#but lavender earl grey is my irl favorite and i associated him with it accidentally so now that's His Brew to me
nelyoslegalteam · 2 months
I don’t know murdoc but I still want to know!! hit us with #7: what do they smell like?
black tea. bergamot. lavender. vanilla. maybe just a little bit of orange blossom.
... it's london fog. murdoc smells like london fog to me. specifically london fog made with lavender earl grey. i imagine he wouldn't use perfumes or scented oils or anything like that on himself - that's far too much sensory input - but he creates and blends brews of tea. so i imagine he smells like his craft, as one tends to do.
it helps not only that he likes the smell of tea, but that he always has tea on him, or at least in arm's reach. tea is comforting to him. tea scents are comforting, good sensory input. and you never know when you might need to brew up a nice, warm cup for someone who needs it.
so yeah lmao boy's got tea leaves in his pockets. at least he smells good kjdhfdskjsm.
and thank you so much for indulging me!!! since you've said you don't know him - murdoc is my hobbit bard player character in @potatoobsessed999's tolkienverse d&d campaign, the mirkwood campaign!! i've uh. talked about him quite a bit, if you want to check this out. or this. or this. x3
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