#but everyone was SILENT abt charles erasing moira's memory w/o her consent
sapphirescales · 7 years
anyways, ive been thinkin abt my rp exp on raven for ages and how its not always been a positive experience??? and how a lot of ppl talk shit abt me behind my back for Certain Decisions i made w this blog but like lmao dont fucking talk to me like you weren't part of the problem when i joined as xm//fc raven in 2012, the xrpc fuckin HATED HER. there were basically NO GIFSETS, NO META of her ANYWHERE, her entire tag was filled w people who hated and despised the movie version of her bc they either resent jen's Success™ or bc they thought she was Weak and Useless and Childish and Selfish -- EVEN THO xm//fc was an origin story. they preferred xtrilogy raven who had a total of like 4? 5? lines? and no characterisation to her other than blue, naked and subservient to erik. what a fckn surprise. like SORRY TO BE SALTY AF but the rpc pissed me tf off. i had to deal w SO MUCH SEXISM AND MISOGYNY not just from the non rp side of fandom but also from potential rp partners. from charles and erik rpers who either wanted an infantile ravne or a Bitch™ as an antagonist in their ch*rik stories. from random male ocs and canons -- ppl from the mcu and 616 alike -- who were only interested in writing ships or using raven as fodder and support for their chara's emotional Angst™ bc obvs shes female and so she MUST naturally give a shit abt everyone, even ppl she's never met every time i reblogged a vaguely intimate image, or a text post, or talked abt sex hcs or even just discussed her body image, i would get unsolicited invitations for ships and abt how "my muse would **** and ****** and ********* raven, would love it if raven also ** and **** and ***". and it is STILL HAPPENING TODAY, in 2017. i am STILL getting messages like this from ppl i have never rp'd with, never followed, sexually explicit and unasked for. i'd get unfollowed and shamed by Prominent Members of the xrpc (only real 2012-2014 era rpers will know which blogs im talkin abt) as being sex-focused and ship-focused for making raven even the slightest bit sexual. like sry 2 sound like a bitch but i guess i am one?? i had to work fckn HARD to establish raven as a character to be taken seriously in the rpc even tho she was a movie version. she only started getting popular after do//fp, and even now she still gets a lot of shit. i had to work fckn hard to be taken seriously, and protect the investment of my time and energy which means im exclusive and selective and mutuals preferred and even then!!!! i STILL can't reblog or talk abt raven's sexuality, no matter how important it is (esp to me a lgbtqia woman), because the Moment™ i ever made her a sexual person she stopped being taken seriously and it STILL happens. ppl clamour around male muses who talk sex hcs but when female muses do, theyre immediately taken less seriously. you'll immediately get hounded for ships w ppl you've never written with tht suddenly feel like they can harass you bc you stop being intimidating when you show the sexual interests of yr muse so like, while i know Some Of You are out there bitching abt how i dont rp w everyone, tht i make myself deliberately unapproachable, and abt how Toxique™ i am bc im exclusive and mutuals prioritised, remember i fckn tried to get along w you ppl and ya'll did me SO DIRTY repeatedly. fuck you.
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