#but again idc It'd be fun to see someone try anyways
bibiana112 ยท 11 months
Okay but on the topic of theatre since this train of thought was cut short the other day when I was watching the stage of the golden witch or well. Not watching I guess I could only think about how much of an absolute Need it is to have my silly little jpeg blorbos played by real people moving around on stage actually it's so fun and everyday I cry about 999 having been so flop because I'm dying to see what little mannerism choices the actors of each character would make the fucking LAYERS that scenes would have like the one with June and Ace on the infirmary god I NEED To See That Shit Live On Stage idc what anyone else says
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theha1r ยท 18 days
( send the fire emoji for an unpopular opinion )
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imma just say a bunch of rapid fire/random ones -
1 - most of the current/newer generation of musical artists do nothing for me - i don't listen to most of them & i don't care to. i'll listen to their songs if they're those 'you can't escape them, they're everywhere' ones - but outside of that i don't really care for any of these newer artists
2 - people pull out the 'cancel culture' card way too quick & over the STUPIDEST of things, especially on twitter. i don't really give a shit if x celebrity liked a tweet about trump in 2018. like - i don't. i really don't. i personally believe the only people that should be truly canceled are those that have done irredeemable acts. or have continued their pattern of behaviors with no sign of improvement
2A - honestly just generally i don't give two shits about most of the things people do. i don't care about the drama going on behind the scenes of this movie. i don't care if some celebrity cheated on his wife. i don't care if this happens & that happens - like just generally i stopped giving a shit about what celebrities do & it's genuinely made my life so much better
3 - publicly & purposefully hating on popular things doesn't make you cute or funny, it just makes you a loser. literally shut up & let people have fun & keep your opinions to yourself. you don't need to make full video essays on why you don't like things. we were literally taught in kindergarten if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all
4 - people really really need to realize there's a world that exists outside of the internet & that the general public doesn't give a shit about the people you cancel or your protests or your boycotts or whatever online. or more like, they don't even know that's happening. like pls just stop being so chronically online & realize the world doesn't revolve around the internet -
5 - stop being overly invested in the lives of strangers. if you see something you don't agree with or you think is wrong or whatever or whatnot - just scroll on. or block & scroll on, it's quite literally that simple. stop caring so much about what someone else is doing & stop trying give thinly disguised passive-aggressive advice. it's quite literally none of your business ...
6 - this a rp one i forgot but i don't like big text. don't mind if people do it, i know it's easier to read for some people & all but it lowkey looks kinda clunky to me & throws me off sometimes idk -
7 - another rp one, idc if you move around blogs, whatever - you do you. but if you're doing it often enough, every so many months or so - at least keep your old thread accessible & all so people aren't sitting there struggling to keep up & continue to interact with you. like i get why people might full on delete or swipe a blog clean but idk - at least try to keep access to stuff somewhere?
8 - this is about st & DON'T HATE ME FOR THIS BUT - i think it's kinda dumb everyone says to boycott/pirate season 5 when the show is ending anyways ... like i get it's so they don't make money but again, either way, the general public is gonna watch - either way they're making money on this. but idk it just feels so odd to see "don't support!" about a show that's literally going to be ending? it'd be different if it was something like - wednesday or something but idk. i also generally think again - trying to make a boycott online isn't going to work when the general public still exists. & even if it was also to prevent spinoffs i'm pretty sure there's already one planned? & like this show is netflix's baby, it's the favorite child - it doesn't matter how many people boycott, i guarantee you this show will be continued one way or the other
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