#but fanon grian is just easier to write bc he's closer to my personality
ramghosterr · 1 year
in my head there are two versions of traffic!grian. if you ask me what i think the correct, canon interpretation is, that answer will be Way Different then my fanon version of him, which aligns more with how i write him in fanfics.
canon traffic grian moves from person to person quickly, and doesn't tend to make alliances with the same person twice. his relationships with others are fast and bright like a fire, until the fire goes out. he's fiercly loyal to those he cares about, but that disappears if they betray him (or what he views as a betrayal). he doesn't take kindly to being forced into something he's not willing to do. he's a survivor- he's careful and maybe even paranoid, and he often makes it pretty late in the game because of this. he enjoys the game a little too much, and takes delight in a successful trap (even if he's not on red). he's a force of chaos, who can't be forced into a box but will stay by your side until he outlives you.
fanon traffic grian is different. he's still loyal, but he forms attachments quickly and never really forgets about them, even if the people in those relationships hurt him. he holds his friends close to his heart, even after a new game has begun. he feels trapped, and scared- this is his punishment from the watchers, and he blames himself for what everyone else is going through. because of this, he pushes the people he cares about away. he's a tragic hero, a pyrrhic victor, a falling icarus. yet he still loses himself in the chaos, thriving in the danger and high emotions of the game (perfect for a watcher). he's scared but trying to be brave, guilty but trying to be strong, and traumatized but trying to push forward because he has no choice.
those are two different people. and that's okay. it's why it's called fanon.
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