#but can't find the rabbit! The choreographer said its there so idk!
sweetsuenos · 2 years
I think its so fun that the BEcause mv has a twist just like in Us. You're meant to believe that Gahyeon is a dopplganger who has escaped and that she's the one starting off the chaos since it starts with her throwing a cage off herself. But in the story Jiu is actually the real dopplganger, which is why gahyeon chokes her at the beginning of the choreo (Just like how the chain of events in Us are also set off by choking) but at the end Gahyeon is captured and all the other girls have been killed or replaced by their shadows, and everyone smiling creepily at the end (now wearing outfits that were hanging on a rack at the beginning of the mv) tells you Gahyeon was actually a human trying to escape. And now she's the only original human among a group of dopplegangers and she's under their control.
And this is foreshadowed by Jiu (and Sua at times) controlling the other girls movements. There's also a bunch of points in the choreo meant to show us the girls being mirrors of each other or to show us that they are tethered to each other and can be swapped, like when they literally switch places! Also! The move where they lift Yoohyeon like a marionette reminds me of in the movie when they say the Tethered were created to control the people above like puppets.
The lyrics themselves are about being obsessed with someone and wanting to control them, and about that obsession leading to sadness. The lyrics "Wipe away the spilled paint before it hardens, get rid of everything, even the guilt. I don't wanna BE!" (BE meaning the hanja character for sadness) really remind me of when Red is talking about the horrors she endured and she begins to cry but she has to push that to the side to achieve her goal and initiates the attack against Adelaide's family. So it's like she has to get rid of any guilt she might have if she wants to be free from this sadness.
All this being said I cannot understand people who read the lyrics and said it was about sex. The spilled paint is blood. They call someone's face blue from being choked. The stars in someone's eyes are supposed to be tears from fear. The lyrics are very clearly about obsession and profound sadness so I cannot imagine reading all that, knowing its an homage to Us, and then saying its about hooking up.. 🤨
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