#but Shinso? He knows you're a beauty inside and out so he's glad he can keep you
potionpeddlerpatchy · 11 months
My dearest patchy, congrats on one year with this blog!! Your celebration sounds amazing and I cannot wait to see what you come up with for everyone. Your writing is always amazing and you’ve always been so supportive of everyone around you. You’re such a positive light in the world and I hope you know that 🥰 if I may, I would love to stay awhile and read an intriguing book of old. Whatever you suggest I know will be amazing 💜💜
I must say that your presence is always such a joy to me, my sweet Elle, and it has been since far before I even opened my little shop. I cannot thank you enough for your support and patronage throughout all my little sales and offers of potions; your trust in me has warmed my heart. 💛
So, if you wish to continue to trust me, and believe you me I would not lead you astray, then I suggest to you the moss green book that is sitting so perfectly in the middle of my far shelf.
Please, have a small peek, I promise you will like it~ 🔮
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You felt a sense of unease fill your spirit as stood, eyes adverted, at the foot of the throne room you had entered. What was once giddy excitement that took purchase in your heart quickly faded as the gazes of the monarchs of this land fell onto you. It made your skin crawl and you did your best not to shift from toe to toe, knowing that your restlessness over them would lead them to judge you further
The House of Shinso were notorious for being fastidious. From the food the ate, the cloth upon their skin, the jewels to adorn their brow, to who they decide to keep in their company. All of it held under the scrutinous gaze before they were either tossed aside or given the permission to stay – many were within the former.
In this case you could not bring them much fault, after all their son was to be wed. it was only natural for his family to want him to marry the most suitable bride they could find; after all they were meant to spend a life together, and to help bring good fortune after their match. They couldn’t just allow any woman to be apart of the crown, to gain or keep the title of princess for in years to come they would be Queen. It wasn’t a matter of if the woman that stood before them was of good breeding, pretty of face and had wit. But rather if they would be able to hold their head high and rule in a matter best suited for the kingdom they would leave behind.
A tough decision indeed. That is why tests had to be put in place to ensure a good match.
And you? You merely stood before them humbly. Unlike the many that came before you, the ones who had plenty of money, land, and a strong name attached, you were but a princess from a small land from far away; from a family that had not much to their name, or many a word said about them, from a land that was neither struggling nor thriving. A comely woman with not much to note.
Well, at least that was what his parents thought. But Prince Hitoshi seemed rather taken by you. From the gentle way you walked, to the kind smile you gave, to the sweet and soft melody your voice carried; it was all so different and so very much welcomed in his world of rigidity.
Yet he knew that his parents would not allow you his hand. That you would not be deemed good enough to pass any test they would give, if they felt you worthy enough to even think of such a notion. No, Hitoshi had to be clever to ensure that he would marry you, someone so beautifully warm and kind, and not someone rich with gold but with an icy heart.
Stepping forth he bowed to you, a small smile gracing his lips for the first time in a long while as he moved to stand by your side and properly address the King and Queen.
“If I may,” He began, voice rasped with underuse before he took a moment to clear it “to stand here and wait for you to find a flaw with royal who has traveled so far to see us merely means there isn’t one so easily seen, correct?”
“And what are you getting at?” His father spoke, the deep rumble of his voice made your nerves tremble further as you sucked in a quiet and shaky breath.
“Perhaps a challenge to prove her worth would suffice? After all, only so much one can prove if they just stand before you.”
The King scoffed at the notion, the Queen herself even rolled her eyes at the thought of wasting further  time upon you. It made you shrink in on yourself as you tried to hide away from the distain that felt for you that lingered in the air – especially now that their son seemed interested in a courtship with you.
But they could not deny that he was right, what basis could they provide that would be suitable enough to reject you? After all, they could not squander their name with your family, trades of good still needed to be provided to them – even if they came from lands they didn’t find appealing. Though what test could they give that would lead to failure every time?
It took a moment, but the Queen’s eyes brightened as she sat higher in her throne “Perhaps you are right, my son.”
“You agree then, mother?” Hitoshi added, brows furrowed in confusion at the lead his mother had taken; especially when she waved off his father, sparing him a coy glance before she continued on.
“I do, after all you were right. It is difficult for one to prove their worth if they do not have the chance to showcase anything.” She smiled at you, though you could tell it was not sincere “So, I have thought of a way she could.”
You waited with bated breath, your nerves aflame as you waited for whatever impossible task they were to give you. Though you were flattered to have the Prince’s favour, you knew that to be an even worse consequence than to be of lesser standing.
“Soft skin is a sign of good breeding” The Queen began “and as such, no woman can marry my son unless she has this quality. So, if you are up to the challenge and wish for my son’s hand, I propose this. Tonight, you shall stay with us, upon one hundred of our most luxurious beds and linen, beneath it all shall lie an item of my choosing. If at any point during your slumber you feel it and can properly describe what it is to us the next morning, than I give you my blessing to marry.
After a moment, after all that she had said lingered in the air, she cocked her head to the side as she watched you – wondering if you truly had the courage or naivety to take her upon her offer “Does that sounds satisfactory to you?”
When you nodded you head, squaring your shoulders in defiance of her sneer, did she know her answer. Hitoshi merely smile, as he took you by your wait to help guide you to the room that you would be staying, wishing to keep you company within your receiving chamber as it was being prepared.
That night, you dreaded the embarrassment that would befall you when the dawn broke. How they would sneer and laugh as you failed to complete the task set out for you. You had hoped that at least you would be greeted with the finest sleep that you could ever wish for, the lined and beds they provided were the softest and most comfortable you had ever felt, but alas you couldn’t. No matter how you turned, no matter how you laid, something small would poke into you and leave you unable to truly sink into the realm of slumber.
When the morning came and a servant girl was cast to bring you forth for breakfast with the royal family, did you admit defeat. Eye heavy as you struggled to keep them open you allowed yourself to be parade – truly too exhausted to care for propriety; a blessing and a curse when it came to facing them. You did not wish for the Prince to see you in such a state, but the haze that filled your mind left you carefree over whatever insults the Queen and her husband would give you.
“And how did you sleep, hm?” The Queen asked once you had settled into the seat before you “Did you enjoy the linen? Were the pillows filled to your desirability? How did you find the heat of your room?”
Slowed, your eyes blinked up at her as you tired your best to listen as the hustle of the servants around you provided you breakfast, you nodded her head to her questions as you were not sure if you could respond in a manner appropriate.
“Oh dear, perhaps you didn’t enjoy your sleep!” The Queen feigned concern as she gazed at you
“No, no” You tried to reassure, taking a small sip of your tea though you knew it would not help “The sleep was wonderful, I just….”
As you trailed off to garner another sip of the warm brew given to you the Queen placed a hand over your own; silently urging you to continue onward.
“Suppose that I did not want to be rude.” You started again, carefully setting you teacup down and choosing to stare at it rather than the curious people around you “Though what you have provided me was wonderful, I could not find complete comfort in order to sleep. It was as if a small, hardened pea kept following me and piecing my sides.”
You saw as the Queen’s face fell with shock, how her jaw went slack and bewilderment came into her eyes, how the Prince’s eyes grew with delight at your confession, one that he was privy to and could now use as fodder should his parents try to back out of their deal with you.
Hitoshi stood and walked his way over to your side, he took hold of your hand and brought it to his lips…
“Apologises, love” The smooth voice of the peddler before you spoke, it caused you to jolt free from the spell the book within your hands had casted over you “But it seems you are standing in the way of some charms another patron wished to look at”
Your head jerked to look to your right, where the shining gems and gold sat, before it came to fall upon the peddler and the meek patron that was behind her “I am so sorry, did not mean to be in the way”
“No, of course not, no apology needed” The peddler hummed, a tone reassuring to your frazzled mind, as a knowing smile graced her lips “if you would like, I have plenty of spare chairs to sit upon if you wished to finish your story.”
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Would you like me to make you a cup of tea as well? I can see you are just getting to the best part of the story, would hate for you to have to stop once again because you are parched.
No matter, if you shall need me, I shall be right here. Be it for tea, or perhaps even a potion or two, I am at your service. 🔮
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I do hope you wish to keep what you found, for all 'sales' are final
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