#but at least it's just cringe and not actively indicative of deep racial biases!
crossguild · 9 months
things about lovelace that are canon:
went to west point
played basketball in high school and college
basketball career cut short because of a car accident that shattered her knee
deployed in iraq
born & raised in brooklyn, NY
broke her wrist trying (unsuccessfully) rescue mason fisher in an asteroid shower
brilliant tactician, has problems with authority
described as 'both a workaholic and a prankster'
dad is a district judge, her mom was a marine
both a career military woman and a staunch liberal
the only thing about lovelace the fandom seems to talk about:
also she's very hot
... like listen. my point here isn't that no one should headcanon her as a lesbian (i do most of the time as well!) or find her hot (i also do this), it's that it's just very obviously something primarily white fandoms do to characters of color, to project their own non-canon experience onto them rather than relating to the character on the things that are explicitly canon about them. it's also highkey fetishistic when all people can talk about with her is how she's a lesbian and they find her hot.
like, non-polish fans can relate to minkowski's desire to be taken seriously and fit in, which are things she actually has. people who aren't white men from texas are capable of relating to eiffel's self esteem and impulse control issues, which he actually has. people who aren't AIs are capable of sympathizing with hera's struggles with anxiety and disability, and extrapolate on her experiences on her terms, without projecting their own. what is it like to be a disembodied voice whose best option for 'friend' still doesn't hold you in high enough regard to not call you derogatory nicknames?
why are white fans so deeply incapable of taking isabel sofia lovelace as a character in her own right and analyzing her as she is without projecting their own experiences onto her?? why do i never hear anyone talk about how her relationship with her dad and her mom might have influenced both her decision to join the military and her political views? or about like. fucking literally anything about her that isn't predicated on their attraction to her? can we get maybe a mention of the all-but-diagnosed ptsd? that's a rhetorical question. we know why.
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