#but can we let nica rest please?? shes suffered enough. now she's gotta deal with this too ๐Ÿ˜”
xhellodollyx ยท 2 years
You know what i was hoping for, because I knew something would happen to either Glen or Glenda that would lead to them ending up back in the doll:
If Chucky had been the one to try and shoot at Tiffany. I actually had a thought for a moment that it was still Chucky in Nica's body somehow that did that, because for a moment it seemed like it was. But can you imagine? Chucky has killed Tiffany multiple times. Its nothing new to him, and given everything thats happened, everything Tiffany did, it makes sense he's still pissed and would want to kill her.
So, he aims at Tiffany and pulls the trigger... only for Glen to jump in the way, protecting their mother, but it's much to Chucky's shock and horror that it happens. He wasn't expecting it and yet he should have, but his anger and impulsiveness got in the way as usual, not even considering his child could be hurt or even killed in the process.
And just like in Bride when Tiffany was thrown into the oven, he screams โ€” a loud and broken cry of "NO!" For a moment, he can't do much, can't move, he's only able to watch in horror. Instantly regret pools inside of him for pulling the trigger. If he'd known this would be the outcome, he wouldn't have done it.
But there's still a chance to save Glen. Glenda knows it. Tiffany knows it. Chucky knows it as well. It's the only way now. Tiffany and Chucky share a look, putting aside their differences, their grudges and hatered for one another โ€” they know what they have to do to save their kid.
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