#but i don't care if it's 'chubby' kyle or 'lean ripped' kyle
thefanimator · 2 years
you ever notice how Kyle Gallner changes body type a lot? what’s your favorite one if you had one if that makes sense?
ok, so i know what you mean but it took me a second to understand what you were saying. you mean how he can go from a more 'chubby'/doughy body type to a more lean muscular one.
i mean, idk. having a 'favorite' one seems kinda of creepy to me personally. like i have favorite characters by him but saying i have a certain body type i like most is... eh.
i mean, he's an actor. he plays different roles. my 'favorite' is whatever one he is happy with. i mean, he was probably most fit and lean a few months ago, if you guys saw his flexing video. again, i have body issues and i work out to compensate that, i eat better, etc. I think viewing him as a object is odd, like yeah, im a simp but i'm not 'oh wow, kyle looks extra lean today. i don't like that i wish he looked more chubby today', like to me that's weird. again, not blaming you and sorry for going on the tryant.
my 'favorite' which doesn't exist in this regard would be Simon. He's muscular but he very clearly is not insanely shredded. he looks like your average guy in some regards and that's one of the reasons i love Kyle is he's an actor but not some bodybuilder. oh, and Quentin as well.
sorry for the tangent. i've noticed a part of the KG fan base (if you could call it that) that tends to judge him on weight or what he looks like. i saw this post about how Kyle looked 'ugly and unattractive' in Cougars Inc bcuz he had a little bit of a belly. who tf cares? another person said he had a 'dad bod' (which uh have you seen him rn? he's actually leaned out rn, just look at his profile on instagram, it doesn't matter but like are y'all blind). yeah, ppl are attracted to different things. that's opinion based, but come tf on? work on yourself, its kyle's body, not yours. that applies to anyone and anything. sorry about the tangent, i just wanted to rant about some ppl treat KG. i have preferences and so do other ppl. but it doesn't mean ppl can be a dick about it to him.
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