#but also I'd wear this in a heartbeat (ha ha pun)
cyberpunkboytoy · 5 months
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Thank you @yukirayu for creating a render of this Towa from the N+C cafe event, bc I've been needing to study the fit.
So much to take in here. The sheer amount of medical swag: blood pack shoulder bag, the 'stitches' on his pants, the scar choker, the anatomically correct heart pin. But then he's mixing in some street fashion with the jacket and the silver chain, and a simple but stylish Tshirt that just says "euphoria."
But despite the urban+menhera fusion and the stylish pink and red hair dye, there's also plenty to poke fun at. He has a chain at the bottom of his pants that connect his legs—this man cannot spread his legs. Which might literally trip him up bc those shoes are not fucking tied. Watch your feet, Towa, you are going to eat shit. You are going to kiss concrete.
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ficharsimp · 2 years
For the Important OTP questions, how about any / any combo from 1, 3, 4, 8, 9, 14, 17, 18, 23, 25. With an Atsushi ship of your choice.
Hiii sorry for taking a while lol but I'm finally free and can answer this
Doing this with Kuniatsu bc they're adorable and underrated
Who rocks the Ferris Wheel seat and who flips out and begs them to stop? Atsushi rocks the seat, Kunikida loses it. I have a fic like that in the works actually haha.
3. Who is more into taking showers/baths together? Who tries to make it relaxing and who tries to make it sexy time? I think Kunikida would want to simply bath/shower together and Atsushi would try to turn it sexual... lol
4. Who likes to walk around the house naked and who tells the other to go put some clothes on? Neither I think? They both prefer having clothes on at home
8. Who likes to wear the others sweatshirts? Atsushi! Tho the only reason Kunikida doesn't wear his clothes is because they're too small. He's secretly very salty about it lol
9. Who wakes the other up in the middle of the night to tell them a cool dream they had? Who has the most nightmares, and who sings them back to sleep after? Atsushi. Absolutely Atsushi. Only when he feels like causing trouble tho, which is rare, because he knows how stressed and tired Kunikida is and that he needs his good night's rest.
Oh man they're both so not okay I'd say they both have nightmares, and they both try their best to comfort each other. Not with singing though, with words, hugs and my personal favourite comfort trope ever: letting the other listen to their heartbeat.
14. Who starts the hand holding? Who grabs the others butt? Who slides their arm around their waist? Who likes to put their fingers in the belt loops? I like to think Atsushi did. He was dying of nerves the first time he attempted to hold Kuni's hand but it payed off ;) They also like walking with their pinkies linked, a subtle yet intimate way to express their affection in public.
I mean- have you seen Atsushi? But Kunikida is far too much of a gentleman to actually do that, so he just stares disrespectfully
Atsushi! His height is perfect for that. And when Kunikida wraps an arm around his shoulders they fit perfectly <3
Um idk honestly. Do people do that?
17. Who is more protective? Both are very protective, but I'd say Atsushi is more willing to get in a fight for Kunikida's sake.
18. Who talks to the other while they are sleeping? I came up with this just now but imagine that when Atsushi has once again landed himself into the infirmary, Kunikida doesn't leave his side and talks and reads to him until he wakes up. (and slightly scold him bc that's how he shows his concern glhddvndl)
23. Who thinks they are not good enough for the others love? and who’s more afraid of loosing the other? Who thinks they keep messing up, only for the other to tell them they don’t need to worry? Oh boy, Atsushi 100%. Even though Kunikida has dropped the ideal spouse criteria, Atsushi still feels like he's not good enough for him. Kunikida does his best to banish those insecurities (and succeeds most of the time <3)
They're both very afraid of losing each other. With their line of work, the possibility is always there.
25. Who says shitty puns and sex jokes just to see the other giggle and blush? Atsushi xD albeit rarely and when they become more comfortable with each other. Kunikida dreads every moment Atsu spends with Dazai because of that very reason. Who do you think is the source of that attitude xDD And Kunikida is very cute when he's embarrassed so there's no way Atsushi is stopping with the jokes.
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oingo233 · 4 years
I am loving how much thought you're putting into these ship requests ❤ so I thought I'd ask too!
I'm a heterosexual Ravenclaw female. I like to read and write. I used to peer tutor. I like to laugh. My sense of humor is pretty sarcastic. I like to play board games and watch movies and TV. I like being outside but just to relax and enjoy the weather. No camping or serious hiking for me lol. I have green eyes and dark blonde hair. Think you could do a ship for both ears? If not whichever you want is fine. 😊
You sound so awesome!  (Total side note: but yall or too cool for me wtf I just adore you) I kinda went off with the marauders ship, and since I wrote so much for it I decided not to do the Lightning Era ship, which I hope you don’t mind, but if you really want one just let me know and I’ll get to it.  Also sorry this took me forever, I’m the worst at posting/writing.  But I hope you enjoy it! <3 
Anyways, based off of everything here is what I think....
Marauders Era
I ship you with James Potter...
- He saw you were giving peer tutoring lessons so he lied and said he needed “loads of help.  Please, you’d be doing me a huge favor.  I’ll pay ya back?” he’d say with a wink, you’d roll your eyes and fight your smile because truth be told him and his friends always made you laugh with their pranks and you were always a little curious about this charming and handsome boy.
- You agree, in the name of education and graciousness of course.  No other reason... none at all.  Definitely not because he smelled good, and you knew he was passing that class with flying colors and so he had to be into you too, right?
- He was, oh god he was so into you.  He spent more time staring at you than the books you used to study.  It was often you’d look up to see if he was “registering” the information and he’d just be gazing up at you through his glasses, mouth slightly agape in a smile.  You’d blush and ask him an on-topic question, he’d answer correctly and you’d only blush more.
- He always made you laugh till your stomach was in knots and the two of you were kicked out of the library.  It was one of those time when he asked you out on your guy’s first “date”.
- The two of you were standing outside the library doors, cheeks flushed and eyes alight with humor.  He told the worlds best story about his first time on a broom, and how he thought he could fly into outer-space and bring back a star for his mom. (he was very little and didn’t know any better, his dad of course was right next to him and raced after him, but James was so fast.  Afterwards at dinner they scowled him, but knew he would be just great at quidditch.)
- “But it’s all true, all of it,” he says, laughing as you shake your head in disbelief.  He is walking beside you as you two wander the halls, not sure where to go but not wanting to part from one another. “But I’ll tell you, nothing has ever made me feel so free.  Just flying like that, nothing can hold you back.” he says, a large smile on his face.  You smile up at him and his heart nearly drops.
- “Sounds nice,” You mutter, only half paying attention to your own words because James looked so kissable then.  He smiled wider and walked closer to you, blushing as his nerves took over.  “I could teach ya?  If ya want, of course.” He asks you.  Without hesitation you say yes.
- That weekend you spend the whole Saturday together, learning, it seems as though he was the tutor now.  You nearly fell off the broom from laughing so hard, and James’s face would genuinely twist with worry when you would try new moves, he wouldn’t want you getting hurt.  The weather was just wonderful and the brisk breeze caressed your skin, yet the sun kept you warm.
- It was on that beautiful day, that you two laid back on the field of grass to rest and enjoy the weather, he leaned over and kissed you.  You were in shock and he almost pulled away, ready to apologies and die from embarrassment but then you started kissing him back and he found something he for sure liked more than flying...you.
- You two fell in love and have been dating ever since.  His sense of humor is both terrible amazing puns, and sarcasm so you two are always laughing your hearts out with the rest of the Marauders or even just alone.
- You two play board games a lot because he actually started to like them around the same time he found out you did (coincidence...I think not). When you two played together he’d get so into it, he’d just stare down at the board and figure out his next move, giving you perfect time to admire him in silence.  He truly was beautiful.  You’d see his glasses inch down his nose, and he’d slowly push them back up, still focused.
- Whenever you let him win (rarely) he’d would boast about it all day, but it made him so happy you learned to sit there and take it, you knowing the truth about your mad skills was enough.  Sirius and Remus knew it too.
- He’d always watch movies and TV with you, but only if you two were cuddled up.  It’s the only thing that helped him stay still long enough to really get lost in and take in the film.  His fav cuddle positions were when you’d lay in-between his legs, ontop of him, and cuddle your head on his chest, you were so warm and he’d play with your hair and give you forehead kisses .  
- Or, his all time fav cuddle was when it was switched, and he was laying atop your chest.  He loved how he could hear your heartbeat, and feel when you laugh.  You also just run your hands through his hair and if he isn’t careful he could just fall asleep like that, zenned out and warm.
- Since you like being outside so much, but no hard activities (gurl, same!) he would always set up a picnic for the two of you.  Outside on nice days, he’d cover your eyes and lead you across campus to this spot beneath a nice, shady tree.  Lying underneath it would be a blanket, your favorite book and foods, and some pillows.  He’s let you lay your head in his lap and he’d read aloud to you.  He’d put on voices for the characters and make sarcastic commentary that always made you laugh.
- During quidditch matches he gave you his spare jersey to wear and begged you to “Just for one day, be a Gryffindor.  I’ll give ya me jersey, splash some face paint on ya, and no one will tell the difference.” because he’d want for you to sit with Remus, and Sirius and Peter and cheer him on, because then he wouldn’t have to look all over the stands for his favorite group of cheerleaders.  You always kissed him before a match for good luck, he swears by it.
- But he also loved that you were a Ravenclaw.  He admired your intelligence, wit and creativity the most and it wasn’t like you were lacking the Gryffindor traits that he took so much pride in.  He also liked the different perspective you could give him on situations considering your different houses really shaped you both individually and he spent a lot of time with fellow Gryffindors.
- He’d pull the best puppy eyes to convince you to let him read whatever you are writing.  He adores every word you put on paper and even asks to keep his favorite story of yours that you’ve written so he can read it over summer.
- Overall, you both love and support one another so much!  And it was a match made by cupid himself aka me
I hope you liked this!
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