#but id wanna do a collaborative one and i dont think i know enough ppl who'd wanna do smth like that. and it wouldn't be like a big flashy
capricioussun · 6 months
I wanna make a zine so bad but idek what the theme would be
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radiation · 3 years
Some may knowing this some may not...but exactly a year ago was wayneradiotv’s “wayner must survive” 24 hour vr minecraft charity stream benefiting no kid hungry! heres the poster for it:
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due to a whole lot of generous people, the total amount raised was $105,437.09, which is absolutely INSANE and amazing
i didnt really talk about it much when it happened, but I worked on the minecraft mod used in the stream. i thought since it’s been a year, it’d be a good time to go down memory lane and talk about some of the stuff i worked on and funny stories about that and the stream in general! this is gonna be super loose and all over the place but maybe it will be interesting to some1. also this is long as hell so be warned
SO wayner must survive was a 24-hour long stream where wayneradiotv on twitch would be playing minecraft in vr for 24 hours straight to raise money for charity. the premise was that the day/night cycle of minecraft would be in real time. about the first half was during daytime in the game, then when night fell, multile waves of twitch subscribers chosen thru a drawing would come to attack wayne every hour.
it was decided that a minecraft mod would be created for the stream, the purpose of which was to 1. integrate donations with minecraft, with donations triggering a choice of various in-game events as incentives. for example, you could choose to spawn a weak enemy with a custom name, create a sign with custom text, dump a bucket of water on wayne’s head, and other various ways to mostly inconvenience him 2. create interest for viewers through original content that would be revealed over time 3. assist in creating stretch goals, bigger events that would be triggered in game once certain donation milestones were met
honestly i forget details about how i was brought onto the project but it was thru shelly @fetalpile on here, who is a friend & someone i’ve collaborated a lot with since then (including on the game in my pinned message!). she was the director of the mod project. the team that she brought together to work on it ended up being called Team Waterflea (and i actually came up w the name!) I think id describe my role as like, some kind of assistant creative director? and general artist. i helped with general ideation & organization, as well as creation of music, art assets, and builds
i didn’t do much during the actual stream though but i floated around a bit and saw some stuff happening behind the scenes
NEXT im gonna be going over some things i made for the mod. this is just gonna be my own contributions, but i really wanna point out that sooooo many others put so much work on this stuff and did so much more than i did. it would take me AGES to give people credit for all the crazy and awesome stuff they made for it and i dont have ages to write stuff, but just know like. THIS IS the tip of the iceberg, seriously, cannot give everyone else enough credit. but yeah that being said here are some of the things i worked on and some stories about them!!
i’ll start with music & sound:
1. composed a couple music tracks
originally there was talk about having a custom soundtrack for the mod, replacing the default minecraft music, which definitely wasnt gonna work out. so we decided to put some songs on cds instead. i definitely put too much energy into this LOL but i was honestly just excited to write music. in the end it didnt turn out too well, for some reason there was no volume control on ingame music so that shit just blasted. extremely fuckin loud. so it had to be mostly foregone, a lot of other ppls tracks werent played either which is really unfortunate. part of a track i wrote got played but it was so loud it had to get stopped part of the way thru
that being said here are da tracks i wrote! heres the one that got played and heres the one that didnt. i was also working on a third track that was like. a ripoff of clubbed to death basically but i never finished it
oh yeah also i came onto the server during the stream a while after the stream started so i wasnt aware of the whole jank CD situation at all. so i got a jukebox and put in a cd that played fuckinnnnnn this track, meaning to just play it for myself for fun but turned out it was for the whole fuckin server to hear. i think wayne had minecraft audio muted or something because it didnt play on the actual stream (thank god) but i felt SO bad like i had no idea
2. came up with the “pig scare”
can be seen here!
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it was a donation incentive for $69.42? Basically if you donated that amount, wayne would have reduced visibility because of a pig sliding across the screen along with an obnoxious audio track. my idea for the audio was just like... a really annoying bitcrushed midi seinfeld-esque riff. here’s a link to the track i wrote if you wanna hear it more clearly
it’s actually a reference to one of my FAVORITE videos since like. god idk 5 years ago at this point i think? but i had only recently learned actually had ties to the radio tv solutions crew. i will not link the video here for various reasons but there is a reason why its for $69.42 LOL. but yeah i guess i was going for something thatd be a reference for those who are in the know but isnt alienating & could still be entertaining for those who arent. implemented by shelly btw as are a LOT of these things so huge credit to them
3. i voice acted milkwalker!!
U can hear milkwalker in the last clip i linked, but heres a better one
if you know me you know i sound nothing like how the milkwalker voice sounds... i did the voice by 1. going to the basement where nobody could hear me 2. holding my nose 3. straining my voice beyond belief and making it crack 4. pitch shifting the recording to be lower and adding reverb. i think im still pretty happy with it!
the voice clips for taking damage were “uh oh” in which i accidentally channeled the fuckin teletubbies and “owie” which was liiike peacock from skullgirls. that one was more on purpose tho
now, onto builds, which are probably my biggest contribution to the project
as i mentioned before, halfway thru the stream, various waves of "assassins” would come to attack wayne, which is why its called “wayner must survive”. there were 10 waves with groups of 3 people in each wave, and each group was assigned a “class” - theyd use custom skins, attacks, and sometimes armor based on what their class was. this would add variation and mystery to the fights to keep interest! there was a lot of time and thought put into these different classes and they were so fuckin cool and well done, shouts out to everyone who worked on them
to keep them organized and give each class a place to equip their items, we decided on creating dedicated bases for them. i made 8 of these bases, 2 of them were started/mostly completed by others but i dressed up a bit. i also had a little bit of help on interior decoration
i do not know where the file for the minecraft world is and i don’t know if i’ll ever find it, so i’m gonna take screenshots from the VOD and then talk about them. here is the point in the VOD where the builds show up if you wanna watch that instead:
VERY SADLY because i cant find the world, you cant see any of the interiors of the builds, which ended up looking really cool! so i guess youre just gonna have to trust me on that one. if anyone who was an assassin has screenshots please let me know! but yeah enjoy some janky ass screenshots
1. clowns’ tent
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the inside of this one had a little tightrope made of fence that you could jump off to onto a trampoline that was slime blocks covered in carpet!
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2. cliparchers’ watch tower
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clipart + archers. thats it. i was pretty happy with the inside of this one, i had a lot of banners going on and it was kinda multi-tiered. i think this is the one im saddest about losing.. o well
3. wizards’ tower
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floating lanterns!! and futile efforts to limit the growth of vines
4. slayers
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this guys eyes glowed in the dark a little and also kinda followed you! there was also a fireplace and some beds inside, it was pretty cute. i know i put a funny secret message in the top of the hat but i forgot what it was...lost to time. this is one of the ones im happiest with for sure
5. food criminals’ restaurant
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i didn’t make this one, charlotte did, but i helped flesh it out a little and add some different kind of blocks on the outside. this had a drive through window outside and they only served rotisserie chicken. also a fast food restaurant counter inside, some checkerboard flooring, and then a sleeping area upstairs
6. duelists’ millennium puzzle
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this one was really hard to pull off, making a pyramidal shape with the symbol in the middle clear was. tough. im really happy with how it turned considering how insane like. a gold pyramid with detailing also in gold is to make in minecraft. the inside was initially really dark with minimum lighting but mobs KEPT spawning there so i had to lighten it up a lot. it was pretty cool tho it had a kind of altar, nice kinda unnerving atmosphere
7. necromancers’ ss dolphin
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not much 2 say about this one. the necromancers were basically sending ghosts of pikmin after wayne since he killed so many pikmin on his streams of the games. and i naturally made the ss dolphin..OH i did have kind of a cool section by the window for a captains seat and some navigation, put some diff buttons and levers around to make it look functional. also used shulker boxes that were colored the same as the pikmin (red/blue/yellow) to store them
8. artifacters’ ????
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some kinda crazy upside down coral structure hanging by chains for the artifacters. these guys were based off of jpeg artifacting so everything was fucked up and glitchy and weird colors. original design was done by cottoncandywlw and doctor_synthesis so credit to them for that, i just dressed it up a bit, adding the diff coral colors. which was kind of a challenge since colored coral has to be touching water. i had to make creative ways to hide the water it was touching. also you reached it by stepping on a block that teleports you up there, which i thought was really clever @ whoever came up w it
9. engineers’ 2fort
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i couldnt really get a good picture of this one but. yeah. speaks for itself
10. MONKey’s church of all kong
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fuck... i like forgot what the whole church of all-kong thing was about but. monkey monks with red eye motif thatst basically it. i had some help on the interior of this one but i forgot whom it was by. library, spiral staircase, and naturally a bunch of barrels upstairs. shouts out to whoever did that
also on the left is just like. a cherry tree. i was gonna add more for decoration but i didnt have time so it ended up just being confusingly out of place and for some reason i feel embarrassed over it. oh well
here’s a pretty good pic of a few of em!
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but yeah, these were super fun to work on and i loved adding a bunch of little details on the inside to make it more fun for everyone :D
1. wizard spell
i came up with the idea for the “wizard spell” - the wizard class had an attack where they cast a spell that launched various bad ass pictures of wizards at you and then exploded on impact. i gathered the assets for it, here they are. imagine these exploding in your face (the word wizard included)
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2. cliparchers
i made original designs for the bows the cliparchers used, i have the non-resized versions somewhere but i dont wanna get em rn
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a. you bow, that launched you in any direction
b. ddr bow, that launched directional arrows that would push whoever hit around in the direction of the arrow
c. hi bow. if it hit you it said hi
d. drop bow. you hit the ground and make an explosion. deadly when combined with da you bow, u can basically dive bomb people
i tried to make em pretty visually different and also in kind of a clip art style as best as i could for the low resolution!
3. helpty humpty
fuck this guy. scrapped donation goal idea that i wanted to be in way too badly but i hate him now and i hate looking at him. he was basically a bonzi-buddy type virtual buddy that would be “installed” into minecraft once enough donations were made. he would be a pop-up on the screen, basically just a UI element. the idea was that he would just say a bunch of bullshit unhelpful tips, give out fake quests and challenges, and have a really conflicted personality. actually really reminds me of the gnome from the half life alyx streams nowadays in a way? but yeah i drew this and i dont like it. i designed him to be unbearable to look at and i guess i succeeded. ultimately im glad he was scrapped cuz i think the humor and timing couldve easily been a huge miss also we were afraid someonewould think hes attractive. fuck this guy
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other stuff
-the clowns have an attack where they hit you with a cream pie and the pie covers the screen. this waasnt my idea but what was my idea was to superimpose the text “PIE’D!” over the pie splat so it didnt look like uh. something else. and i saw 0 comments about it so i think we succeeded in that
-i had the idea for scorpy to make a fucked up video to play at the end of the stream to celebrate the money being raised and proposed it to wayne who agreed, i cant take credit for anything beyond that vague suggestion but this was the video that was made. it freaked me out at first but now i think its so funny
-my favorite moment from the whole thing was when we were getting really stressed out about the twitch integration not working out. but then we recruited a bunch of really good coders on board who jumped in a call and worked out the issues together and that was like. zen moment. it was amazing hearing people work through the problems and discuss that stuff in real time, just fixing everything super quick and in a really great harmony. that was fuckin crazy and so inspiring
again... has to be said although ive listed my contributions, they are nothing close to all the hard work and effort everyone else put in. this shit was insane, so much money was raised, the twitch integration was PERFECT, like im astounded. 
i hope this wasnt too boring hahaha but i had fun writing it either way :D i am still so so so  thankful that the charity drive was so successful and im really honored to have been involved in something for such a good cause
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