#but I've only been seeing the same 2 (?) seasons they broadcast on repeat asdfaga-
just-miru · 6 months
I think Gumball's parents have a dynamic that is really fucking annoying in most of media (overworked mother who pulls the whole family and fat lazy father who doesn't get involved at all and just sits on the couch all day).
But tawog makes it actually enjoyable and fun because Richard doesn't do the insufferable "bahh I hate my wife bahh my wife makes me work bahh wives am I right bahh I just wanna do nothing all day but my overworked fucking WIFE wants me to actually be INVOLVED and CARE about my FAMILY?? Can you fucking believe it?" thing. He's not uncaring, he's just a massive idiot but, as far as I remember, he actually really loves his family and Nicole (even though she's bossy and scary), and Nicole really loves him (even though he's incompetent and lazy). And I think that's beautiful. Common tawog W.
Block of media analysis no one asked for
adevărat grăit-ai my man!!
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they are not just your typical sitcom stereotypes. they are a family.
the way they interact with one another just feels genuine and real.. they care about and love each other very much.. sniff sniff sob.... + we see them struggling like any real family would (from their money related problems to conflicts between them, etc etc)
that's one of the reasons why 'the choices' is one of my fave episodes, actually!! the family is up to their usual shenanigans -> Nicole loses her temper and is about to snap at Richard and the kids.
as she's about to do that she asks herself how did she end up in that situation to begin with and. and she remembers the day she met Richard... she then starts wondering how her life would have changed if she made other choices and in the end, after some possible scenarios + a cute montage showing her and Richard facing together whatever life has thrown at them, she. realises she's truly happy with her life.. she's truly happy with her family. augh sniff sniff sob
and instead of snapping at them, they all end up laughing and having fun... being a 'dysfunctional functional' family, as anais put it in another episode asdfaga (if i remember correctly, anais said something along the lines of 'can you please tell us what's wrong so we can start functioning again in our usual dysfunctional way??')
also!! in the song 'nobody's a nobody' Nicole and Richard have a part in which they sing about each other - 'tu ești mâna mea dreaptă ș-un umăr pe care plâng / tu ești un braț de sprijin ș-o minte când sunt puțin nătâng' (only listened to the song in ro and im too lazy to translate the lyrics asdfaga-) - need i say more? these bitches love each other very much
idk man. I just think they're neat. and i love them
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