#but he's the only one I saw who gave mica the platform without making a huge deal about apologizing
technoskittles · 4 years
Something’s up....
So regarding the new information regarding Mica’s departure from RoosterTeeth that’s cropped up due to the current events, there are a lot of RT employees publicly saying that they regret not standing up for her against the backlash she received against the community.
And of course, it’s a nice sentiment and all (even if it is a tad late) and there should definitely be some action to back their words. I think we can all agree on that.
But I feel like the praise for making these statements and the criticism for “not doing enough” or “being performative” is largely disproportionate.
When Andy Blanchard (who’s not even with RT anymore) made a statement? A lot of praise that he’s speaking up now.
When Miles Luna made a statement? A lot of praise that he’s speaking up now.
When Jeremy Dooley made a statement? A lot of praise that he’s speaking up now. (I even saw one particular person say he’s still a good person and I remember him saying that he wasn’t, he was a scared person because he was afraid of the community turning on him again after he received so much hate when everyone thought he was replacing Ray.)
When Gavin Free, Geoff Ramsey, & Jon Risinger (the only other people I’ve seen so far) made statements? ....Well you get the picture.
But when Barbara Dunkelman made a statement? I’ve been seeing a LOT more criticism geared towards her. There’s been a few people praising her for speaking up now, but most of the replies I’ve seen on her QRT of Mica’s tweet have been really critical and not as forgiving. I’ve even seen one person demand she give up her host spot for Always Open.
On the other side, Mariel has also received a bit more criticism, though it seems that she’s received more of an even mix of both that and praise.
Notice something?
First off, it’s really odd that two of the top three people receiving the MOST criticism are not only women, but also not even on Achievement Hunter (and some member of AH haven’t even acknowledged Mica’s tweet it seems). But I’m not here saying that criticism isn’t allowed or shouldn’t be brought up. 
The community absolutely needs to call RT out - AH and the company as a whole. But directing all of that criticism towards one person - especially in a disproportionate amount towards a Jewish woman rather than all the men who were actually there and involved - is also just sketchy in my opinion. If you’re going to criticize RT, make sure that sentiment is expressed to ALL of the employees. Don’t praise one side and then constantly berate another when, AGAIN, the person you happen to be berating is a JEWISH. WOMAN. who has to deal with her own shit (even if it’s minimal compared to what Mica experienced).
The only exception to this that I’ve seen where someone has received far more criticism than praise for speaking out is Matt Hullum, which honestly is well deserved as the CEO of the company. 
I am 100% of the opinion that RT needs to get their shit together and start speaking out more on behalf of their employees, especially since Fiona is receiving the same type of hate and bigotry that Mica had gone through. With that and current events going on, they need to make a statement AND a plan of action to better handle these situations and protect their employees while also diversifying their workspace. 
But we also need to pay attention to WHO is receiving the most criticism and ask ourselves why that is.
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