#but from each dream i've been pulling different aspects and building this story and i lovee it
birdietrait · 8 months
there are a few new ocs bouncing around in my head
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petrichor-idyllic · 6 months
Vol and Friends Information | The Maze Runner Fanfic Concept
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This is a character and idea I wrote a long time ago and found sitting in my drafts. So, I figured I would finally share her with you guys. Character writing is my thing and I thought I should post something since I've been so inactive.
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As most of you know, the Maze Runner movies and books are actually quite different from each other. Of course, I prefer the books but there are some things I think the movies do better, so I've decided to use aspects from both the books and the movies to use in this potential fanfiction.
From the Movies
Takes a couple of days to recall names.
Layout of the Glade/the Maze is the same.
Characters look like their Movie counterparts for the sake of simplicity.
The Grievers look how they're depicted.
Alby is kinder and less brutal like how he's depicted in the movies.
The Gladers have been there for three years (as of the arrival of Thomas, the story starts a year before the end.)
From the Books
The Beetle Blades exist and are how the Creators observe the Glade.
Thomas and Teresa have their telepathic connection and psychic style dreams/flashbacks exist.
Minho is more sarcastic like how he is depicted in the book.
Grievers don't only come out at night. Whilst not as common, Grievers are active during the day. The Runners have encountered them many times.
The Changing isn't rare to go through and the Gladers already have the serum provided by the Creators.
The Box comes up once a week with supplies and once a month with a new Greenie.
I thought it would be smart to clarify and show the best aspects of both media.
Protagonist Name: Vol
Named after: Voltaire; François-Marie Arouet, also known as M. de Voltaire was a French Enlightment writer, historian and philosopher in the 1700s. He was famous for his wit, and his criticism of Christianity (especially of the Roman Catholic Church) and of slavery. Voltaire was an advocate of freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and separation of church and state.
Subject: A0 "The Trespasser"
Sex: Female
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: Unlabeled
Age: 17-19, exact age is unknown
Job: Builder, then later a Med-jack
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Face claim: Iva Varvarchuk
About 5'4" with a slim but lean build, she has white skin with freckles and some scarring. She has brown almond eyes and dark eyebrows. She has short, slightly messy brown hair that is often tied half up half down or pulled back in a tight messy french braid. She wears whatever clothes she can get her hands on, but is normally seen wearing the worn leather jacket and off-white hoodie combo that she came up in the box in. She also can be found wearing the grey tank top and baggy cargo pants she arrived in.
Personality: Vol is fiery and critical with a slight violent streak and a drive to do what's right. She believes strongly in equality and that she is just as capable as her male counterparts. She has no problem putting the boys in their places if they stare for too long or make an inappropriate comment. She often gets in arguments for her beliefs and ideas and isn't above going against the Keepers and Alby to get her point across. She's often described as "too smart for her own good"; her intelligence and quick nature often being a tense point in the Glade. Her intelligence is also exaggerated by her suspiciously good biology knowledge. She's very easily frustrated, especially when people don't listen to her. Despite being very critical and harsh, she can't always take what she dishes out; Vol struggles to take valid criticism and is quick to become defensive as she takes most things to heart. Due to her politically charged nature, she's often routing for the underdog and has a soft spot for Greenies and struggling Gladders- she's almost always willing to risk her mental and physical health for anyone that needs it. She's also beyond willing to jump to anyone's defence should she believe they need it. Because of this, she becomes somewhat of a big sister figure in the Glade- caring but sarcastic and occasionally violent. When she's around the few people she actually looks up to/admires, she becomes more relaxed. She's genuinely witty and often makes jokes that go over people's heads, but she's not nearly as reckless and cutthroat. She tries to lighten the mood after rough days and try and lift spirits, especially after the dreary repetition the Runners go through. She even makes flirty comments and jokes just to watch the boys squirm. Though, the pressure can get too much, especially after certain events skyrocket her into more popularity and conflict than she'd already managed.
Name: Leo
Named after: Leonardo Da Vinci - Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci (15 April 1452 – 2 May 1519) was an Italian polymath of the High Renaissance who was active as a painter, draughtsman, engineer, scientist, theorist, sculptor, and architect.
Subject: A17 "The Deliquent"
Sex: Male
Pronouns: He/him
Age: 16 - 18
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship to Vol: Friend
Job: Slicer
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Face Claim: Benjamin Wadsworth
About 5'11" and with a pretty strong build. He has tanned skin and several scars and can often be found stained with blood.
Personality: He's extroverted and boisterous, often causing problems and liking being the centre of attention. He's weak-willed and doesn't seem to care about leaving as much as the other boys. He doesn't get along with Minho and most of the Runners for this reason. He's a thorn in Alby's side and has a record for breaking most of the rules- the Slammer is basically his home. He can be incredibly overprotective and forward with his feelings and opinions. He loves to argue and get a rise out of people. He is a definition problem child.
Name: Otto
Named after: Otto Hahn - a German Scientist known as the "Father of nuclear chemistry."
Subject: A23 "The Shield"
Sex: Male
Pronouns: He/they (the latter going unused in the Glade)
Age: 16 - 18
Sexuality: Homosexual
Relationship to Vol: Best friend/found brother
Job: Track-hoe
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Face Claim: Unknown model
About 6'1" and very skinny. He has slightly crooked teeth and a slit in his eyebrow.
Personality: Otto is more timid and introverted than his counterparts. He lives is Vol and Leo's shadow, opting to just be known as the boy that came up with the girl than making a name for himself. He's kind of a pushover and can be talked into pretty much anything. He kind of a hopeless romantic but he's fueled by logic, providing a much needed level-headedness to his friends, especially when Vol is worked up and willing to go along with Leo's schemes.
Name: Dalton
Named after: John Dalton - An English chemist best know for introducing the atomic theory into chemistry.
Subject: A19 "The Statue"
Sex: Male
Pronouns: He/him
Sexuality: Asexual/Aromantic
Relationship to Vol: Friend/Body Guard
Job: Bulider
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Face claim: Mukasa Kakonge
About 6'4" and well-built. He towers over most of the other Gladers. Has a lot of scars on his hands from his job.
Personality: Dalton is the quietest one of the group. He prefers to stick to himself and the only reason he's social at all is because Leo was the Greenie before him, and had to show him around - now they're friends. Though, unlike Otto, he isn't timid. He has a very intimidating presence and simply doesn't care for the Gladers' conversations or opinions. He is very protective of the people he does care about, though, and isn't scared to intervene when the others get themselves in trouble.
Otto: After waking up in the Box, Otto was lost and dazed but had enough common sense to try and wake up the teenage girl who was also passed out. After that, Vol took to protecting her timid friend and is often the more offensive of the pair despite her being the odd one out. Otto is the only person she truly trusts because they're the only person that she's knows for sure is in the same situation as her.
Leo: Vol meets Leo during her trial as a Slicer. He offers her advice and helps out, giving her tricks and ways to make the job easier. He's also the person that convinced Vol to ask Newt about becoming a Med-jack due to her anatomy knowledge. He's more laid-back than most of the Gladers around her so she gains some respect for him and they quickly become friends. Though, Leo quickly shows himself as a bad influence, causing problems in Vol's other relationships. But, due to Leo's unfaltering loyalty, she sticks by him.
Dalton: He kind of came as a deal package with Leo. Vol wasn't sure what to think of him at first, but Dalton proved to be a big softy that would crush anyone that got too close to her, and the pair became close fairly quickly.
Newt: Like most of the Gladers, his relationship with Vol is few and far between as she's got her own little group and she chooses to spend time with them. That being said, Newt is probably one of her more favoured people in the Glade. He's one of the most respectful Gladers and he helps where he's needed, even if he can be sarcastic and nihilistic.
Alby: Alby is more of a leader than a friend to Vol, probably because he is. Though, he does have a soft spot for the girl and sees the same admirable traits in her that he saw in Minho when he first assigned him as the Keeper of the Runners. He tends to keep an eye on her so that he can make sure none of the boys are causing her problems.
Frypan: Due to his small crush on the girl, Frypan is very kind and understanding towards Vol, often letting her vent and giving her extra food under the table. Because of his kindness, Vol occasionally helps out in the kitchen, even delivering and making food for the Runners before they go out into the Maze for the day.
Chuck: She becomes somewhat a mother figure to Chuck, her need to protect and look after him coming to the forefront of their relationship. She's definitely one of Chuck's favourite people in the Glade.
Jeff and Clint: Her coworkers who try and keep her out of trouble. She likes them both equally and appreciates their help and the lack of questioning of her abilities.
Love Interest: Minho
Kinda Enemies to Lovers.
They got off to a bad start when Vol tried to escape the Glade on her first day and Minho had to stop her.
She punched him in the jaw and had a meltdown.
She tried to apologise once she'd calmed down (and Ably made her) but Minho was just sarcastic and bitter. Due to her stubborn nature, she insulted him and stormed off.
Leo's negative opinion of the Runners only adds to this.
Tension lies in physical attraction and occasional staring at first.
Minho comes to admire her morals.
She comes to admire his work ethic.
The pair argue for fun, but no one else seems to notice the spark behind their sarcastic exchanges.
Alby thinks they don't like each other because they're too similar.
Which is exactly why Newt thinks they do like each other.
Gally: The pair got off to a rough start on her trail as a Builder, and then later arguments during her time as a Builder, so there is some tension between them. She eventually comes to admire Gally and his passionate and caring ways, even if he doesn't show it in the best way. She finally starts to respect him as a Keeper, even if their frenemy status still remains.
Thomas: A late arrival to the Glade, she tried to be kind to Thomas when he appears but since he moves at a million miles an hour and is more reckless than she is, she's normally too busy to spend time listening to his antics.
Teresa: Initially, she was beyond pleased to have another girl in the Glade, but overall they don't spend much time together apart from Vol attempting to befriend the girl, who's all too interested in thinking up ideas with Thomas.
Ben: Since he's a Runner and spends a lot of time with Minho, the pair have had a fair few conversations and he witnesses a lot of arguments. He actually likes siding with her because he enjoys annoying Minho. But she wouldn't exactly consider him a friend.
Winston: He's a Glader she sees around and doesn't really talk to. He seems nice enough and she has nothing against him.
Zart: The same applies to Zart as it does Winston.
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