#but God forbid we exchange more than like two sentences about lotr or merlin or whatever it is i'm watching
dwarvishring · 2 years
sometimes i feel like my friends don’t really care about me as a friend and only see me as a pair of ears to talk about the stuff they like. like, they don’t really talk to me unless they feel like venting about something they like that i’ve never watched/read and they’ll send text after text talking about it and i’ll try to find stuff to say about this ip i have no knowledge of but then whatever i reply kinda gets ignored and lost in the middle of my friend’s rants. sometimes i feel like it’s not even a ‘you only talk to me so we can talk about this thing you like’ situation because they don’t even care about what i say about the information they drop on me, they just want someone to send their paragraphs to.
and it never feels like any of those friends is ever willing to listen when i wanna talk about something i watch. 
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