#but couldn't incorporate it right anywa
kaisollisto · 4 months
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i imagine beatrice refuses to wear a cap (especially backwards)
"it's quite frankly unprofessional and tacky." Beatrice grumbles tiredly. Ava waves away her insistence, scoffing, muttering, "who even uses the word tacky." She flattens it on Bea's head careful to tuck the bun underneath the hat. Her hands roam at the back of her neck and Ava blames it on the height difference. She can't tell if she's pinching bea's hair from their positions. Beatrice is sat with her paperwork crooked on the table and Ava hovering above her. "C'mon bea you can take a power nap, i know you're sleepy." Ava nudges her softly, the source of bea's exhaustion weighs on Ava's heart heavily. "Just a tiny one, I'll wake you up in 30 minutes, promise." Beatrice's face twitches, Ava can see her face fluctuating between a range of emotions before she settles on resignation. She relents but not before questioning the validity of the hat. Ava laughs and fixes it so it covers the top of her face, "It's a good disguise, no one will know it's you." She tidies her table up as neat as she can with Beatrice shifting. Beatrice's ears peek out from her head and Ava has to restrain herself from doing something utterly unhinged (like rubbing them softly), "See you in 30 boss."
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