#but Norwegian and Swedish have sooooo many
flurrys-creativity Β· 4 years
Tagged by the lovely Vale ( @inkofyoongi ) Thank you so much for giving me a reason to take a break from my mathematics studies (I’m sooooo tired of it)
Name: [error.. name not found] I don’t feel comfortable with my real name so.... it remains secret πŸ™πŸΌ
Nickname: Sid or Flurry
Birthday: 5th of October
Zodiac: Libra βš– (but I learned there is sooo much more than just the zodiac sign)
Nationality: German and Danish
Languages: German, English, Danish (I’m able to weakly communicate in Swedish, Norwegian, Dutch and I understand basic Italian)
Height: 1,66m or 5β€²5′’ (which means I bolded a false statement in another tag game because I have no understanding of inch and feet and thought 5β€²5′’ was shorter than 1,66m πŸ™ˆ I guess.. shame on me)
Inspiration for muse: Music and dreams
Meaning behind my url: Flurry is an abbrivation of the username flurryfries, which I basically use everywhere.. and flurryfries is the combination of french fries dunked into a McFlurry (specifically with some sort of chocolate sauce) it tastes amazing!) πŸ‘ŒπŸΌ
Blog established: I think it was September or October 2019
Followers: The best :)
Favourite animals: Killer whale or bat
Favourite books: Anything from Kenneth Oppal, The Hobbit, Sherlock Holmes, anything from Werner J. Egli (writes in German) and my most recent discovery The subtle art of not giving a f*ck (I love that book and everyone should read it!)
Favourite colour: blue (like every shade of blue)
Favourite fictional characters: Aaaahh, this is sooo hard.. like all of Haikyu (they are my babies) Makoto Tachibana from Free!, almost everyone from MHA and sooo many more.. (and right now I’m only thinking about anime/manga characters.. there are way too many.. aaaaahhhhhh)
Favourite flower: pretty sure I answered that once already.. and it varies but as of always I go with dandelions (because they are like fuck you, I’ll grow here now) 🌼
Favourite scent: coconut!!! I love the smell of coconut.. almost everything scented I have does smell like coconut
Average hours of sleep: right now?... uhm... not much if we’re counting the good and healthy sleep.. that would be 3-4 hours at once.. but I take so many naps and have some kind of not sleep but not awake state.. then I would be at like 9 hours? but since I am not resting well except for those 3-4 hours I am constantly tired
Cats or dogs: Dogs 🐢 (but I do like both)
Coffee, tea or hot chocolate: Hot chocolate (though I drink tea as well and when I need to do an all nighter (like the free BTS concerts with 8 concerts/thingys on two days.. I was awake for over 48 hours... I could hear colours..) 🀣
Current time: 19.15 or 7.15 pm
Dream trip: yes! Jk, I would love to go everywhere.. and it would become a dream trip, if I don’t have to worry about the money.. 😎
Dream job: I guess teacher.. otherwise those past five years of studying would have been in vain..
Hobbies: writing, day dreaming, listening to music, reading, watching movies/series, cooking, singing, playing the ukulele, taking pictures while going on hikes and I guess talking with friends..
Hogwarts house: Proud Slytherin 🐍
Last movie watched: The old guard on netflix (which was sooo good and I need a sequel and oh holy shit that was great) πŸ‘ŒπŸΌ
No. of blankets you sleep with: 1 (if I feel really sick and cold 2)
Random fact: I think I already mentioned once as a random fact that I have three tattoos... another random fact: as soon as I live somewhere where I can have pets (especially a dog) I’ll get myself a husky and I am going to name it Whiskey 😁
Thanks for keeping up with me until now! Hope you enjoyed :)
And I am going to tag: @yoongs-jeontae @wwilloww @thatmultifandomhoe (finally able to tag you once πŸ˜…) and whoever wants to do this as well! Tag me, I am curious to read what your answers would be!
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