#but it's also different bc the food she's eating on youxiong isnt being made by her FAMILY it's being made by strange ppl
abiik ยท 4 years
(i apologize in advance if i've asked any of these before) what does jason do for zoe on zoe day (with or without keme)? what is zoe's LEAST favorite food? does she turn into a lil dragon to make people laugh? also can she fly? for some reason i always imagined her flying around like cassie in yj. Do's And Dont's List For Intergalactic Travel? least favorite planet she's been on? also does she know that i love her?
what does jason do for zoe on zoe day?
usually, zoe doesnt like to celebrate her own birthday w a big. THING u know. a little acknowledgement goes a long way with her. so she's absolutely fine with jason showing up to have dinner with her or something, even if it's the fattest, greasiest burger in town and they're both dressed in the clothes they've been working in all day. i do think jason would like to give her a little more fanfare and THAT'S where KEME would come in, bc if u can blame the hatching of the giant surprise party on keme then you MIGHT not get punched. but i mostly think that like their lil one-on-one celebration would be something pretty muted.
(keme is a LITTLE upset bc yall went to get BURGERS when i CATERED for this surprise party. and zoe is like how the Fuck was i supposed to know there was CATERING if it's a SURPRISE party??? they both look at jason who is conveniently stuffing his face w the food at the table)
tbh, i think everytime he gets her a present, he either leaves it for her to discover bc he!! cant!! deal!! with!! that!! or if he ends up staying, he cant watch her open it bc EW ๐Ÿคข FEELINGS bc yeah. jason's gifts are probably really thoughtful like. almost everytime.
what is zoe's LEAST favorite food?
hm hMMMM HMMMM. raw tomatoes. bad texture why do they look so juicy. why do they look like that and make u want to bite directly into them and then HAVE THAT TEXTURE HUH? WHY WOULD THEY DO THAT TO SUCH AN INNOCENT LIL LADY?
also, zoe does not fuck w spaghetti i am so sorry to everyone who does. she ๐Ÿคข it makes her gag. no matter how well it's made okay. she will eat all of the lil gsrlic breadsticks tho. for free, no questions asked :)
does she turn into a lil dragon to make people laugh?
so my brother and i, when we were talking about youxiong, found out that zoe and keme's dragon forms would be exponentially BIGGER than youxiong-born people's dragon'a bc they're half-youxiong AND they were born on a planet w a different gravity. but im saying FUCK YOU to him, bc i also included cultivation magic on youxiong so~
YES. it was def a trick w the twins to make them laugh when they were much younger (that sometimes ended w her getting SQUEEZED, a LOT) but like she cant just go waltzin around in front of random ppl w a lil dragon cowboy hat on like 'howdy' and NOT have them have a heart attack, so it mostly stays in the friend/family group
can she fly?
zoe CAN fly. on earth. and most other planets. and in space. but. not on youxiong. not really anyway. it has to do w the intense gravitational pull of the planet, so instead, she and most everyone else, can just like jump high.
everywhere else tho, zoe does that lil floaty fly thingy (so YES like cassie from yj!!)
Do's And Don't's List For Intergalactic Travel?
least favorite planet she's been on?
a water planet that was. ALL water. like literally just. the entire planet was water. everyone lived underwater in lil domes. beautiful place, zoe thought it was GORGEOUS of course. but also, when you're intoxicated half the time, missing home, and haunted by ghosts of your past around every corner as you're trying to WORK it isnt a fun place to be. idk if i've shared this piece of info before but. when zoe was a kid, she almost drowned once, and it was a mortifying thing bc bellamy and kanti had pulled her out of their little pond and zoe had just seemed. fine with dying right then and there in that little pond. but its not the water - she's not afraid of water, she's actually v soothed by it, but during the space cowboy arc she's in an even darker place mentally and then to add on top of it this whole planet being underwater where she can't. GET OUT. like there's not FLYING AWAY if anything bad happens. there's packing everyone up into the ship AND THEN getting out and zoe doesnt. SHE DOESNT LIKE THAT. it's AWFUL. it's very claustrophobic, very reminiscent of a watery grave and she just wants to GET OUT of there ASAP.
does she know that jo loves her?
zoe day!!
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abiik ยท 4 years
hmm upset bc zoe doesnt get to experience her family's food on youxiong
#h talks.#oc: zoe huang#ocs: huang family#ocs: the huangs#obviously she's familiar w SOME of the cuisine bc jiahao had shown bellamy and kanti how to make some of his fav foods#but she cant really just go and slump herself over gran-gran's shoulder and pout until kanti hands her a bowl of chili#or until bellamy hands her a big plate of corn and some frybread to pick at#and like sure there is some shared cuisine across planets bc youxiong DID find refuge on earth at one point#but it's also different bc the food she's eating on youxiong isnt being made by her FAMILY it's being made by strange ppl#she doesnt know who dont care about her#LOVE IS IN THE FOOD and there is no love here#so when she picks at the bowls of broth and congee that she's familiar with eyes lighting up w recognition only to taste NOTHING#like she remembers it as#zoe is like. i hate this place. i want to go home. i hate it here. i just....i want my HOME back i want to LEAVE#and tbh i HAVE thought about the summer camp gays getting into a mess in the yishan sect kitchens#to try and make zoe food that she Likes and xingchen finds them and is like. what are you doing? ur out past curfew AND ur making a mess???#and they're all like. ๐Ÿ‘€ who's gonna tell em? who will take one for the team?#eventually xingchen figures it out and is like. i would............like to be involved............in this..........AS SUPERVISION bc i cant#have you all burning down the kitchens now can i?? hmm yes. good excuse good job. BUT THEN XINGCHEN JUST TAKES OVER BC DAMN ...yall#kinda suck at this and have NO skills in the kitchen HELLLOOO you're putting too little chili oil she likes more than that you're ridiculous#u call urselves her friends [scoffs] now stir. i said stir. good. keep going.#JEOCJELXKELDIELIFELIDEL#youxiong#ANYWAY#love is in the food :)
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