~” wearing a genuine relieved smile.
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