#but htat's all i gotta say PEACE OUT
balmungkriemhild · 6 months
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late to foxgirl friday but oh well _(:3 」∠ )_ Hiyamei's design looked better with pants so I decided to give her pants and make a sorta coherent reference of her outfit.
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Thomas: LOGIC!!!
Logan: *Holding phone and repeating after it* El príncipe es stupido-Oh.
Thomas:  I’m sorry.
Logan: You know you should uh really give us fair warning before you pull us into one of these vlogs Thomas.
Thomas: Are you learning Spanish?
Logan: Not really, I’m trying to learn a particular phrase in a multitude of languages. You know what? It doesn’t really matter. What can I do for you, Thomas?
Thomas: Okay, so I just recently had an audition. 
Logan: Oh yes, for one of those stage productions for professional make believe.
Thomas: Yes, and the audition is over
Logan: It would seem so
Thomas: I either get the part, or I don’t.
Logan: Y-yes, that’s how it works. Is this new information for you, or?
Thomas: ...and Supreme Dark Overlord of Negative Commerce - I’m afraid I’m going to need your name.
Anxiety: *Sighs* Tsk... No.
Thomas: This debate is sponsored by the National Essential Reasoning Department, or N.E.R.D.
Logan: Uh, or, or we do not have to abbreviate it.
Thomas: and the Public Humiliation Foundation.
Anxiety: I’m a monthly donor.
Thomas: Me me big boy. Nope.
Thomas: Yesterday I was texting someone who I like very much. They made me feel itty bitty butterflies in my tummy and sunshine in my heart.
Logan & Anxiety: Ugh
Logan: Aw, what’s the matter Anxiety are you worried that your silver tongue will land you in second place?
Anxiety: Hiss
Logan: I’m sorry - did he just hiss at me?
Thomas: Anxiety, this morning I went to get a coffee and the barista was extremely charming.
Anxiety: Ugh, charming.
Anxiety: If she did exist she’d be preposterous and pointless.
Logan: FALSEHOOD! *Screeches like Lemongrab*
Logan: You learning things is the closest I’ll ever be to feeling love.
Anxiety: Save your insults, I’m just gunna duck out.
Logan: Actually, um, I was going to tell you that was a good debate today.
Anxiety: What? W-w-what do you mean?
Logan: I mean you did a good job.
Anxiety: H-how? I was barely trying. I hissed at you.
Logan: Yes, I must admit that is a fairly uncommon debate tactic. But, despite you clearly not enjoying taking part, you still participated, you offered your points, and you even reasoned in your own way. And all of htat is commendable
Thomas: This is so pure
Anxiety: I gotta say I don’t really know how to react to you complimenting me. I kind of thought you didn’t like me. Especially after last time after you called me a defeatist. 
Logan: Well, you are wrong about a lot of things. But I don’t necessarily mind your company. The other two can bring in a whole lot of sunshine. And that can be unbearable. and I can’t imagine having a debate with either one of them.
Anxiety: I-i guess I just kind of assumed that-
Logan: You jumped to a conclusion.
Thomas: We were just talking about this weren’t we.
Anxiety: Touche. Thanks.
Thomas: Glad to see you guys working some things out.
Anxiety: We didn’t work anything out.
Logan: He’s stubborn as ever.
Logan: It’s interesting. 
Anxiety: What?
Logan: Now that we’re at a little bit of a standstill, I finally feel a sense of peace in this household.
Anxiety: I guess?
Logan: The atmosphere is calm, the air is tranquil, and it finally feels that we’re at a point of higher sophisticated feeling.
Roman: I’m back! Did you miss me?
Logan: YOU'RE MOM MISSES YOU! I’m sorry while that was savage, it was a little extra.
Roman: What did you do to him?
Anxiety: *Snicker*
Morality: LOGIC! Now where did you learn such childish humor. Tsk tsk.
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