#but I got the urge to write Syn'Da and her dads
sith-as-heck · 2 years
The last person Lokki expected to visit on a sunny afternoon was his daughter.
“Lok..” Alexsandr broke the silence of the living room, he stood admiring the way the sun bounced off the lake outside, but a shuttle coming into land caught his attention “There’s a First order shuttle about to land.”
Lokki looked up from his datapad, a look of annoyance on his face “What in the name of Chobb do they want now?”
He rose from his seat and brushed down his clothes 
“Have you done anything recently?”
“No more than usual.” 
Alexsandr smiled “So thats a yes then.”
There was a light breeze that rustled through Lokki’s hair as he stood on the porch, ready to greet whatever sycophant the first order had sent to meet with him this time.
What he didn’t expect to see was his daughter, half limping and half crawling towards them.
It had been years since they saw each other last, they had cut off all contact when she chose the dark side of the Force and the First Order over everything, he had hated her for that.
That hatred fell away like dead petals, she looked hurt, his parental instinct took over and he rushed towards her.
He threw his arms around her, her clothes had rips and burns on them, there was blood coming from her nose.
She clung to him like a woman lost at sea finding land
“Papa..” She spoke in a gasp “Forgive me, for everything…”
“Syn’Da calm down..” Alexsandr stood behind them, his tone full of skepticism “What happened?”
“We were just pawns..”
There was a fear in her voice that made Lokki want to cry
“Pawns are expendable..I tried….I tried to convince Ky- Ben to come with me…” She took a deep breath. “He wouldn’t..he might even be dead I don’t know.”
She buried her head in Lokki’s chest, crying so hard her whole body shook.
“We were promised everything and it was all a fucking lie..” 
Lokki stroked her hair and looked up at Alexsandr who was still looking at Syn’Da with distrust.
“Come..lets get you inside..” 
Lokki stood up, Syn’Da came with him
“Go..We’ll follow.”
Once Syn’Da was out of earshot, Alexsandr sighed.
“What do you think happened?”
“Not sure..But we can’t exactly turn her away, can we?”
Alexsandr raised his eyebrows “Are you forgetting everything she’s done?!”
“Let's not go down that path, Alex..” Lokki sneered, he was upset, angry and worried. “Look at her..I haven’t seen her like that since she stayed up to watch that horror vid, remember?”
There was a long pause, before Alexsandr frowned
“She isn’t a child anymore..” He brought a hand to his beard. “But you're right, we should give her a chance to at least explain..”
Lokki nods.
What in the galaxy could have scared her so much that she’d run home?
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