#but it seems like she doesn't wabt to hurt people. she wants to do good. she just doesn't know any other way
"This is what God wanted. My faith shall not waver. Sinners must die."
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Traditional art again, this time with colour pencils.
You know every now and then I remember that Amane is twelve. Like she's not that young. She's right for asking us to not treat her differently just because of her age, I would've done the same at her age. She's nearing her teenage years, a time where you tend to feel very strongly about your beliefs, but also a time where you want to question authority. I think she would be very torn internally between questioning the cult and thinking she's a sinner for just considering that something might be wrong with her upbringing. Being mad at herself for doubting that what she did was the right thing. Being mad at the world for not following God's teachings. Praying endlessly to make the sinful thoughts disappear.
I really respect her strength and unwavering will. I just wish she would meet people who could show her that there's other ways of living. Maybe MILGRAM could help her open up to new perspectives. Well not if she's voted guilty and gets restrained I guess.
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