#but also all the amazing mermay art I've been seeing got me inspired and I wanna pop off and flex my year's worth of growth
lilliancdoodles · 3 months
QSMPblr positivity!
I just have to tell you that I love talking to you and disscusing ideas and it always makes my day a bit brighter having talked to you or seeing you reblog my posts with little comments in the tag <3
I love your art so much, I love the colours and the way you make scenes! It always feel so alive and shows of the emotion you're trying to capture so well! I also really like how you draw tails for example mermaids and Pac Dragon art you made, you always make it look so good even if it's twisting and turning and it's so impressive! :O
I also must thank you again for all the fanart you have made of my fics! I love every single one you make and I'm staring at the art for hours with the biggest smile on my face! :D
I could keep going on but I don't want to talk your ears off XD
So thank you so much for blessing us and showing us all your amazing art!!! <3 <3 <3
-Toast 🍞
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Thank you Toast!! I love talking with you too, your fics make my brain go brrrrr and the brrrrr turns into art. So thank you for inspiring me. I think more of my art these last few months has been fanart for your fics rather than the server XD. im really glad you like them
Tails are really fun for me, I don't know exactly why but i enjoy doing them (probably cause i don't have to worry about knees/feet XD ). I AM NOT GIVING UP ON MERMAY BTW. I think i just got a bit too ambitious so it's taking a long time and i want to make sure it looks good. I think this might be the biggest thing i've ever done so :'D
and don't worry, you can talk my ear off any day I love listening to you <33.
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