#but it's only a matter of time until something Gives and some poor rando catches me at the Wrong moment and I fucking lose my mind and take
nad-zeta · 4 years
I kindly ask for a matchup and I completely get it if you don't have the time. pretty stubborn and resilient, no matter I many time I get down I won't admit defeat, though if I'm wrong about something I will admit my fault. I hate the thought of emotionally hurting people i will do everything for those i love, but if I'm wronged by someone I will coldly cut off any ties. I don't believein love at fist sight to me it's something that needs to be nurtured and I charge batteries by being alone.
Hey there, love! Thanx so much for the request and for waiting sooooo long! I hope you enjoy it! ^_^
So I match you with............. Yukimura 
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Hehehe the first time you meet this boy was obviously when he saved you from falling off a freaken cliff. Like, darn you legit could have died. Just based on that fact alone, you saw him as a friend. You haven’t seen the brash boy since. You had been working for Nobunaga for a week now doing random errands like dropping off mail, helping the maids and buying his precious candy from the market. You were coming to enjoy your time in the past and have actually made quite a few friends. You and Ieyasu had become really good friends due to your resilient nature. One day you were out in the market on your candy run. You finally reached the candy merchant only to discover one bag of candy left. Just as you were starting to celebrate the fact that you managed to make it just on time to buy the last bag. A large hand reached over your shoulder to grab it. Hell no you thought. You turned around ready to scold whoever thought they could take advantage of your shortness and jump the queue. When your eyes met his honey brown eyes, you were taken back. You didn’t expect to see ranger rick here. His eyes widened at the same time as yours in recognition and the first words he spoke to you were. “Hey, aren’t you that cliff diving wild boar”. Did he really just call you a wild boar. You were in shock, like you’ve been called many things before but wild boar. You shook your head and poked his chest scolding him for stealing your bag of candy. You may have met you match when it comes to stubbornness cause this boy was just as intent on buying the candy as you. Neither of you backing down from the challenge, insults and witty remarks were flying everywhere. The two of you were so engaged in the battle of stubbornness that you didn’t even notice a third party buy the last bag of candy. When the shop owner promptly announced that he was sold out both of you turned to look at him at the same time with horrified expressions. The two of you walked away from the shop in defeat grumbling at how rude it was for some rando to just steal your candy, like didn’t he see the two of you clearly fighting for it. The two of you then parted ways to go back to your homes empty-handed
The next time you saw Yuki, you laughed your ass off for like 20min at the thought of him selling woman’s jewelry. You had come to the market in hopes of finding boy wonder to apologize for some of the harsh things that you may have said, as you found out that he had actually pre-ordered and paid for the candy in advance (you couldn't understand why he didn't just say something back then. Or why he instead on arguing with you when it clearly was already his candy in the first place, freaken idiot). It actually gave you a good idea to pre-order your own bag next time- to ensure that you would get one. Although, in retrospect, pre-ordering didn’t do Yuki any good in any case, cause both of you had left empty-handed.
 But honestly seeing him sitting behind the girliest cutest accessories made you forget all that. It was seeing Yuki's small pout that helped you to calm down a bit and catch your breath. Before you could invite him to an apology tea you caught sight of a beautifully dainty bracelet. You couldn’t help but admire the workmanship of such a delicate piece. “So, dummy did you come here just to laugh at my livelihood or what”. You couldn’t help but smile at the idiot, he definitely doesn’t have any tact. You invited him to tea, which he gladly accepted. He quickly packed up his shop, and the two of you started walking to the nearest tea house
Spending time with him was surprisingly pleasant. And Yuki definitely didn’t lack a sense of humor. You spent your whole tea date laughing at his stupidly hilarious jokes. You couldn’t help but tease the poor boy for his adorable blush that would spread to the tips of his ears. Of course, it wouldn’t be a date with Yuki if the two of you didn’t stubbornly argue about something, and this time it was about the bill. You insisted on paying as a way to apologize for your rudeness. While he insisted on paying for the same reasons and well at the fact that it wouldn’t feel right for him not to pay. While the two of you were bickering, you decided to order another round of tea and snacks. The sun was busy setting when the two of you finally settled on a compromise. He would pay for this round, and you would pay for the next. And that is how your weekly tea dates with the tactless boy started. During these little get together, the two of you would talk about everything and anything. The two of you actually became really good friends
Yukimura loved your resilient nature, and your refusal to give up no matter how hard a task may get. You had asked your dear friend Yuki to teach you some self-defense cause you noticed that women are basically pretty powerless during these times. And you didn’t want any man trying to take advantage of your, much less kidnapping you to use against Nobunaga. Yuki accepted the challenge with the biggest goofiest grin. The two of you would train early in the morning, it was the perfect time for both of you, For you cause you could sneak out before the castle residence would wake up and for Yuki because he had to run the shop during the day and spy at night. He first taught your hand to hand, and then how to use a sword. He honestly admired your grit; whenever you would be knocked down, you would stand up and get straight back into stance. Honestly, you were thankful for your training cause it had saved you many a time from attempted kidnappings
Your and Yuki’s entering into a relationship was slow. It actually happened one day when he had taken you to his favorite spot to train. It was near a cliff surrounded by a bunch of flowers. You couldn’t really understand why that was his favorite destination until the sun started rising. He pulled you over to sit next to him on the edge of the cliff and watched the sunrise; it was honestly the most beautiful sight you had ever seen. You could see Yuki was being a bit fidgety, and his eyes were filled with a question, but you brushed It off as he offered you a hand up so the two of you could make your way back home before it got too late. On your way down the mountainside, you slipped and twisted your ankle. Yuki immediately crouched down and helped you strap your ankle. He then turned his back to you “Get on dummy, there is no way you can walk on that ankle”. You could feel yourself go red at the offer of a piggyback ride. Yuki lifted you up effortlessly and started walking. You took comfort in the fact that he was just as red as you, evident by his bloodred ears. You couldn’t help but take in his scent, he always smelled so good, like pine trees and spice. Yuki awkwardly started a conversation with you when all of a sudden, he just blurted out that he loved you. You couldn’t help but smile. You nuzzled the back of his neck and rested your head on his shoulder. You hid your face and muttered that you had felt the same way. This boy be happy. When he dropped you off at home, he even surprised you with the dainty piece of jewelry you had eyed in his shop. Honestly, you were overjoyed. Yuki was actually a secret soft under all that talk.
The two of you nurtured your relationship. It definitely helped that it was based on a really good friendship. Whenever the two of you were near each other you always had the goofiest grins on your face, Yuki definitely respected your space and wanting some alone time to recharge. Both of you honestly helped balance the others out. Yuki was very forgive and forget, while you were very set the bridge alight and let it burn. Yuki would sometimes help you forgive and forget someone that had wronged you, and you would help Yuki cut ties with toxic people.
The two of you are incredibly cute together. Both of you kept up your weekly tradition of going on tea date. You really enjoyed each other’s company even if it was just sitting in silence. He would always hold your hand and tangle his legs with yours. You love the blush that would creep over his face whenever he does this. The two you can often be found snuggled together watching the sunrise after your moring training.
Other potential matches.................Ieyasu 
I hope you enjoyed love! Hope you are doing well and staying safe! And once again thanx for the request! 😊
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mobius-prime · 4 years
185. Sonic the Hedgehog #117
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Cyber Race!
Writer: Karl Bollers Pencils: Steven Butler Colors: Jason Jensen
So you may be wondering. How exactly has Eggman managed to survive and even continue his relatively normal operations in a hidden city when his body was destroyed? Well, ever since the destruction of Robotropolis, he and Snively have been stranded as mere snippets of code within cyberspace (…somehow. I mean, were they contained on some kind of external server or something? 'Cause code can't just exist without hardware…). Snively, upon trying to hurry along to a new body in the real world, accidentally catches a ride on some fast-moving zeroes and ones, and suddenly finds himself materializing in a new and improved body… one which makes him tall and handsome, with a head full of hair! He's even more delighted when he realized Eggman didn't follow him, and is ready to take on the world himself without his uncle to give him trouble, when…
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…you know, Snively, he's kind of got a point. Eggman's ego is already so massive that any more being added to the comic would just result in the universe breaking or something.
The Tortoise and the Hedgehog
Writer: Romy Chacon Pencils: Art Mawhinney Colors: Jason Jensen
Within the wind-blasted, desolate Forbidden Zone, a lone hare makes his way through the unforgiving landscape, locating an old abandoned factory in which he's supposed to meet his contact, Tommy Turtle. When he enters, he's surprised to find not only his friend, but also the Fearsome Foursome, Sleuth Dawg, and Drago Wolf grinning down at him unpleasantly.
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The hare quickly agrees with Tommy's tale, explaining that they have been friends ever since they were younger. The hare was much quicker than Tommy and became arrogant because of it, and ended up challenging him to a race that ended, well, exactly as the famous original Tortoise and the Hare story did, with Tommy ultimately winning and gaining the respect of his former bully. The villains seem somewhat unconvinced by the story, but sneeringly escort the hare to a room where he can rest - however, they take Tommy with them, refusing to let the two catch up. Now that the hare is alone, he can pull off his mask and fursuit and reveal his true identity - of course, he's Sonic the Hedgehog, who else? His story was actually true, and he hadn't heard from Tommy all the way since the beginning of the war, assuming he was dead until just recently when he and Sally received a message from him.
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It's quite bizarre to think of Sonic as a bully. After all, in basically every canon, he's a genuinely nice guy who looks after others no matter how strange anyone else might find him - you need look no further than his friendship with Tails in the games, which began when Tails found himself bullied by everyone else until cool-guy Sonic befriended him. Sonic has a big ego, sure, but he's always struck me as the type to extend that confidence to everyone around him - sure, he's super cool and he knows it, but that doesn't make everyone else around him uncool. However, I can indeed see the version of Sonic in the Archieverse being somewhat of a cocky asshole in his youth. I mean, we are talking about Sonic at the age of five years old here. Plenty of little kids can be initially very mean to those around them - especially those suffering from trauma at an early age, like with Sonic losing his parents even before the war started - but later grow up to become compassionate, friendly individuals who protect those same people they would once have mocked. Either way, it's an interesting way to paint the previous personality of the story's hero.
Anyway, Sonic sneaks through the vents to listen in on Tommy's conversation with the others to make sure he's not here against his will, and finds to his dismay that everyone else has gone to the next room to meet with none other than Eggman and Snively, in their new robotic bodies. Drago is slyly trying to sell Eggman back his own former factory, and Eggman, unimpressed, pretends to accept and seals the deal with a handshake… which of course just roboticizes Drago immediately. He then quickly shoots out more of his awful mecha-tentacles to roboticize the Fearsome Foursome as well, but Sleuth holds up Tommy, retracted into his shell, in front of him as a shield, stopping Eggman long enough to get his own word in.
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Tommy regretfully apologizes for his role in the deception, saying he didn't know until it was too late, and Sonic of course forgives him immediately. He leaps away from Eggman's grabby tentacle hands and slides away using Tommy like he's a skateboard. Eggman turns back toward Sleuth, intending to roboticize him before going after Sonic, and Sleuth declares that if he must go then he'll take Eggman with him, and flings a grenade in the enclosed space… which Tommy realizes that they can't both escape the blast of in time.
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So… like, this is a really sad sacrifice scene and all, but I feel like it would have more impact if Tommy wasn't literally just some rando who was never mentioned before this point. He was literally only introduced here to sacrifice himself and teach Sonic a life lesson, but we have no other reasons to care about him. Like, I get the comic doesn't want to just start killing off major characters left and right, but damn, you could at least go for someone or something that would have a little more impact.
Ultimate Power (Part Three)
Writer: Ken Penders Pencils: Dawn Best Colors: Jensen
Before heading to deal with the Dimitri situation, Remington leads Knuckles to a room in the hospital which contains our poor friend Harry. It's unclear exactly what happened, but somehow he's ended up severely injured after giving Mogul a ride, and is missing his payment to boot. Knuckles, after being reassured by the Chaotix that this is a friend of theirs, uses his Chaos abilities to heal Harry enough so he can wake up and speak. While they discuss things, learning that Mogul is behind everything (as they already kind of knew, due to him contacting them about his hostage and everything), Mogul has himself a nice chat with Dimitri in his private room.
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I know I've already pointed it out, but this change in Dimitri's attitude has just been so fascinating. It's obvious he's starting to regret a lot of the more extreme actions he's taken in times past, and truly believes in bringing echidna society back together as one unified whole. While this discussion goes on, Lien-Da and Gae-Na, having heard of the news by now, discuss what their next move should be.
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As practically everyone on the island waits with bated breath, Knuckles teleports into the room Mogul is holding Dimitri in. He angrily demands that Mogul leave and give up his scheme, but Mogul finally shows his hand - he intends to force Knuckles to submit to his own version of the Chaos Syphon, and if Knuckles doesn't do it willingly, he threatens to disconnect Dimitri's life support permanently…
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