#but anyways yeah its like 10 pages of stuff in this document lol RIP in tandem maybe i'll put it on the other blog
finnstansonly · 6 months
forgot how many scenes of in tandem i actually wrote jsldjgagk i just kind of abandoned it after tros came out bc in in tandem finn is a bit reluctant to fully accept his force sensitivity but dang. a couple really good lines in here.
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canaryatlaw · 7 years
Well, today wound up being pretty good, despite a slightly rough start. It took me a full 4 minutes to convince myself to get out of bed after my alarm went off at 7, but I managed to do it and not end up being late, although my bus was then late and I ended up being 15 minutes late to work anyway >_>. I managed to catch my boss just as she was walking out and caught her up quickly on the research I was doing trying to find that mom and girl and she said to file a criminal investigation unit request, so I spent most of the morning looking up information for that and filling it out. I was then out of work and learned that every single attorney on my calendar wasn't currently in the office. Oh, lol. Well I guess I get to fuck around for a while, so I did. After lunch I eventually got some more work in the form of more prison phone calls (yay my favorite! Not...) from yet another case, same lawyer. She did tell me that she got the judge to listen to the last ones I went through and identified the problematic content in and it resulted in a goal change, so that felt like a major victory for all the hours I spent listening to them (I hate 26 pages of notes, if that gives you any idea). I don't know too many of the details on this case but the calls were between a husband and wife with the wife incarcerated on like, 8 criminal trespassing charges. Like 2 minutes into the first call she drops that she's pregnant, so I immediately ask the lawyer if she knew this, and she was just like "oh no, she just thinks she's pregnant, she's actually out of her mind crazy and thinks she has 10 invisible children and 5 different lovers." OH. And as I kept listening, I found that was not an exaggeration at all. Like, this woman was out of her fucking mind, all the while insisting she was perfectly mentally healthy while then launching into a rant about how she believes in her invisible children she gave birth to at home and thinks they became visible and they saw them playing on a walk once and she just knew they were actually her children. Right.....the dad just seemed done with everything she was saying (I don't really blame him) but would then rant at her and say things like "we don't have our kids back because you keep doing stupid things and getting in trouble" and then they had a big fight because she wanted to call the caseworker because she likes her and thinks she's trying to help, while he vehemently disagrees and thinks the caseworker is trying to get their kids taken away. *sigh* never a dull movement. I was gonna go over my stuff with my boss once she got back but we decided to push it to tomorrow because she was busy, and then she asked me if I could step up for a status hearing on the case I did my first interview on with the adorable 5 year old girl I showed the Wonder Woman trailer, and since I know the case backwards and forwards at this point (the file has been living on my desk for over a month now) I of course said yes and went back to review it. I'm excited to do it because there's no real set format and I don't really know what to expect, so it'll be exciting for sure and I get to think on my feet. Plus I haven't gone up on a case against a public defender since the child death case so that'll be exciting. Happy with that. The day was over shortly after and I headed home, arriving around 6:25 so I started to get ready to go to PT immediately and ate some blueberries quickly before heading out for my 7 pm appointment. It did feel good to be back. The later time slots are always double booked it seems, so I ended up doing my exercises first (some of which hurt like a bitch because I hadn't done them in two weeks) then did the table session with my PT guy and some dry needling, and I felt like it was a good session. Came home, grabbed dinner, and turned on the justice league cartoon while on my computer doing various things like finally updating the company blog that had actually ran through its queue for the first time in like 2 years because of my neglect (whoops). There were actually some really good justice league episodes, including one where superman gets sent into the future where Vandal Savage took over the earth and consequently wound up killing off every other human being so he was all alone, so he ends up working with superman to send superman back in time to stop him from taking over the world. And I'm just like damn, why couldn't they have adapted that plot for Vandal on legends season 1??? It sounds like an infinitely more interesting villain plot than what we got (and we can still tie in Rip's family of course). So that was cool to see. And yeah, after a while I got ready for bed, and shortly before writing this post I got a Facebook message from a girl I had one class with in college a million years ago and haven't talked to in ages, because she posted a status the other day asking opinions on whether she should ask a homeless couple to move in with her and I was shocked to see all the horribly negative things people were saying, so I just commented "do it" and she wanted to let me know that she had and it had worked out wonderfully, and I was so happy to hear that because as I've said on here on many occasions it's an issue that's so close to my heart and stories like this can really help fight against the stigma against helping the homeless because people are scared or selfish. I won't go on about my feelings on the matter any more though, because I've already documented them in great length on here in past posts. But yeah, that was my day. Looking forward to court tomorrow and we'll see what else the day brings. Hopefully I'll get some good sleep, because I was noticeably tired throughout the morning unfortunately, though it did dissipate throughout the day. And yeah, that's it. Goodnight sweet things. Hope you had a lovely Tuesday.
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