#but I'm feeling Jimmy Solidarity emotions on this sunny morning
redwinterroses · 1 year
with grian, Jimmy, and the canary curse, if we go with the idea that Jimmy's been cursed by the watchers, we can explain why Grian was so reluctant to just give Jimmy the time back (even though it would be more than fair after his death). Its not that Grian didn't want to, there was just something that compelled him against it.
This has to also exist alongside the fact that Jimmy didn't lose the proper amount of time to his Boogey death. (which I think can be explained mainly irl by Grian thinking the boogeyman kill got taken off automatically and then not wanting to take it later and punish Jimmy for the slip.)
So maybe in the Watcher meta, Grian couldn't get past the pressure holding him back from giving Jimmy his own time, but he could silently exert just enough power to keep Jimmy from having to give up the full boogey kill time.
Not that it did any good in the long run, but he tried. He tried to give Jimmy a fighting chance, but the Watchers cannot allow the Canary to sing. He has to fall, the first and last warning that they've gone beyond saving and only death awaits.
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