#but I'm not changing the fic dividers I actually like that they're slightly different from the masterlist dividers
misc-obeyme · 4 months
Okay I'm never gonna do an overhaul of my masterlist ever again. I've been working on it for hours now and it's still not done 😭
But I'm done for now, so thank you for putting up with the random new posts lol. There will be more tomorrow!
At least now most of the masterlist matches better with the main blog theme. I'll probably never change that again, either, so they all kinda seem like they belong together? Sheesh.
I might also spruce up the lesson recap posts 'cause they have zero cohesivness at all lol. They were just random reaction posts but they kinda evolved as I did more of them. Also gonna add some for OG as I do an OG re-read...
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