#but like. lady anne likely contributed to darcy's classism but she doesn't seem to have had any impact on wickham
anghraine · 4 months
I have a more reasonable post in drafts, but ... despite cherishing my hatred of Arvedui close to my heart, I think my most towering, irrational, seething loathing of a character idealized by the narrative despite him making some dubious choices as far as I'm concerned is in Pride and Prejudice.
No, not Jane. I love Jane and she's strong just the way she is! But I never feel more inclined to just reject what every single character and the narrative is saying than when it comes to Darcy and Georgiana's father/Wickham's godfather.
Yes, he died years before P&P starts and we never meet him and he was super nice and everyone loved him. None of these things can stop the force of my hatred, though! I think he screwed up badly with both Wickham and Darcy, I don't buy their excuses for him, and I want to believe Elizabeth thoroughly redecorates that one room at Pemberley that's currently being maintained exactly the way Darcy and Georgiana's father liked it (down to a picture of Wickham still being kept there, half a decade after their father died).
There's something mildly unsettling to me about the shadow this man casts over nearly everyone he came into contact with, long after his death. Be free of him!!
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