#but anyway yeah. the moment i saw liling luck
peckforlovingheck · 2 years
A really dumb flicker fic thing because I need to post on here pt. 1
Liling sat down on her bed. She had gotten herself dressed an hour prior and had about a half-hour more to herself before she would head off to school.
When will Mary be here? She wondered. At that moment, she heard the click of the door’s lock, meaning someone got in. Liling heard the thud of the footsteps and immediately knew it was who she was waiting for.
“I’m dropping you off, along with Ed, alright?” Mary checked. Liling shifted awkwardly. She forgot that her two friends had recently started dating. Personally, she didn’t see what Mary saw in Eduardo, but it wasn’t Liling’s place to judge.
She nodded. “Aaand I have everything I need!” Liling said, smiling and holding up her backpack. “You’ll regret bringing half of that stuff.” Mary smirked at the overstuffed bag. “But you need a good luck charm, don’t you?” Liling knew the question was rhetorical, but she fought the urge to deny it. She didn’t wish for Mary to give up one of her belongings.
Mary took out a star-shaped hairclip. She handed it to Liling. “Here. For good luck or just style, I guess.” Mary said. “Thank you!” Liling accepted it and smiled even wider. “Oop- come on, we gotta hurry or we’ll be late.” Mary noticed and dragged Liling along.
They then picked up Eduardo, and the three were at the school. “You said this is your third year in the U.S., right?” Eduardo asked. “Yeah.. but my first school year in this city.” Liling explained.
“Well, we’re here to make sure you don’t end up late on your first day then.” Mary reassured. “Knock ‘em dead, Lili.” And with those parting words, Mary and Eduardo walked off.
“WAIT I DONT KNOW WHERE MY CLASSES ARE-“ Liling shouted, but they were gone. She sighed and looked at her schedule. With it as a guide, she found her classes with more ease than expected.
“Sit anywhere you like.” The teacher stated. Liling picked a desk between two students. The one on her left, closest to the window, had ginger hair and a freckled face. They looked at her. Liling’s face was hot with awkwardness and embarrassment, though she wasn’t sure why.
On her right was a person with dark hair and a tan skin tone. They turned and smiled at Liling. “Hi! I’m Amani.” Liling could tell that this one was extroverted.
“I’m Liling. Nice to meet you.” Liling grinned. “Oh, and on your other side is Quinn. Quit being so shy, dude!” She pointed at the ginger. Quinn’s face flushed and turned the other way. They mumbled a weak “Hi.”
“Heh. They do that a lot. But boy do they talk when it’s something they like, like soccer or Veronica Amaryllis-“ “THAT WAS LAST YEAR AND IM OVER HER-“ Quinn whisper-yelled. Amani giggled, knowing Quinn would forgive her anyway.
Liling laughed along too, half-heartedly. She thought it was adorable more than funny. The teacher spoke up and class began.
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