#but it's esp spurred on by one particularly stupid & infamous tumblr post
salvidida · 4 months
Funny how people will be so weird about fma 03's Scar design, citing him being younger/'bishie' compared to the manga and Brotherhood versions as a negative against the first anime adaptation because, let's be real here, a lot of people see this design decision as "feminizing", making him weaker or more palatable at the expense of the role he's meant to play.
Meanwhile 03 Scar, unlike the manga and Broho counterparts, not only is more staunchly anti-military and consistently uses violence and strategies against the system throughout his entire arc, he straight up has a kill count so massive it would make manga + Broho Scars blush (and manga + Broho Elrics have a full existential crisis).
My man never once becomes an Amestrian reformist, never once celebrates the militia (he would have laughed Miles right out of the room if he tried to guilt him for not licking military boots for a scrap of acceptance; in canon he fully declares he has zero pity for soldiers PERIOD) and goes down killing well over 7000+ soldiers and state alchemists in his entire run.
Need I remind everyone that he draws a city-spanning alchemic rune, by himself, with a boulder and a chain to drag it? And lures in the Amestrian invaders by dropping Kimbly's freshly murdered carcass (his doing of course) that he carried with his teeth to the top of a building, while armless and bleeding out? Drawing them further in while dodging gunfire on foot. Iconic. Awe-inspiring. Pure 100% platinum-grade badass.
03 Scar never loses sleep about killing the pigs of a fascist nation, never cedes any ideological or material ground to them, and he could never be shamed out of actively fighting back. Unfortunately we can't say the same for the defanged mangahood Scars. Because despite their more overtly gruff and 'tough' character designs, they're so thoroughly cowed by a small mob of Amestrians who use basic shaming tactics to stop them dead in their tracks and join their side, never to kill another jackbooted hog.
03 Scar clears manga and Brotherhood Scars, easy
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