#but is even a $5 hourly 'increase' (above expected) rate for a date night... a big deal?
elainemorisi · 2 years
what the hell do people define as a date night, babysitting-wise?
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therebelwrites · 6 years
Shifting (Social) Poles
In the tags of a previous post, I told y’all the Earth’s magnetic field is shifting.
According to science, at one point (multiple points, actually), the Earth’s magnetic poles were on opposite sides of the globe. (What we now know as “north” was “south”-- and vice versa.)
In the history of the Earth, this has happened routinely, creating chaos in the process.
Of course the due date for the next shift is coming, except this time it’ll happen while humans are inhabiting the Earth AND using complex technology.
What does this mean?
Well, because the Earth’s magnetic fields protects the planet from solar radiation and cosmic rays, satellites will begin to malfunction (this is already happening in the South Atlantic), GPS will be a thing of the past, electric grids will be impacted (how you gon make hourly IG posts with no electricity??), can’t flush the toilet with reversed magnetic poles, electronic devices (cell phones!) will be fried by the increased radiation AAAAANNNDD of course humans will be exposed to all these rays, too (and you THINK cancer rates are high already?)
But what does this have to do with the SOCIAL aspect of human life-- right NOW??
Because I told you that I’ve been having a hunch for a long time that white women (who appear to be boring of their perpetual “damsels in the distress” label) secretly admire Black masculinity--the antithesis of what we have been conditioned to view as “white femininity”--so much that they are beginning to DESIRE a taste of it.
This aint a far-fetched statement at all. Katy Perry, the epitome of white femininity, decided that it was a good idea to wear a grill smdh, and there is a book about Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg entitled, “The Notorious RBG”, which is a direct appropriation of the essence of one of the biggest, blackest, HOOD-est,, most irreverent, “snitches get stitches”, “fuck the police”-est Black men ever to exist in the public eye!  HE STARTED OUT AS A DAMN DRUG DEALER in the projects!!! Yet some white person has aligned an elderly, white, female judge with this irrefutable symbol of an individual who everybody in Ruth’s elite circle would undoubtedly label as “dangerous,” “criminal” and “misogynistic.” Also consider the fact that white women have watched for literally hundreds of years as their natural protectors--white MEN-- have waged war against the dangerous, indomitable, pervasive and POWERFUL Black MAN under the guise of “protecting” them (white women). From a psychological standpoint (again, where the psychologists at talking about this??), this imprints at least two things into the white female psyche:
(1) White women are extremely valuable.
(2) Black MEN are as dangerous as they are POWERFUL.
No species would--collectively!-- allocate so much of its time, money, resources, mental, emotional and psychological faculties--EXISTENCE-- into fighting something that they did not view as possessing power, or the ability to hold its own weight as a formidable foe in the ring of life.
White women, watching from their ivory towers the war being waged against the Black man (and by proxy, the Black community), have a bird’s eye view of ALL of this.
Sitting above the battle affords white women the privilege of being able to SEE the entire BATTLEGROUND! Stop actin like white women aren’t aware of shit! The “dumb blond” archetype don’t fool nobody but BLACK folks!
(I’m sure sitting around sulking in privilege all centuries gets boring at some point. One can only SPECTATE for so long before desiring a hand, personal stake in the battle. Think about it.)
A series of events have happened to plant the seeds of this theory inside my soul, but the most recent and most memorable occurrence happened a couple months ago, and--unlike the other situations, which involved white women-- involved a little white girl.
Sitting above her and her family while attending a major league sporting event, I had a eagle’s eye view of the situation.
While gazing past the white family and the Black couple they were sitting next to (the Black male and white male were co-workers) to watch the game (translation: I was in my own damn world!), I kept getting distracted by the actions of the youngest member of the white nuclear (yes, that’s a reference to the dangerous energy produced by the pole shifting, for the geniuses reading this!) family: the daughter.
In a family of extremely blond hair and extremely blue eyes, mommy, daddy, brother and sister, the little girl (who  was probably about 4 or 5 years old), seemed to be completely entranced by her father’s Black co-worker. She mimicked all of his taunts to the players on the field, his exaggerated and loud laughter, his “manly” gestures--literally everything that made him a BLACK MAN.
The interesting thing about this situation is that her energy was from a place of complete admiration--there were not sexual undertones by any means--and it was in direct opposition to not only societal expectations for how a little white girl is supposed to behave, but it was also counter to the expectations of the entire group and even OTHER spectators, such as myself! (Although funny at first, after a while the Black man’s sounds became distracting. I sent him a silent “Maaaan, shut the hell up, wouldja?!”, but stopped short of verbalizing it because he was a nice guy who was just having fun. We were literally at the place for this antics, technically...) Neither of her parents displayed anything close to the behavior of the Black man, nor did they seem to mind. Her brother (who must’ve been about 7), paid the Black man no special attention at all. He was neither annoyed or enamored. But that little girl seemed to be fascinated by the man’s every move. After a while she stopped watching the game and started watching the Black man, waiting to mimic his next move.
Just when I thought that I had been the only person to take notice of this bizarre behavior (the father had chuckled a few times, but I sensed that his pure white daughter being so enthralled by the antics of a Black man--while basically ignoring not just her own father, but the person in whose image she was supposed to have been created in, her mother!-- as he watched a sport was NOT how he had envisioned his family night taking place) the mother abruptly departed with the daughter.
“Bed time,” she said.
And after a brief while, white father and white son also departed, leaving just the Black couple, who made made small talk with me and my guest based on something that they had heard me say earlier which had nothing to do with neither the game taking place, nor what I was observing at the time.
Uh-huh. If yall was able to pay attention to MY conversation while all that was happening, then yall DEFINITELY peeped what was happening with that little white girl. I’m sure everybody saw it, even the spectators sitting above ME (i.e. the other white people)...
This is not to portend the end, complete colonization of Black masculinity. Because LIFE is a GAME, the Creator always provides cheat codes and escape hatches:
Sometimes when the Earth’s magnetic poles attempt to switch positions, they reverse course and abruptly snap back into place. This is called an excursion.
Mind if I drive?
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