#but like i need an idiot's guide to swarm i think bc even with good chars for it
thingswhatareawesome · 6 months
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got serval (and lc) to 80, now all chars that i've put any work into are maxed, save for asta's lc still being at 75. but will finish that tomorrow. going to work on luka and sampo soon to have a dot team with serval. but that'll be after i (hopefully) get and max argenti and blade in 1.5/1.6.
traces are wip. traces are always wip.
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ubercharge · 7 years
i have no visuals just some tips that worked well for myself and my successful groups for anyone who 1. wants to beat junkenstein because the achievement sprays are cute and/or 2. is too lazy to look up a full reddit guide or hasn’t gotten around to it. also this is not for legendary. finished that shit last year not bothering this year no fucking thanks
to preface: kinda like mvm (remember when i blogged about that?), ow pve is easier when you know the patterns of the mobs, positioning for yourself, timing abilities, roles of your desired class(es), and generally know what you’re doing. it’ll be easier with practice and repetition, if you’re willing to put in the time and effort.
or you can just have a reference that tells you when shit is coming.
overall ideal comp is zen, torb, mccree, s76
if you pick widow or genji while i’m trying to do an achievement and you aren’t 3.5k sr at the lowest i will leave during hero select. i’m sorry. but i’ve been wounded too much.
you can swap s76 for a good (GOOD) hanzo who can scatter tires and zen for a good (GOOD) ana. since her dmg was nerfed, zen’s better if you’re not a pro. still, do not underestimate the power of nanonoon. also sleep darts. mccree will likely be up left meaning you shouldn’t expect flash to bail you out in mid if you get hooked or whatever.
call for healing if you need it for fuck’s sake
imo best turret spots are on the right ledge or square post left of mid. i think it can also be placed on staircase, but i haven’t tried this.
turret left pulls boss aggro off teammates and is easier to repair, turret right ledge might take less dmg (i’m not 100% sure on that)
dps: best posi as mccree is top left. i can handle 90% of mobs and tires there myself, then i peck at mid when i have time. really either of the non-torb dps can be up there, the other dps should be around mid with torb and zen
aim for headshots or at least the neck. the bots move in a pretty linear fashion and slowly which makes headshotting easy.
imo torb & zen should be watching for any stray mobs going for door - important if you’re going for no dmg achievement. s76 is also good for cleanup, but don’t leave that job to mchanzoburstdamageduo
as mccree i generally focus on the non-bosses and leave bosses to my team unless i’m ulting, in harder modes the blue guys hit HARD and you want them down before they accumulate. you can probably get mccree ult for pretty much every boss wave but many teams suck ass at cleanup
torb: pick up scrap when it’s safe to do so (you’ll get a feel of when the waves are in between/more chill), i generally spread armour around the door area and -
torb: THIS IS CRUCIAL plz leave a pack or two on the left staircase if you can spare it (healer takes armour priority tho). the left dps can then pick up armour without having to go all the way back to mid, which is very helpful as mccree so you can just roll back the staircase and bam you get armour! those extra few seconds spent grabbing armour are better spent taking out at least like 3 bots, and torb can toss it onto staircase easily.
it’s also ez for torb to toss armour to the high left ledge (you might have a widow/hanzo up there) and the right ledge if anyone’s perched there
i prefer using mccree ult for mercy, junk, symm, reaper, then hog in that order. with ~70% accuracy you can charge it in maybe 30 secs. don’t be scared to use ult.
reaper isn’t too hard to handle bc he comes right into the thick mess of things and scatter/helix + cc (if available) + the other dmg should take care of him quickly.
for junk use mccree or hanzo ult. neither will ohko him (unless nanonoon), but both should take 80-90% of his hp. and mchanzo, don’t just let him live, he’ll destroy torb’s turret which is your fourth dps and pal.
hog takes some more 𝒻𝒾𝓃𝑒𝓈𝓈𝑒, mccree’s ult (don’t get hooked) takes a good chunk of his hp, you might want hanzo/s76 for other mob cleanup, ana should biobomb as soon as he heals. cc is helpful here too. if i’m in mid i save flash for when he hooks someone. 
for mercy use mccree ult and don’t get hooked. when she comes out i usually take her along with most of junk’s hp then finish junk off before doing cleanup. you can nail them both in one go w/ nanonoon though. also if you don’t ohko mercy, prioritize her for obvious reasons, then get junk.
for the first symm (wave 6) mccree back up to mid and get on right ledge, wait for her shield to fuck off, then ult her. for the next two symms (wave 10), i help the team take the first one out, then i ult the 2nd symm so we don’t get overrun. first is generally easier to kill w/o mccree ult. there was a game where i ulted both of them to kill the first and leave the 2nd at maybe 10% hp which worked well but ymmv
mostly seen hanzo and s76′s ult for larger crowd control, quick tire kills, but of course also to lay down some extra dmg on bosses. their ults (and torb’s) are good for when you’re starting to get overrun.
before symm spawns and if possible, hanzo can take junk’s ledge so he can take out shield gen immediately without being microwaved which is what will happen if you stay on left ledge. doing this will pull symm’s m2 aggro to hanzo which he can easily dodge (don’t fucking die to symm’s m2) while the team does cleanup. but try to kill her/both symms before the next wave starts and more shit starts happening.
you can also perch junk’s ledge with widow, genji, s76 (rocket jump? that sounds dangerous) depending on which achievement you’re going for.
i prefer not having the hanzo/genji/widow/whatever useless teammate on junk’s ledge when they don’t have a symm to deal with because they generally do a shit job up there and it’s easier for them to miss stray bots and tires they could’ve otherwise gotten if they were in mid
if you’re gonna ‘main’ mccree for junkenstein besides the obvious aim good/don’t get hooked basics, try to get a feel for how often you can get your ult up. you’ll DEFINITELY want (possibly even need) it for mercy, junk, and symm. so while you can ult pretty frequently, just be aware of when you’ll really need it and how long it takes for you to get it.
zen ult when your idiot teammates are dying
ana ult for nanonoon or if your team is bad you might need to clutch ult
torb ult pretty much whenever there’re a bunch of bots (preferably at least one boss) on the field, it charges fast. just try to have it for when your team is getting swarmed or things are getting a little hard to handle.
if you’re going for no dmg to the door, seriously watch out for those tires and cleanup. as i mentioned earlier, mccree can almost always (or always, if you are better than my <100% accuracy) take the left tires, hanzo and s76′s scatter/helix are excellent burst to do a good amount of damage, and everyone’s m1 also does a chunk of dmg. make sure you’re paying attention to wherever they’re coming from and handle them. it’s easier for them to fuck you over in later waves when you also have multiple bosses to contend with.
i let this post sit in another tab for like half an hour and completely lost my train of thought. sorry about that.
oh yeah remember to spray because i recall literally nobody other than myself spraying in this gamemode and that sucks because we had so many fantastic spray bonding moments during uprising
also there are little clovers roughly marking the boss spawn points if you wanna photobomb (cutscenebomb?) them :)
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