#but let's not be so uptight about who can be trans or not that's worse
transsexualgriffith · 6 months
there are no bad tfem headcanons because every man would be better off as a woman
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the-starry-seas · 2 months
Trans Clone Week 2024 Day 4: During Wartime / Trans4Trans / Hair Braiding
“Hey,” Racer says breathlessly as she ducks into the tent. “Looks like the action’s dying down until tomorrow. Generals are pulling everyone back to the main lines, except for a few scouts.” 
“Did Fury volunteer?” 
“Nah, he’s working on Ember’s helmet tonight.” 
“What about you?” 
“Ah, my dear sibling, you forget your own words.” She slumps over to look shorter – they’re the same height, he wants to say – and deepens her voice comically. “You have an incessant need to yap at people, does it ever stop?” Her posture and voice return to normal. “Incessant means it never stops, dingus.” 
He stares at her and briefly considers the taser on his belt. It’s a recurring thought. Might even call it incessant. 
But he manages to shake it off – mostly – and looks back at his datapad. He was called to a meeting that ended just a few minutes ago, and he’d been hoping to have five minutes to sit down before getting back into the fight. Looks like they might get the entire night off. A rarity, in the middle of a war zone, but he can hope… 
Well, he can be delusional. Peace never comes to people like them. Not even the generals it seems, these days. He misses Osstowla. She wasn’t perfect, but she was better to them than this Stusalv. 
“Whatcha working on?” 
Racer takes his datapad right out of his hands before he can do anything about it. He glares at her, but she’s paying no attention to him. That’s not unusual. 
“I need to finish that, Racer.”
“Aw, c’mon. I haven’t seen you since dinner!” 
“That was twenty minutes ago.” 
“Yeah, and it was a long twenty minutes. C’mon, we can go back to the barracks, hang out a while. Whisper never sees you any more, either.” 
“Whisper tried to bite me four times this week.” 
“Obviously. It’s how xe says xe likes you.” She says that like he should have been able to figure that part out on his own, but he’s not all that sure that she’s correct. “And I’m taking your datapad,” she adds in a sing-songy voice as she starts walking backward, “so you better follow me!” 
He misses the brief seconds where he was the closest a clone could be to a single child, and the rest of his idiots were still in their tubes. He doesn’t remember them. But he knows they were the most peaceful seconds of his life. 
Right now, the only thing she’s correct about, is that she has his datapad. And that does, unfortunately, mean he has to follow her as she waves it over her head like a flag, cheerfully greeting various other clones along the way. 
A few of them give him more solemn nods and a couple sympathetic smiles. He can tell who Racer is friends with, and who Racer has inflicted herself upon. She is certainly… a character. That’s the way he heard those pirates described. And she is worse. He loves her, but she is worse. 
She also finally flops down on a bunk. His bunk, naturally, but he’s so used to that, that he just shoves her feet aside and sits next to her. 
“Can I get my datapad back, now?” 
“Mm, nope. You’re gonna help me out.” 
“Oh, yeah, because I’m so inclined to do that right now.” 
She only grins when he glares at her. 
“Aw, look at you. My baby sibling all grown up and being sarcastic… how the times have changed.” She sighs dramatically and stares off into the middle distance. “Am I the only one who remembers when you were just uptight and anxious?” 
He would love to deny both of those things, but he can’t, not really. So he just sighs and slumps back against the wall. 
“Okay. What do I have to do?” 
Racer lets her hair down from the tie, half of it already loose around her face, and shakes out the rest by whipping her head side to side. 
“Mkay,” she says, swaying back a little like she’s dizzy. “You need girl time.” 
“I’m not a girl.” 
She raises an eyebrow and slowly drags her gaze down his body and back up to his face, like this is some ridiculous nonsense on his part. But she shrugs it off without saying anything – will miracles never cease – and just gets up to stretch. 
“Come on, it’ll be fun. You can forget about your datawork with my scintillating company.” 
He has no idea how she learned the word ‘scintillating’ but she’s certainly using it incorrectly. 
She also sits between his knees and leans her head back. And when he doesn’t do anything, she starts elbowing at the inside of his knee, like he’s a misbehaving massiff of some sort. 
“If I do this,” he asks, starting to run his fingers through her curls, “will you let me be for a while?” 
“Of course not! You get in your head too much, kiddo, you’ve gotta work on that. Worry less and enjoy yourself more.” 
“Oh, like you? Ms One Brain Cell?” 
She does bring out the sass in him. And the worst in him. But sometimes… all right, fine, sometimes she’s not so bad. Even if she has a baffling habit of always calling him a sibling instead of a brother. She doesn’t do that with Fury or Ember. 
But he has to admit, it’s a little calming. Working his fingers through her hair to make sure there’s no knots. Sectioning out the five even strands to make the more complex braids that she favours. She’ll do a five-strand braid sometimes, on either side, to fit it under her helmet. He’s not quite up to that tonight. 
There’s talking as he works. Incessant, just like he called her once, even though he doesn’t exactly remember doing that. But it does sound like something he’d say. 
“Hey, hold your head still,” he murmurs. 
She sighs dramatically but does as he tells her. And he’s halfway done already, so she won’t be bothered by him for too much longer. She’ll probably run off, as soon as he’s done. Find Fury to plan mischief with, or Whisper to bother. 
“Got that hair tie?” he asks. She hands it over her shoulder, and he murmurs a thanks as he wraps it around the end. “All right. You’re good to go.” 
She pulls the braid over the front of her shoulder, running her fingers over the plaits, looking for anything out of place. She must not find anything, because she hops up to her feet so quickly that it startles him. 
“This is why you’re my favourite little sibling.” 
“You can just call me a brother, you know,” he can’t help saying. 
She turns to look at him, like she can’t quite figure him out. Funny, that’s usually the look he gives her. 
“Ohhh,” she murmurs after a few moments, and grins at him. “Gotcha. Yeah. Sure. Just let me know when you figure it out.” 
And then she reaches out to ruffle his hair, like she knows he hates. 
“I don’t have anything to figure out,” he scowls at her as he tries to put his curls back into place. “Except why you always do that.” 
“‘Cause it’s fun for me.” She picks up his datapad and settles back into his bunk with him. “You want help with this?” 
“I didn’t know you could read.” 
She grabs his pillow and shoves it against the side of his face with one hand. By the time he gets it off to the side, she’s already got his datawork open and is filling out the next line. 
He really didn’t know she could do that. 
“So you’re… really going to help,” he realises. 
“Yeah. Like I said, you’re my favourite. Don’t worry about it, okay? Just take a nap.” 
It’s late enough in the evening that if he goes to bed now, he won’t wake up until breakfast. He knows that. So does she. And if she thinks it’s all right… 
He doesn’t consciously decide either way, but he’s snoring with his head on her thigh by the time the others come back to the barracks. For once, he doesn’t hear a thing.
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mimssides · 4 years
Ooh, for the ask game, which songs are When He Sees Me, Fly Me To The Moon, and I Do Adore?? What can I say, I’m a romantic. Also, Defying Gravity from Wicked— who was that? That’s just an amazing song. Is it Roman?
Uuuh I like your choices anon!
When He Sees Me: So, this is Logan’s general view on romantic relationships. He is afraid to put himself out there without knowing what he will get in return and he is a little terrified of what that can be. Especially what it would mean if he actually would like a guy. | Or even worse he could be very nice, have lovely eyes / And make me laugh, come out of hiding / What do I do with that? | He is afraid of being seen the way he is and in a sense he doesn’t believe that someone could possibly love all of him. Also, a relationship which would be so strong that he comes out of his shell is new terretory for him but he doesn’t know how to feel about that at all. | What if he opens up a door / And I can't close it? | Both of these feears apply to his relationships with Patton and Remus. Patton, a man he knows for a very long time and knows him a lot better than the rest of the others. Patton, who has proven that he accepts all of Logan already (he is the only one at the beginning who knows that Lo is trans). Remus, this ridiculous loud man who is suprisingly considerate and empathetic in his very own way. Remus, who defys social norms and is supportive to a fault and has a brain much more brilliant than he had ever dared to dream of.
Fly Me To The Moon: So this is Logan’s feelings towards Remus. Yes, you read right. Very, very soft intrulogical. In the the whole song you have indirect statments which are later revealed to be love confessions or asks for affections. | Let me play among the stars ... In other words, hold my hand ...  Fill my heart with song / Let me sing forevermore ...  In other words, please be true / In other words, I love you | Logan feels deeply for Remus and he admires his mind and actions. He knows that he understands him on a very deep level. And that he will understand his words and gestures for what they mean underneath it all. He is grateful for Remus letting him be subtle with his display of affection but also wants to show him how much he really does adore him. How much he feels for him and how special Remus is to him. Which is why this quite poetic song is the one Logan associates most with Remus.
I Do Adore: The third Logan one! This is how Logan feels towards Patton. Patton just dosen’t make sense to Logan. He never has. The kindness and silliness he protrays warms Logan’s chest everytime he talks with him. He has liked him back in High School quite a bit but now that he knows him properly he has fallen even deeper. Despite being very different in many aspects they somehow find themselves agreeing and helping each other out very often. | We're as different as can be / I've noticed you're remarkably relaxed / And I'm overly uptight / We balance out each other nicely | Patton probably is Logan’s first real crush and love and his feeling still refuse to seize away after all the time, which is pretty inconvinient for the otherwise so stern and serious Logan. But in the end he finds himself enjoying to be with Patton. To feel the way he does feel fuzzy and a little silly himself when he is with Patton and gets to be relaxed and warm for a change.
Defying Gravity: Yes! It is Roman! Defying Gravity is just such a good unhinged Roman song in general, not just in this AU. But let’s get to it. With Elphaba finally letting go of false hopes and stop playing by the rules of the game she moves on to fullfill her own dreams. To be her own person and do what she wants to do even if that means she had to do it alone. Roman admires Elphaba’s boldness and her bravery to make that step on her own. It’s something he desperatly wants as well. To do something he wants and do it on his own. But he is too scared and insecure to try and instead remains where he is, just dreaming of the big stages and a little bit of fame. But unlike Elphaba the people he loves love him back and do so unconditionally, which is why he is no longer so sad when he hears this song which reminds him for freedom and potential. (Also his friends and family will help Roman acomplish some of his dreams to our Drama Boy’s delight❤️)
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