#but anyway yeah I've been rereading and I just couldn't resist
starryarchitect · 11 months
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okay yeah yeah villain but the diagram is so cool you guys
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Wall I made for this (featuring: Russian, Spanish, toki pona, DNA code, women's script, a few alphabets, some geometry and arithmetic, and a language that I invented, among other things. I had fun with this)
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tehamelie · 6 months
So I don't know where I got half of the stuff in this dream from or where I got the mental energy to make it up (I've been pretty exhausted with depression for the last month or so) or why Kill Six Billion Demons - it's a great comic, but not one of the three comics I'm currently rereading or giving a lot of thought. But still:
Me and about five or eight people from my high school class (I graduated 24 years ago, I don't always remember the distinction between the various people) were locked up in a room in a big house in a small town by Jagganoth, the Red God. I guess we had insulted him or been prophesied to fight him or something. Three of my mates were chained up, I guess because they were extra guilty.
Now, somehow some guard was taunting us by unlocking another prisoner's chains in front of us, I don't remember exactly, but it was very ironic when I was able to use the same gold key to free my classmates and unlock the door to the room. So we all took our bags and instruments (I had a long unwieldy string instrument of some kind in a crappy case without handles or locks) (I do not play any musical instrument, although up to about sixth grade the school tried to teach us to play recorder), and ran away. There was some incredibly dangerous shuffling on a ledge on a building wall several floors off the ground involved, where I had to go first and had to do it with my big, flat instrument case in a feeble grip between my side and upper arm.
Somehow it was a very difficult decision to prepare myself to drop the instrument if I had to rather than fall and die, but I made it across anyway and was jealous of everyone else who had cases with handles and that stayed closed. But anyway we got all the way back to our cars and were ready to get back to the school trip and then everyone decided we had to try and loot Jagganoth's house of everything we could load in the cars.
Possibly they were thinking more of trying to find a weapon to fight him but I surely don't have to tell you, dear reader, that would be an equally bad idea. Dude's literally invincible, and it's not like we had a way to locate Allison's resistance to help out even if we should manage to locate some piece of magical destiny loot and identify it if it did exist. I think I protesteth too much, but this was pretty much my thought process at the time.
And of course he spotted us walking into the front door of the house. Jagganoth here was using some sort of avatar form that was blue and only like three meters tall and walking around everywhere, it was ridiculously lucky that we managed to sneak out in the first place, I should have mentioned that.
But we split up and he couldn't catch everyone. Or at least he didn't catch me. I was able to shadow him and stay hidden in the many nooks and alleys between the many little wooden houses, though I kept almost letting him see me leaning around corners to watch him for no reason. At least I managed to look busy when he walked right past me standing in a narrow alleyway, but he still recognized me and turned back after going three steps.
In a movie it would have been a funny-scary moment. But at this point I was too angry to be scared. I had a whole speech forming in my head about how he doesn't get to be right just because he's tougher and stronger than everyone, and I tried to say something along the lines of you can kill me any time you want if you are scared of having one honest conversation. While he kept pretending to hit me and making me flinch, going "oh yeah? What did you want to say?"
Still, I knew I got to him. Bullies can't start thinking about how fear and violence is all they have cause they know it doesn't hold up against having actual arguments that can defend your actions. Okay, in my dream I clearly didn't remember the convoluted and ambiguous arguments he does have for why killing every living thing in the multiverse is just and necessary, this wasn't super clever of me. Just the usual things I dream of saying to bullies.
I should also mention this person appeared drawn in Abaddon's style. It seemed to make sense in some kind of otherworldly creature way.
Anyway Jaggy gave me some spark of power cause what else can the bully do but give you a chance to prove you'd be a bully too if you had the opportunity.
Now, as I feared, trying to write all this down has taken enough mental effort that I've forgotten the weirdly coherent way the dream held together as a narrative with more plots and intricacies than I can usually keep track of when awake. There was a timeskip. A soccer field filled up with courtiers to the god. I had to desperately figure out how to use my new superhuman strength to jump between buildings. That was the intriguing part, it was almost like flying, but a kind of flying I had to work for more than I have in any dream I can remember. Just barely making my jumps, usually having to pull myself up from the ledge by my hands, and knowing each time I could only make it by fighting the fear of failing and going for it, which made me super self conscious of how scared I was. . .
Unfortunately, I was so scared I woke up.
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