#but like im a fiend for pistachio
drakefridge44-blog · 5 years
Three Easy & Healthy Snacks I’m Loving Lately
This post is in partnership with FAGE. Thanks for supporting the brands that make Hummusapien possible!
I’m a self-proclaimed snacking FIEND.
Why? Because snacking is kind of like a mini meal and I love experiencing different flavors and textures all throughout the day. Not only is snacking super enjoyable for me, but it also keeps both my mood and blood sugar happy campers throughout the day. I always recommend that clients listen to their hunger cues when it comes to needing a satiating snack, but every three to four hours is typical for most people. For me, it changes week to week. Sometimes I’ll have waffles with nut butter and fruit for breakfast and be full till 1pm and some days I’ll have eggs with a couple pieces of avocado toast and I’m hungry a couple hours later.
Depending on our age, gender, activity level, and genetics, we all have different hunger and fullness levels. Listen to your body and try one of these creative, simple, and oh so yummy wholesome snack ideas next time the snack attack hits ya hard!
When I’m Craving Sweet: Salted Chocolate PB Banana Bites
Looking for an easy, healthy snack that doubles as a little treat? You’re in the right place! Healthy fats, carbs, a little sweet AND salty–gang’s all here.
TO MAKE: Line a small baking sheet with parchment paper. Slice two small bananas into coins and spread into an even layer on lined baking sheet. Melt 3 tbsp chocolate chips in a small bowl in 20-second increments, stirring, until melted. Drizzle bananas evenly with melted chocolate. Next, drizzle with a big spoonful of creamy salted peanut butter. Add a sprinkle of coconut flakes and lastly, kosher salt. Enjoy right away or freeze for anywhere from 20 minutes to overnight and then dig in. I like them equally semi-frozen and completely frozen!
When I’m On the Go: Total FAGE 2% Split Cup
Talk about flavor + nutrition on the run! I love Greek yogurt for a lot of reasons, but FAGE Total 2% Split Cup (especially the Blueberry) is my go-to for the 3pm hunger beast because the fruit is right there ready for dipping. You can also choose how much flavor you want to use. I love getting a bite of rich and creamy yogurt and dipping it into the blueberries versus having it pre-mixed because the flavor and texture is more intense. I find that the 2% is the right balance of creaminess since it has a bit of satiating fat that we all know I love so dearly, not to mention the fact that it has more protein than sugar: 12g of protein and 11g of sugar.
I’ve been eating FAGE since middle school when my mom used to buy it for us (and she still does!) so working with FAGE on this post felt really full circle. Aaaand I’d be lying if I said I haven’t eaten it in the car. We’ve all been there! To find FAGE Total Split Cups near you, click here.
When I’m Craving Salty: DIY Savory Trail Mix
I love nuts as a salty snack so lately I’ve been making my own trail mix. I used pecans and pistachios because I had them on hand, but use whatever nut or seed that floats your boat, like walnuts, pumpkin seeds, or cashews.
TO MAKE: In a medium bowl, combine 1/4 cup each of shelled pistachios, pecans, unsweetened coconut flakes, and dry-roasted edamame (or sub another nut). Add 1/2 cup of whole grain cereal of choice (I used toasted O’s). Sprinkle liberally with smoked paprika, salt, and pepper, stirring to combine. Store in an air-tight container.
What snacks are you loving lately? Share in the comments!
Source: https://www.hummusapien.com/healthy-snacks-im-loving-lately/
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gaienenkidou · 7 years
@hibikikohakus tagged me to do this lets gooo i have to tag like 20 people but im lazy so if u wanna do it u can do it
Nickname: tiff, jacqueline or any kin name. or u can jus call me sandra lmao
Gender: female
Starsign: cancer
Height: 5 ft 8 inches i wanna be 6 feet so bad
Time right now: 9:30 pm
Last thing I googled: making fiends (and gatekeeper trio)
Favorite Bands: last dinosaurs, two door cinema club, foster the people and band maid are godly, im not big on bands tho
Favorite Solo Artists: CL, porter robinson, mai yamane, madeon, fkj, junko yagami, and estelle. theres more but these are top priority
Song Stuck in Your Head: fkj-skyline and porter robinson-shelter
Last movie I watched: the girl who leapt through time (and like, 30 minutes of the spongebob movie)
Last Tv show I watched: i rarely watch tv uhh…lakewood plaza turbo
When did you create your blog: i made this blog in 2016 cuz i deleted naohibi for very personal reasons that is now over so i erased it for nothing ((((: ive been here since 2013 though when i had naohibi
When did your blog reached its peak: only in my dreams will i reach my peak again :‘0 i havent made it there again yet but my blackout post blew up recently, nothing really came out of it though, no new friends just a few compliments…i want more friends :^( naohibi reached its peak when i made bad blazblue memes tho lmao it was fun while it lasted! i should make a promo post soon…
Do you have any other blogs: im the founding father of @rhythmheavenimagines! its great and i love managing it :3c (if the mods see this i love and appreciate yall so much….) i have a n/s/fw blog too but ya gonna have to check my about or ask for it off anon
Do you get asks regularly: in my dreams
Why you chose your URL: it was the only tokyo 7th sisters url open…lmao (i wanna change it to gatekeepertrio cuz i have it hoarded and im not big with t7s anymore i still love it tho)
Following: idk
Posts: idk probably a big number tho
Pokemon team: pokemon go is bad we play the actual pokemon games like REAL MEN
Favorite colors: mint or pistachio green, pastel pink and yellow! red is cool too
Average hours of sleep: i have insomnia so sometimes 30 minutes, sometimes 14 hours
Favorite characters: this portion was a mistake paprika (my actual husband that i love and appreciate), koishi komeiji, yuugi hoshiguma, bayonetta, kirari moroboshi, saltwater, macne nana, answer, baiken, gallade, sceptile, diesel springer from the fucking robots movie im going to holler at my own self, drossel von flugel, hairdresser octopus, radicles, vendetta from making fiends and not really top priority but stahl and felicia from fire emblem (i have to edit my comfort list soon lmao)
What are you wearing right now: a striped outfit that i dont feel like describing
How many blankets do you sleep with: two whole blankie
Dream job: botanist or florist, just something with plants or animals would be cool
Dream trip: anywhere out of this fuckin country lmao. probably somewhere in japan not because of weeb reasons but just because im genuinely interested in what it has to offer
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