#but i swear a large majority of the silmarillion 'fandom' hasn't even read the histories
lostinmemoria · 2 years
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There tolkien goes again, calling fëanor the most beautiful boy to have ever lived
And people draw interpretations of him looking wrinkled and stern of face, like, mate... respectfully: WHAT?!
To be noted, tolkien uses the word "fair" as a descriptor for many characters, but this isn't always a reference to appearance, as "fair" can be found throughout the text used majorly as a description for mood and conduct.
But for fëanor in particular, tolkien specifies "fair of face" (QS), and now, here (AAm), saying the most beautiful, too.
I'm sorry, but how am I supposed to not envision what could be the male equivalent of lúthien, as far as beauty? Striking, enrapturing, and all-encompassing; completely—in mind, spirit, and body—in all he is and does.
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