#but kumatora is so much morrrreeeee. she's messy & funny & flawed & haunted & maladjusted & brave & cowardly & lonely & so full of love
twothpaste · 6 months
🔥 Kumatora!
Kumatora is so much deeper than she gets credit for. I've made a bunch of analysis posts on her before, apologies to folks who've read all those already, but I'll do a lightning round here. She is the youngest survivor of an apocalypse she'll never remember. She grew up raised amongst gender-nonconforming folks, then had feminine gender conformity suddenly thrust upon her - and hated every second of it. She was given a fabricated "princess" legacy, which she seems to feel she never lived up to anyways. She's both very tough and surprisingly sensitive - the former might even be a front to conceal the latter. She [ definitely ] knew the Masked Man was Claus, and chose not to say anything. She fights on knowing she's gonna lose her whole family, and that she's a part of making it happen. She's got no time to grieve, and she damn well knows it, in stark contrast to Lucas' relationship with loss. M3's writing follows up on very few of these threads, sure. But like! Man, there is so much going on with her!! The amount of stuff that goes unnoticed & unexplored with Kumatora (by both the game itself & the fandom) makes me go hog wild. Fascinating beautiful complex and excellent character. One of the very best in the series.
Bonus: She is definitely a teenager. Idk if this is an unpopular take or not, but I do see a lotta folks assume she's in her 20s during the game. Kid's sprite grows taller after the timeskip, other characters treat her like she's young, she acts like it too. There is no doubt in my mind she's like 16, 18 at the oldest. So when folks portray her as a full-fledged adult within the game's timeframe I'm always like ?? huhhh
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