#but in general the rule of thumb I guess is to research whose traditional land you're on
neechees · 4 years
got recs for people who don't want to live in cities and don't have the resources to move countries? im disabled, cities are HELL on me for reasons i dont have space to discuss, so ive always wanted to move to the country w/ abt 10 friends and build a small self sustaining community. I recognize from ur sources now that thats colonialist and racist, but im in poverty and cant immigrate to somewhere where it wouldnt be, do u have recs for what i can do instead to accomodate w/o being colonialist?
I’m not sure moving to the Country to make a self-sustaining community is actually a good idea. What about rural life makes you think it’s easier, even if you plan to be “self sustaining”? Part of the reason I liked living in the city was because of ease of access to things (of course I’m also coming from an abled perspective on this). When you live rurally, you have to 
have access to transportation in some way, meaning a driver and a vehicle OR your own, because half the time you’re miles out from things that you need
a gas station & possible auto repair or place to buy items you need somewhat nearby for said vehicle
once you have the previous two you have to ALSO drive everywhere to get things or for help. Living rural means you may not have quick, direct access to important things that being “self sustaining” can’t exactly help you with, like a hospital or dentist or psychologist or a vet for any pets, or a pharmacy, or a bank, or anywhere else you might need to do your everyday business. There’s also the offchance of things happening where being close to things like a retail store, a mechanic, a firehouse etc is helpful. Shit happens and sometimes its harder to get help with those things when you’re not in a city or a town. And I know you said you want to be “self sustaining” but like being near a grocery store or having access to even a corner store is extremely helpful. And driving longer to get access to those things means paying more for gas.
Like if you’re miserable in the city, I don’t feel like you’re gunna be happier in the country, you’re probably gunna be miserable some other way (or maybe even the same way) in the Country. Like I live on the rez next to the bush and I feel like most people romanticize rural life when they have no idea what it’s actually like, and sometimes it’s inconvenient and annoying. And if you’re disabled that’s something else to consider if you have any specific requirements or aids for that disability. Like moving to the Country might actually make things WORSE, there’s poor people in the Country too. 
My own Mother, growing up, her family had gardened their own food on the rez, my Moosum and uncles hunted regularly for food, my Moosum trapped cougars and lynxes to sell their furs for money, my mom and aunties had to work as teenagers & some of them got welfare when they were able to. When my mom was young sometimes they would use their horses and a wagon to travel places instead of by truck, but even then my mom got into mechanics to try and upkeep the vehicle themselves. Before that my Kohkum was poor and THEY did the same thing and they literally lived in a Cabin my Moosum built himself next to the lake. They lived rurally and were as self-sustaining as they could have possibly been and they were still poor. Even when I was a kid there was like at least 15 of us living in one house with 5 bedrooms. I don’t really presently have any advice for you other than to not to it because I’m pretty sure trying to live in the Countryside isn’t actually the solution to poverty, but if anything might actually make things more inconvenient.
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imitranslates · 6 years
Honjitsu no Kami Oroshi Ch. 4
Sorry for the delay, this one took me quite a bit! Hopefully the next chapters should be done, uh, not quite as belatedly! Reminder that this chapter is viewable until August 12th on the official website!
You can read this chapter at www.ganganonline.com/contents/honzitsu/ by clicking “ [4話] アーサー王 公開! “  in the chapter listing!
Today's Divine Revelation Chapter 4 - The Legend of King Arthur
Page 1
Ryuunosuke: ?
Ryuu: ?
Rin&Ryuu: ........
Page 3
Ryuu: So,
Ryuu: Pull out the knife that was thrust into the pumpkin. (This sure is something.)
Rin: Sorry for bothering you in the middle of work.
My hands are tired, so I can't seem to do it with my strength...
Ryuu: No worries, it's fine! This'll be easy!
Ryuu: Being relied on by my little brother makes me happy...
Rin: I'm really...
Rin: Reeeally reluctant to ask you, but please.
Ryuu: ...Is it really that bad to let me enjoy it? (Every now and then.)
Page 4
Ryuu: Well, anyway. Take a good look at this, little brother.
This is your older brother's true power.
Ryuu: Huuh!
Ryuu: Nnnngh...
Ryuu: Gyah!
Ryuu: My... My wrist...!
Ryuu: (It's tendinitis!!) My wriiiiist!!
Rin: ...
Alright already.
Page 5
Ryuu: Wait, one more time...
Let me try again!! (I'll be able to do it next time!)
Rin: It's distasteful to say things without basis ...Besides,
I don't want to think even less of you than this.
Ryuu: Don't look at me like that!!!
Ryuu: Isn't it bad if you can't pull it out?
Are you using it for dinner?
Rin: No,
I thought I'd make some pumpkin custard.
Ryuu: Flan?
Rin: I bought a pumpkin, but cutting it's more difficult than I thought.
I had some left over vanilla beans.
Ryuu: Ah! (From when I made ice cream!)
Ryuu: (Fushishi) Ehehe, custard!
Even though I didn't ask for it. Custard~~!!
Rin: You're so annoying. Is there a problem?
Ryuu: No, not at all.
Page 6
Ryuu: (Hmm.) Rintarou.
Ryuu: Can we try making King Arthur's pudding?
Rin: Huh? What's that?
Ryuu: Do you know King Arthur?
Rin: Just... the name.
Ryuu: I only read about him when I was a kid, but
Arthur was the king of Britain.
Ryuu: Near the end of the 5th century, the story of a legendary hero who fought with the Saxons spread through the continent.
Ryuu: The story of the Knights of the Round Table, the wizard Merlin, a sacred sword and the Holy Grail...
You could even say that Legend of King Arthur is the first real English fantasy tale.
Rin: Oh... Fantasy, huh... (Not my favorite.)
Page 7
Ryuu: When I told my editor about our divine revelations,
they said I should consider serializing it in a women's magazine.
Ryuu: The Legend of King Arthur is kinda romantic, don't you think?
Rin: Ah...
So it's like that.
(Rin: A king's pudding...)
Rin: Custard's pudding, right? Might as well.
Ryuu: Nice!
Now that it's decided, you should look up how to make pudding!
Rin: Huh? I already know how to make custard...
Ryuu: No, pudding's different!
Rin: Huh?
Page 8
Ryuu: When good King Arthur ruled this land~
Ryuu: If you look it up, you'll understand!
Mother Goose!
Rin: ......
What the heck's that?
[Library search for "Mother Goose"]
Page 9
Rin: (Lately...)
Rin: (I feel like I've become a regular here...)
(Rin: Here it is. It's huge...)
[Mother Goose is...
A general term used for nursery rhymes popular in Britain and America.]
Rin: (These lullabies began as ways to teach English pronunciation, songs to pass down history, songs meant to amuse, etc...
Children of all classes sang these songs during their education.)
Rin: So this stuff
Is what tons of people throughout history used to sing.
Rin: King Arthur appears in here, too, huh.
Page 10
[When good King Arthur ruled this land,   
He was a goodly king;   
He stole three pecks of barley-meal   
To make a bag-pudding.   
A bag-pudding the king did make,   
And stuffed it well with plums;   
And in it put great lumps of fat,   
As big as my two thumbs.]
Rin: ?
Rin: (Barley-meal...? Fat!?
Isn't this supposed to be custard pudding? What's the deal...?)
Book: Pudding: Best Collection
Book: There are all types of pudding!
The History of Pudding.
Sausage and dessert are both "pudding!?"
Rin: ...
(What a pain... This is so over the top...)
Page 11
Rin: ?
Rin: ?
Book: King Arthur and the two swords.
Announcement: The library will be closing shorty.
Page 12
Rin: (Crap!
I was just supposed to be doing a little research, but I got really into it...)
(Rin: It's already this late...)
Rin: (I wasn't able to finish the book about King Arthur, so I ended up checking it out.)
Rin: (The book about pudding, too.
I'll make sure to read it thoroughly la...)
Man: ?
Rin: (What, no way...
What am I getting so excited over?! Come on, me!)
Rin: (This is just some annoying thing I have to do! What's wrong with me?!!)
Page 13
[Those divine revelation menus are my job.]
[Intently doing research and spending long hours in the kitchen]
[Are just part of work.]
Rin: (Right...?)
Page 14
Rin: Why are you here.
Ryuu: I'm taking notes!
Ryuu: I can't cook, but I won't be able to write about it if I stay oblivious!
I'm counting on you to explain!
Rin: (Tch.) Coming in here and demanding something like that...
If you get in the way, you're banned from the kitchen from now on.
(Ryuu: Banned?!)
Ryuu: How cold-hearted...!!!
Rin: So first, the ingredients.
Wheat flour, bread flour, brown sugar,
Spices, raisins, eggs, milk, and suet.
Ryuu: Suet?
(Also known as sukiyaki fat.)
Rin: It's beef fat.
A particular kind that comes from the area around the kidney's.
Page 15
Rin: Recently using butter has been commonplace, but
Since we're making "King Arthur's pudding," I think we should make it the old way.
Ryuu: When you say old, how old is it?
Rin: 17-18th century, I guess.
Rin: Pudding originally referred to a kind of sausage.
Back then, when the fields in fall started to thin out, cattle farmers would slaughter their cattle.
It was common to use organ casing to preserve food for later.
[There are various theories.]
Rin: Only after that, hundreds of years later, did the sweet pudding we have today get developed.
Ryuu: Ah!!
In the old stories of Mother Goose, there was something about sausage pudding!!
Ryuu: I see, so that's why! (I thought that was weird.)
Page 16
Rin: Since it's an old pastry, it's simple to make.
Rin: First, grate up the suet.
(Use a cheese grater or something like it.)
Rin: Mix it together with both flours and the sugar until it looks incorporated, then
Add the raisins, spices, beaten eggs, and milk, and stir it together.
The spices are cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, cloves, and coriander, stuff like that.
Rin: With that, the dough's done.
Rin: Now,
Rin: Next is the interesting part!
First I'll boil this cloth in water.
Ryuu: Huh? The cloth?
Rin: Yeah.
In the 17th century, something called a "pudding cloth" came about.
Rin: This cloth became a substitute for cattle organ lining.
With it, they could easily make pudding all year round.
Page 17
[Dust with flour]
Rin: What we call "basins" now were like private steam-cookers. (I've never seen one myself though.)
Rin: Now, I'll wring out the cloth, spread it out, and sprinkle it with the wheat flour from before.
Then I'll place the dough on top.
Rin: Tie it together into a pouch.
Rin: And submerge it in boiling water!
Ryuu: !!!?
Ryuu: You put it in there?!
Won't it get all soggy?!
Rin: I thought so, too, but
The flour I sprinkled on hardens and becomes like a skin. So it shouldn't get very wet...
Ryuu: Re...
Ryuu: Really...
Page 18
[As the water evaporates, add more hot water.]
Rin: Well, anything's an experience.
To keep the water covering the bag halfway, I'll have to periodically add water over the 2-3 hours it boils.
Ryuu: That's so long!!
So, where's the one you boiled for 2-3 hours?
Rin: There isn't one.
I've been making dinner preparations until now.
Ryuu: ...Hm?
Ryuu: Wait, Rintarou.
What are you doing with that pumpkin?
Rin: What am I doing...?
I thought I'd steam it like this so I could pull the knife out. (Since I can't take it out.)
Ryuu: Stop! Stop!! Just wait a sec!!
Rin: !?
What's the deal?
(Ryuu: No way!!)
(Ryuu: You absolutely cant!!)
Page 19
Ryuu: That kitchen knife...
Please trust in me to pull that knife out later.
Rin: ......
(Rin: Trust in you..?)
Rin: ....
Page 20
Ryuu: Y'know, Rin...
Seeing you in the kitchen has become really common, huh...
Rin: !
Whose fault is that?
Rin: Lately, I feel like I'm always in the kitchen or the library.
Ryuu: Ahh, for your research.
Was the pudding lots of trouble?
Rin: (No.) Just looking up the recipe was easy, but...
Rin: I ended up getting curious about all sorts of things on the way...
Rin: If I remember correctly, the "English people" in King Arthur's time and the Saxons that had come from the continent were different.
Pudding was a traditional dish from those Saxons, but...
Ryuu: Hmm.
Rin: That pudding was also made by King Arthur.
...Isn't that a bit weird?
Ryuu: Haha! I see.
...Yeah, it's a bit weird, but it's not that weird.
Page 21
Ryuu: Because at that time,
Weren't a lot of things changing?
Ryuu: Former enemies became citizens. The shape of the country was changing.
Organ casings became cloth. Models changed.
Ryuu: And those things changed from history to written word.
Ryuu: A simple high school student
Ryuu: Becomes a chef before you know it.
Page 22
Rin: Just when did I become a chef...? (I'm just doing what my job entails.)
Ryuu: Before you know it, I said!
Hey, is your pot okay? (It's almost time, right?)
For just a moment]
[While researching and making all sorts of things]
[Before I knew it, I was enjoying it.]
Page 23
(Finish it off by baking in the oven to dry the outside.)
[Just a little...]
(Prepare a custard sauce drizzle onto the pudding.)
[But that's a secret.]
Ryuu: It's doooone!
[Today's Divine Revelation Menu:
King Arthur's Pudding (with custard sauce)]
Page 24
Ryuu: Thanks for the meal! My very first pudding!
Ryuu: ...
Ryuu: ...Ah...
It's rich... (Really rich.)
Rin: It's really dense!
I wonder if the thick texture is because of the beef fat.
Ryuu: I can smell the spices!
When I smelled the dough earlier, it reminded me of Christmas!
Rin: Yeah, me, too!
Next, I'll try it with the custard on top.
Ryuu: Ah, me too!
Page 25
Ryuu: ...Yeah.
Ryuu: This is really good.
Ryuu: Fancy meals are good, too, but
A traditional dish with a few ingredients, cooked simply,
Ryuu: I feel like I can touch history just by eating it.
Ryuu: Living alongside nature's cycle with their cattle,
Devising new ways to use their wheat and fruits as they ate.
[Ryuunosuke is]
Ryuu: A strong wind blows over the scarce soil...
[Summoning an unseen, far-off legend.]
[Turning back time.]
Ryuu: I can see the capital,
Where a king used to live long ago, in a land far away.
Page 26
Ryuu: And in that place,
Ryuu: Is a sword that only the rightful king can pull out.
Page 28
Ryuu: ...Please
Lend me your power...
Ryuu: I am also a king,
Ordained by literary circles in the future.
Ryuu: Come out!
Page 29
Ryuu: Ex-
Ryuu: cali-
Rin: Huh?
Rin: I thought that was a different sword from Excalibur?
Page 30
Ryuu: ...Eh...?
Rin: Oh, it came out.
Ryuu: Ehh?!
Book: King Arthur is given Excalibur by the Lady of the Lake.
Ryuu: EEEEH?
Ryuu: It really was a different sword. (I didn't know...)
Rin: (The blade's undamaged.)
Rin: I wonder if that was a real revelation...?
[There's multiple patterns.]
Page 31
Girl: Hey!
Girl: Wait...
Schoolgirl: Kya!
What are you doing?!
Girl: I, I'm sorry...
This is grandma's...
The pumpkin I got from my grandmother...
Schoolgirl: That was close! Geez, what are you doing?
Schoolgirl2: Just drop it. Let's go.
Page 32
(Schoolgirl: What a joke... That stuff about her pumpkin...)
Mom: Urara, are you okay!?
Urara: Ah, yeah, I'm fine!
Mom: You scared me...
That's why I said it'd be better to send it by mail!
Now, can you stand? Let's get going.
Urara: Yeah.
Mom: Don't stray off, okay!
Urara: Okay.
Urara: (This is Tokyo...)
Page 33
[This is the city I'll be living in from now on!]
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