#but i'd prefer not to rough it so. we make sure i'm less insane before i do anything
bigmeansweatydyke · 1 month
i feel assured in the fact that i wanna go to therapy before making a big lifestyle decision/change. like i'm batshit crazy and deusional but i'm not kooky enough to just doowop and do it NOW
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jezzified · 3 years
How Spicy can Thailand get?
As we all know, Thailand is most known for its skincare products, cosmetics, and everything in the world of beauty and fashion. But have you ever tried their Pad Thai? Nam pla prik? Tom Yum Goong? Thai Milk Tea?
The list is endless when it comes to Thai Foods! For us Filipinos, though it's uncommon for us to see places or restaurants that serve the best and cheapest Thai dishes, I guarantee you that you will definitely like their delicacies from dipping sauces, desserts, grilled meats, and everything in between! Nope, this is not advertised! Just stating facts.
Apparently, Filipino food is frequently contrasted over Thai Food because Thai people prefer spicy food than Filipinos. Most of their food is spicy. Some are not a huge fan of spicy food but I LIVE FOR SPICY FOODS. Aside from their foods, like us Filipinos, Rice is life! They pair anything with rice even with mangoes. The infamous 'Mango Sticky Rice' is addictive. You can totally binge on it after having a rough day from your 9-to-5 day job. This trip is the most fun so far since this is the first time that I've ridden on a plane and visited outside the country. We've tried the local eatery and shops which is uncommon for a first-time tourist like me. Personally, I'd rather go to hidden gem places and eat local foods than spend my vacation in a hotel.
So here's Day1:
I've landed from Manila to Thailand from the Airport in less than 2 hours only! Can you imagine that? The travel hour I've spent is less than the travel time I've been spending during college days which takes 3-4 hours daily! So since I landed late at night, I just ate something from 7-11 which is around the corner from the place we're staying.
And I'm not kidding, I can live forever eating 711 every day! Their food is such a bomb! From appetizers to desserts. It feels like whenever you eat something and take your first bite, I feel like they've invested so many herbs and spices that's why it's so flavorful. Here's the quick-to-go snack that I'm addicted to. I always make sure to bring it wherever and packed like 2-3 packs every time we go out.
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Day 2:
This is where the fun begins! Since my friend had a local best friend, she drove us to this zoo where we watched the Crocodile show and Elephant Show. Being an earth sign and an animal lover since birth - I cannot bear the fact that I'm watching these animals being used for entertainment purposes. So to stop and avoid bawling while watching - I stepped out and went for an ice cream. Their desserts are so good! I don't have a sweet tooth so when it comes to desserts, I prefer sweets with a pinch of creaminess and milkiness on it.
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On our way to the night market, we ate at this local eatery where they serve noodles served with chicken broth soup. It's so good and I feel like they've been boiling the soup for days. Imagine the thick broth and the spices and herbs they've placed on that soup? It's beyond magical. They recommended trying their Jasmine Iced tea which of course I tried and it's new to my palate but it was so refreshing and clears out my taste buds from yesterday's meal.
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Until we came at the night market. Sadly, we only went there for dinner and bought something for like an hour or two since it's raining hard. Good thing we wore sneakers because I'm telling you, in Thailand, you will use your feet and nothing but the feet to go places! Unlike here in Manila, you'll be able to call a cab or Tricycle even if it's just two blocks away. Public Transportation in Thailand is exhausting since their buses are scheduled and have their own destination depending on the number from the front side of the bus.
Day 3:
It's our last day in Thailand! Yes, you've read it right. I only spent 3 good days there since I'll work in the office the next day. Time flies so fast. Before we head to the airport, we tried shopping at their mall. Their malls were the same as ours in Binondo, Divisoria, and Mall of Asia. It's crowded because there are a lot of items on sale! Can you believe that? Even with their food, you can ask for a taste test before buying it! Even their milk tea or any powdered beverages. It's quite good to be honest since you can try it out before purchasing it which is a nice move.
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On our way to the airport, we almost missed our flight! The traffic was insane but I expected it before then since we head out to the airport on a rush hour. Imagine going out around 5pm-6pm and you'll walk along with all of their office workers, students, and everybody in their place! It's fun running at the airport and this is so far the first and most memorable out-of-the-country trip I've ever had.
I learned a lot and I want to see more! You can never go wrong with traveling anywhere! Aside from the people's smiles and food, you will appreciate how amazing every culture per country is.
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