#but i want froggie :( wanna hold him by my nose like when i was lil
bepp-ers · 4 years
Headcanons #3 [Quirk- Panda! Edition]
so, this was requested by a v cute anon and oml i just-- i wanna draw this panda girl :)) also it was specifically requested fem so that is what i shall be doing. so, quirk- panda, what is it? 
You have big fuzzy panda ears which give you remarkable hearing, and you’re an exceptional climber. You can climb any surface, no matter how steep, and overall you’re just a cutie. And in the last one you have a few black circles going under your eyes. No homo tho. ;)
Well, Bakugo doesn’t associate with ‘cute’
I mean, it’s just not very intimidating or something a guy like him would look at and go
“i need that”
But oh boy when he met you that changed
Look, you have panda ears
He had a sudden urge to just
Do Not Ask WhyTM
He doesn’t know himself
But he’ll be damned if he’s giving into those urges
Until, of course...
It was lunchtime, you were sat at a table (next to Bakugo of course) and eating your food. There were a few others at the table, but Bakugo was mostly focused on you.
Once again he was wondering what they felt like- your ears, that is. Were they soft? Were they fluffy? Or were they smooth? Did they feel like velvet? Or silk? He had to know. But he just couldn’t bring himself to ask.
That was until Kirishima asked you about it. It was a throwaway comment, something like- “Hey, [Name], what’s it like having different ears?”
And boom. Suddenly everyone wanted to touch them. You didn’t mind much, it was mostly the girls who just wanted to know what they felt like. Mina often compared them to her horns, so it was fine.
That was until a certain ash-blond reached over and gently tweaked one of them. You went slightly pink and smiled. “Wow, Katsuki, didn’t take you to be that kinda guy.” 
At that he realised what he was doing, and hastily yanked his hand away. “I- Shut it, Fuzzy! That’s- you-!” He spluttered, much to your amusement. 
You simply reached over and placed his hand back on your ears. “You’re way too obvious, all ya had to do was ask.” He grumbled quietly, but never actually said he didn’t want to, so... ;)
Oh lord
You’ll never get away from her hands
That’s not a bad thing either
She’s just smitten with the idea of her crush having these cute round ears
Horns, ears, same thing!
She loves the similarities between the two of you
And she’s not afraid to show it, either
Like everyday after school, you were hanging around Mina’s house. Her mum always bought ready-made bamboo shoots for you (yes, they’re a real thing) so that was a bonus.
The only sound that could be heard was crunching, as well as the occasional sound from the game Mina was playing. Your head was resting on her shoulder as you watched the little character run around whacking Boon with their bug net.
You flushed a crimson feeling her hand run through your hair and then over the back of your ears. It wasn’t the first time, but it sometimes caught you off guard.
“Whassamatter, hon?” She giggled, making you grin. “You need to warn me when you do that, y’know?” “Yep, just teasing. You’re cute when you’re flustered.”
Not exactly the kind of person you’d expect to gain a crush, but here she is
This lil froggy is just so happy that she found another person with an animal quirk to be honest
You’re no exception, you want to know just how similar you two are
She genuinely cares for you and wants to take her time, too
After all, loosing you isn’t an option
Her favourite thing to do is hold your hand, because then she see you and keep you close
It can be hard to know what she’s thinking
But you’re one of the few people who can figure it out
Rain. You didn’t really like it. Pandas aren’t exactly known for their love of water, so it made sense. However your cute froggy friend did.
“[Name], I thought you’d gone home kero.” Speaking of which, she’d just spotted you standing at the edge of Heights Alliance, waiting and watching.
“Hey, I’m just waiting for this god damned rain to end. I didn’t bring an umbrella, see.” She nodded thoughtfully, and then produced something from her bag.
A dark green umbrella. Oh. 
“Here, want to share mine, kero?” “Aw, Tsu, you’re too kind.” You grinned, stepping closer. The height difference was something you loved to joke about, and Tsuyu secretly liked the fact that you were taller.
She held the umbrella in her left hand, and took yours in her right. You gave a small squeeze of reassurance. “What would I do without you, hm?”
Crushes were normal for Denki
He’d liked practically every girl (and maybe even guy) he’d seen
He at least flirted with them
But with you it was different
It was like he used up all of his electricity and was in constant idiot mode around you
He can’t help it!
Poor bean, he just wants to impress you
But he usually just ends up dropping whatever he’s holding or tripping over his shoelaces
You found it pretty cute, not gonna lie
To you, he was like a ray of sunshine
Always smiling and goofing off
And that clumsiness? 
*smack sound*
N i c e
He just wants to spend all his time with you, not even in a romantic way sometimes
He loves your energy and personality more than anything
So!! Cute!! And!! Nice!!
“Hey, [Name], watch this!” You leant across the back of your chair, watching the blonde balance a pen on his nose. 
“You look like an idiot.” His eyes widened slightly and he tipped his head a little too far back, resulting in him being jabbed in the eye. His face erupted in red as he blinked the ache away.
“Aha, oops?” You simply shook your head, with a small eye-roll. “Yep, definitely an idiot.” You stated, getting up and sitting besides him.
“Your my idiot though.” You giggled, giving a chaste kiss to his cheek, causing his blush to worsen (in a good way.)
A crush you say?
Jiro isn’t usually so worked up about things, but...
Bby just wants to deny her feelings
There’s no way you’d like her back
You’re so pretty and funny
And smart, kind, friendly, open, comforting...
Jiro could go on for hours about how great you were
In a completely non-romantic way of course!!
“Face the facts girl. You’ve got it baaad.”
With a sigh she might just have to accept her own feelings
“Does she like me back, though?”
“Who?” Jiro flinched in her seat, and Kirishima snickered. “Oh, looks like I’ve gotta shoot off. See you Jiro, take care of her for me [Name]!” Oh Kiri, you evil wing-man.
“So what were you two talking about?” You inquired, despite the fact that you already knew. Eavesdropping is easy with two big fluffy ears. 
“Er- nothing too important, just stuff.” She said nonchalantly. You almost believed her, were it not for the fact that you literally heard her confess for you mere moments ago.
“Alrighty then. Hey, you wanna know something?” You beckoned for her to lean closer, and when she did, you whispered in her ear.
“The best part of having a panda quirk is that I can hear things even when I’m not there. That being said, you free on Saturday?”
You’d never seen her show so much emotion, yet here Jiro was, cheeks dusted pink and a small smile on her lips.
This lad is starved of love
All kinds
So naturally he has no idea what to do when he realises he might be falling for you
His father would definitely not approve, but if anything that made it all the more better
You were a good listener
With ears like those, it was kind of a given to be frank
And there was another thing, too
You also had markings on your face
Maybe the way you got them was different, but they were there
Little black circles under your eyes, decreasing in size as they went inwards
You weren’t a massive fan, usually you covered them with makeup but he loved them
And you weren’t going to lie, having someone like him around was nice
Perhaps a teeny bit of chemistry??
Just a smidge :)
You didn’t think he could be so sweet also, but you couldn’t be more wrong
It was one of those days. Listening to music, and applying the perfect amount of concealer to hide those markings. It wasn’t that you hated the way you looked all the time, it was just... them. 
They didn’t suit you, in your opinion, and you felt rather self conscious of them. You cursed, seeing that there was no concealer left. All you’d done was swatch it on your arm!
“Fuck...” You mumbled to yourself, flopping backwards on the bed. Ah well, you’d ask to borrow some from Momo tomorrow maybe. At least here in your dorm no-one could see you and your face right now.
‘Well smack me sideways, whyyy?’ You groaned, but got up and padded to the door anyway. 
What a pleasant surprise. “Eyo, Shouto, what’s up pal?” You let him into your room, flopping down on your bed and patting the space next to you so he could sit.
Befriending the icy guy was difficult but rewarding, as he was a true friend. Maybe even more, with that look...
“I’m bored. I wanted to see you.” Alright, forward much? You grinned, batting your seal plush out of the way and leaning a little on your pillow(s). “That’s great, but you caught me at a horrible time.”
“Oh really?” “Mm, ran out of concealer.” He gave you a quizzical look. “Which product is that?” You stifled a laugh. “The one I use to cover these,”
You pointed to your markings, and he sighed. “Do you have to? They’re part of you, are you really going to pretend they don’t exist forever?” 
“Yep, my hero suit is designed like that for a reason. But you know all that.” He hummed. “Yeah, I do. But it doesn’t stop me from questioning your choices. I think you should leave them.”
Ah, that was Todoroki. Blunt as a butter knife. You rolled your eyes, covering your markings with your hands unconsciously. “They’re ugly and I hate them. I was reading into surgery you can get, like tattoo removal for people who dislike the way their quirks make them look. I might get--”
You couldn’t finish you sentence as he had shushed you with one hand. 
“[Name] for goodness sake, they look amazing. Do not get surgery, they are part of you and every last inch of you is perfect to me. Please quit covering them up, I love them- and you.”
so, what did you think? i’m kinda tired today so some of them might be kinda ooc, but hey thats what headcanons are for. hope you enjoyed anon, i’m pleased with these.
also i finally settled on a headcanons format. i’ve been experimenting with the last few and i think this is gucci
also also sorry i didn’t do oneshots this week, i’m kinda abandoning my schedule cos school and my wattpad account. can’t manage all three lmao. welp bye no homo love ya
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